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Alberta into a state of emergency, and travellers were <a href="https:////">cautioned about visiting<\/strong><\/a> the country. Smoke from the fires <a href="https:////">reached as far as Europe<\/strong><\/a> in an unprecedented burn the likes of which haven\u2019t been seen in 34 years.<\/p>\n<p>This week, a series of lightning storms in British Columbia triggered over 100 new fires, bringing the country\u2019s total to 3,412 this year, with 339 burning out of control.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7724152,7690468\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Forest fires grow in number and intensity around the world<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Wildfire season has started. Here's what Europe's doing wrong<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>The fires in Canada are \u201cout of control\u201d<\/h2><p>British Columbia\u2019s Wildfire Service said almost 200 of the fires were ranked as \u2018out of control\u2019, while officials warned of challenging conditions. Lightning storms are forecast for most of the week along with above-average temperatures throughout the central interior of the province.<\/p>\n<p>Campfires have been now banned in much of the province. During the announcement, Bowinin Ma, British Columbia\u2019s minister of emergency management, said BC expected \u201ccontinued extreme fire behaviour\u201d after 115 fires were sparked by lightning over the weekend.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.646\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Adrian Wyld&#47;AP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/384x248_cmsv2_184a7002-93f4-55af-9245-21a4aa208ef1-7744678.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/640x413_cmsv2_184a7002-93f4-55af-9245-21a4aa208ef1-7744678.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/750x485_cmsv2_184a7002-93f4-55af-9245-21a4aa208ef1-7744678.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/828x535_cmsv2_184a7002-93f4-55af-9245-21a4aa208ef1-7744678.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/1080x698_cmsv2_184a7002-93f4-55af-9245-21a4aa208ef1-7744678.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/1200x775_cmsv2_184a7002-93f4-55af-9245-21a4aa208ef1-7744678.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/1920x1240_cmsv2_184a7002-93f4-55af-9245-21a4aa208ef1-7744678.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Smoke plumes are seen in the forest along with burnt areas near Lebel-sur-Quevillon, Quebec, Wednesday, July 5, 2023<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Adrian Wyld&#47;AP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>This year\u2019s fires have \u201cbroken records\u201d<\/h2><p>Last week, the Canadian Forest Service said these wildfires had already broken records for total areas burned, the number of people forced to evacuate their homes and the cost of fighting the blazes.<\/p>\n<p>Environment Canada said a high of 33 degrees Celsius in Fort Nelson broke a 64-year-old record there on Sunday.<\/p>\n<p>So far this year there have been 3,412 fires, well above the 10-year average of 2,751. The fires have burned 8.8 million hectares (27.7 million acres) \u2013 a size equivalent to Serbia, exceeding the record of 7.6 million hectares (18.7 million acres) set in 1989.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7711378,7665472\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Haze from Canadian wildfires eases as reinforcements from abroad arrive<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Smoke from Canada\u2019s wildfires has reached Europe. Will it affect\u00a0air\u00a0quality?<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Wildfires come with serious health concerns<\/h2><p>Officials have also been cautioning residents on the significant health risks of wildfire smoke, which has been blanketing major US cities as well as Canada\u2019s urban areas.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-freeform\nwidget--size-xlarge\nwidget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <blockquote class=\"instagram-media\" data-instgrm-permalink=\"https:\/\/\/reel\/CtTWhbvvjgx\/?utm_source=ig_embed&utm_campaign=loading\" data-instgrm-version=\"14\" style=\" background:#FFF; border:0; border-radius:3px; box-shadow:0 0 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.5),0 1px 10px 0 rgba(0,0,0,0.15); margin: 1px; max-width:540px; min-width:326px; padding:0; width:99.375%; width:-webkit-calc(100% - 2px); width:calc(100% - 2px);\"><div style=\"padding:16px;\"> <a href="https:////\%22 style=\" background:#FFFFFF; line-height:0; padding:0 0; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; width:100%;\" target=\"_blank\"> <div style=\" display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center;\"> <div style=\"background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 40px; margin-right: 14px; width: 40px;\"><\/div> <div style=\"display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center;\"> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 100px;\"><\/div> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 60px;\"><\/div><\/div><\/div><div style=\"padding: 19% 0;\"><\/div> <div style=\"display:block; height:50px; margin:0 auto 12px; width:50px;\"><svg width=\"50px\" height=\"50px\" viewBox=\"0 0 60 60\" version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"https:\/\/\/2000\/svg\" xmlns:xlink=\"https:\/\/\/1999\/xlink\"><g stroke=\"none\" stroke-width=\"1\" fill=\"none\" fill-rule=\"evenodd\"><g transform=\"translate(-511.000000, -20.000000)\" fill=\"#000000\"><g><path d=\"M556.869,30.41 C554.814,30.41 553.148,32.076 553.148,34.131 C553.148,36.186 554.814,37.852 556.869,37.852 C558.924,37.852 560.59,36.186 560.59,34.131 C560.59,32.076 558.924,30.41 556.869,30.41 M541,60.657 C535.114,60.657 530.342,55.887 530.342,50 C530.342,44.114 535.114,39.342 541,39.342 C546.887,39.342 551.658,44.114 551.658,50 C551.658,55.887 546.887,60.657 541,60.657 M541,33.886 C532.1,33.886 524.886,41.1 524.886,50 C524.886,58.899 532.1,66.113 541,66.113 C549.9,66.113 557.115,58.899 557.115,50 C557.115,41.1 549.9,33.886 541,33.886 M565.378,62.101 C565.244,65.022 564.756,66.606 564.346,67.663 C563.803,69.06 563.154,70.057 562.106,71.106 C561.058,72.155 560.06,72.803 558.662,73.347 C557.607,73.757 556.021,74.244 553.102,74.378 C549.944,74.521 548.997,74.552 541,74.552 C533.003,74.552 532.056,74.521 528.898,74.378 C525.979,74.244 524.393,73.757 523.338,73.347 C521.94,72.803 520.942,72.155 519.894,71.106 C518.846,70.057 518.197,69.06 517.654,67.663 C517.244,66.606 516.755,65.022 516.623,62.101 C516.479,58.943 516.448,57.996 516.448,50 C516.448,42.003 516.479,41.056 516.623,37.899 C516.755,34.978 517.244,33.391 517.654,32.338 C518.197,30.938 518.846,29.942 519.894,28.894 C520.942,27.846 521.94,27.196 523.338,26.654 C524.393,26.244 525.979,25.756 528.898,25.623 C532.057,25.479 533.004,25.448 541,25.448 C548.997,25.448 549.943,25.479 553.102,25.623 C556.021,25.756 557.607,26.244 558.662,26.654 C560.06,27.196 561.058,27.846 562.106,28.894 C563.154,29.942 563.803,30.938 564.346,32.338 C564.756,33.391 565.244,34.978 565.378,37.899 C565.522,41.056 565.552,42.003 565.552,50 C565.552,57.996 565.522,58.943 565.378,62.101 M570.82,37.631 C570.674,34.438 570.167,32.258 569.425,30.349 C568.659,28.377 567.633,26.702 565.965,25.035 C564.297,23.368 562.623,22.342 560.652,21.575 C558.743,20.834 556.562,20.326 553.369,20.18 C550.169,20.033 549.148,20 541,20 C532.853,20 531.831,20.033 528.631,20.18 C525.438,20.326 523.257,20.834 521.349,21.575 C519.376,22.342 517.703,23.368 516.035,25.035 C514.368,26.702 513.342,28.377 512.574,30.349 C511.834,32.258 511.326,34.438 511.181,37.631 C511.035,40.831 511,41.851 511,50 C511,58.147 511.035,59.17 511.181,62.369 C511.326,65.562 511.834,67.743 512.574,69.651 C513.342,71.625 514.368,73.296 516.035,74.965 C517.703,76.634 519.376,77.658 521.349,78.425 C523.257,79.167 525.438,79.673 528.631,79.82 C531.831,79.965 532.853,80.001 541,80.001 C549.148,80.001 550.169,79.965 553.369,79.82 C556.562,79.673 558.743,79.167 560.652,78.425 C562.623,77.658 564.297,76.634 565.965,74.965 C567.633,73.296 568.659,71.625 569.425,69.651 C570.167,67.743 570.674,65.562 570.82,62.369 C570.966,59.17 571,58.147 571,50 C571,41.851 570.966,40.831 570.82,37.631\"><\/path><\/g><\/g><\/g><\/svg><\/div><div style=\"padding-top: 8px;\"> <div style=\" color:#3897f0; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:550; line-height:18px;\">View this post on Instagram<\/div><\/div><div style=\"padding: 12.5% 0;\"><\/div> <div style=\"display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;\"><div> <div style=\"background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);\"><\/div> <div style=\"background-color: #F4F4F4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;\"><\/div> <div style=\"background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);\"><\/div><\/div><div style=\"margin-left: 8px;\"> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;\"><\/div> <div style=\" width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; transform: translateX(16px) translateY(-4px) rotate(30deg)\"><\/div><\/div><div style=\"margin-left: auto;\"> <div style=\" width: 0px; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-right: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(16px);\"><\/div> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; flex-grow: 0; height: 12px; width: 16px; transform: translateY(-4px);\"><\/div> <div style=\" width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 8px solid #F4F4F4; border-left: 8px solid transparent; transform: translateY(-4px) translateX(8px);\"><\/div><\/div><\/div> <div style=\"display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex-grow: 1; justify-content: center; margin-bottom: 24px;\"> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; margin-bottom: 6px; width: 224px;\"><\/div> <div style=\" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 4px; flex-grow: 0; height: 14px; width: 144px;\"><\/div><\/div><\/a><p style=\" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;\"><a href="https:////\%22 style=\" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px; text-decoration:none;\" target=\"_blank\">A post shared by Euronews Green (@euronewsgreen)<\/a><\/p><\/div><\/blockquote> <script async src="////"> \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Marie-Eve H\u00e9roux, manager of air quality assessment for Health Canada, explained, \u201cIt\u2019s really the fine particles, the ones that are very small and not visible to the human eye that get deep into our lungs and bloodstream \u2013 those are the ones we\u2019re most concerned with in terms of health risk.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>The gases in wildfire smoke can cause chest pain, shortness of breath and coughing, and are particularly dangerous for people with heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma.<\/p>\n<p>Such smoke is responsible for making Toronto\u2019s air some of the worst in the world in recent weeks.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.6233333333333333\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Adrian Wyld&#47;AP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/384x239_cmsv2_08b88b69-d69a-5ce1-ac21-e6fe4b04d4cc-7744678.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/640x399_cmsv2_08b88b69-d69a-5ce1-ac21-e6fe4b04d4cc-7744678.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/750x467_cmsv2_08b88b69-d69a-5ce1-ac21-e6fe4b04d4cc-7744678.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/828x516_cmsv2_08b88b69-d69a-5ce1-ac21-e6fe4b04d4cc-7744678.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/1080x673_cmsv2_08b88b69-d69a-5ce1-ac21-e6fe4b04d4cc-7744678.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/1200x748_cmsv2_08b88b69-d69a-5ce1-ac21-e6fe4b04d4cc-7744678.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/1920x1197_cmsv2_08b88b69-d69a-5ce1-ac21-e6fe4b04d4cc-7744678.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Society of Protection of Forests from Fire (SOPFEU) prevention agent Melanie Morin walks through an area of burned forest in the area surrounding Lebel-sur-Quevillon, Quebec,<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Adrian Wyld&#47;AP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Wildfires have significant cost impacts<\/h2><p>While loss of life is the most significant concern in managing these natural disasters, there are hefty financial costs too.<\/p>\n<p>An American Economics Association report earlier this year noted that fire suppression costs in the US were considerable, citing that between 1995 and 2016 output for 11 states was estimated at more than $13 billion USD (approximately 12 billion euros).<\/p>\n<p>Across the US, the five-year average for federal suppression costs totals over $2.8 billion USD annually (approximately 2.5 billion euros).<\/p>\n<p>Michael Norton, director general of the Northern Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service said that while fire suppression efforts typically cost one billion Canadian dollars (approximately 686 billion euros) annually, this year will probably set a new record.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThe total cost of wildfires to the economy and society is a much bigger question,\u201d he said.<\/p>\n<p>Indeed, with some areas seeing schools closed, sports games cancelled and workers being sent home, there\u2019s a broader financial impact than just the cost of putting out the fires.<\/p>\n<p>Last year, researchers at <a href="https:////">Stanford analysed the impact of wildfires on the average US citizen\u2019s income and found that one day of smoke exposure equated to a 0.1 per cent loss of earnings. The total income loss across the United States per day being about 2 per cent of all income, or $125 million USD (approximately 114 million euros).<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1689090563,"publishedAt":1689092349,"updatedAt":1689092628,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/green\/2023\/07\/11\/storms-cause-record-breaking-wildfires-in-canada-as-british-columbia-burns","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/74\/46\/78\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_ef129b5b-12c1-57cd-b3bd-86ffedd80ba2-7744678.jpg","altText":"Flames from the Donnie Creek wildfire burn along a ridge top north of Fort St. John, British Columbia, Sunday, July 2, 2023.","caption":"Flames from the Donnie Creek wildfire burn along a ridge top north of Fort St. John, British Columbia, Sunday, July 2, 2023.","captionCredit":"AP 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nomads: Canada has launched a new remote work scheme. Here\u2019s what you need to know","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Digital nomad visa: How to work, live and travel in Canada","titleListing2":"Digital nomads: Canada has launched a new remote work scheme. Here\u2019s what you need to know","leadin":"Canada has launched a remote work scheme. Here\u2019s what you need to know.","summary":"Canada has launched a remote work scheme. Here\u2019s what you need to know.","url":"digital-nomads-canada-has-launched-a-new-remote-work-scheme-heres-what-you-need-to-know","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Working from home getting you down? Good news - Canada is developing a digital nomad strategy. \n\nUnder the scheme, remote workers will be able to live and work in the North American country for up to six months. \n\nThe move aims to address Canada\u2019s skill shortage, according to Immigration Minister Sean Fraser. \n\nSo if you\u2019re keen to work while skiing in the Rocky Mountains or exploring some of the world\u2019s most liveable cities , here\u2019s everything you need to know. \n\nHow will the Canadian digital nomad scheme work? \n\nDetails of the scheme are still being developed. \n\nBut under current Canadian immigration rules, a digital nomad employed by a foreign company only needs visitor status to relocate to Canada for up to six months at a time. \n\nIt has no salary threshold, making it one of the most relaxed remote working schemes in the world. \n\nYou can apply for a visitor visa here . \n\n\u201cIn the months ahead, IRCC will collaborate with public and private partners alike to determine whether additional policies to attract digital nomads to Canada would be desirable,\u201d says a Canadian government press statement. \n\nRemote workers who are offered employment by a Canadian company will be able to stay for longer, Fraser says, by applying for a temporary work permit. \n\nIncoming workers will \"spend money in communities in this country,\u201d he hopes. \n\nThe government has announced two other initiatives to poach overseas talent. \n\nThe first is specific to the tech industry. \n\nBy the end of 2022, the federal government will be developing an \u201cinnovation\u201d stream for \u201csome of the world's most talented people that will be able to come to Canada to work for tech companies, whether they have a job offer or not,\u201d Fraser promises. \n\nThe program will target in-demand occupations that have not yet been specified. \n\nThe third program is a work-permit scheme for Americans . \n\nWhy should you work remotely in Canada? \n\nIn bustling cities like Toronto and Vancouver, visitors can immerse themselves in world-class museums and buzzing nightlife. \n\nEarlier this year, a report by online printing company Solopress ranked Toronto the eighth best city in the world for remote workers. \n\nThe cost of hot-desking per month in the city is around $196 (\u20ac135), while the city\u2019s wifi speed is 19 mb\/s. \n\nAll but the most rural areas have good internet connection and amenities, meaning would-be nomads have plenty of options. \n\nYou won\u2019t struggle to fill your time out-of-office, either. \n\nTowering peaks, thundering waterfalls and glacial lakes - Canada has no shortage of natural wonders. \n\nFrom hiking in the Canadian Rockies and kayaking along the rugged coastlines of Nova Scotia to spotting wildlife in national parks like Banff and Jasper, nature-enthusiasts are spoilt for choice. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Working from home getting you down? Good news - Canada is developing a digital nomad strategy.<\/p>\n<p>Under the scheme, remote workers will be able to live and work in the North American country for up to six months.<\/p>\n<p>The move aims to address <a href="https:////">Canada/u2019s skill shortage, according to Immigration Minister Sean Fraser.<\/p>\n<p>So if you\u2019re keen to work while skiing in the Rocky Mountains or exploring some of the world\u2019s most <a href="https:////">liveable cities<\/strong><\/a>, here\u2019s everything you need to know.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7633230,7608736\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Sunshine, high wages and new rules: Australia's working holiday visa opens up to over 30s<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Want to meet other digital nomads? These are the most - and least - popular European countries<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>How will the Canadian digital nomad scheme work?<\/h2><p>Details of the scheme are still being developed.<\/p>\n<p>But under current Canadian immigration rules, a digital nomad employed by a foreign company only needs visitor status to relocate to <a href="https:////">Canada for up to six months at a time.<\/p>\n<p>It has no salary threshold, making it one of the most relaxed remote working schemes in the world.<\/p>\n<p>You can apply for a visitor visa <a href="https:////">here./n

/u201cIn the months ahead, IRCC will collaborate with public and private partners alike to determine whether additional policies to attract digital nomads to <a href="https:////">Canada would be desirable,\u201d says a Canadian government press statement.<\/p>\n<p>Remote workers who are offered employment by a Canadian company will be able to stay for longer, Fraser says, by applying for a temporary work permit.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"canva\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/61\/02\/384x216_cmsv2_fd6eb0a4-4870-5bd9-b167-0b7d38dcb8d9-7716102.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/61\/02\/640x360_cmsv2_fd6eb0a4-4870-5bd9-b167-0b7d38dcb8d9-7716102.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/61\/02\/750x422_cmsv2_fd6eb0a4-4870-5bd9-b167-0b7d38dcb8d9-7716102.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/61\/02\/828x466_cmsv2_fd6eb0a4-4870-5bd9-b167-0b7d38dcb8d9-7716102.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/61\/02\/1080x608_cmsv2_fd6eb0a4-4870-5bd9-b167-0b7d38dcb8d9-7716102.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/61\/02\/1200x675_cmsv2_fd6eb0a4-4870-5bd9-b167-0b7d38dcb8d9-7716102.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/61\/02\/1920x1080_cmsv2_fd6eb0a4-4870-5bd9-b167-0b7d38dcb8d9-7716102.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Toronto is one of the most liveable cities in the world.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">canva<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Incoming workers will \"spend money in communities in this country,\u201d he hopes.<\/p>\n<p>The government has announced two other initiatives to poach overseas talent.<\/p>\n<p>The first is specific to the <a href="https:////">tech industry.<\/p>\n<p>By the end of 2022, the federal government will be developing an \u201cinnovation\u201d stream for \u201csome of the world&#039;s most talented people that will be able to come to Canada to work for tech companies, whether they have a job offer or not,\u201d Fraser promises.<\/p>\n<p>The program will target in-demand occupations that have not yet been specified.<\/p>\n<p>The third program is a work-permit scheme for <a href="https:////">Americans./n

Why should you work remotely in Canada?<\/h2><p>In bustling cities like <a href="https:////">Toronto and Vancouver, visitors can immerse themselves in world-class museums and buzzing nightlife.<\/p>\n<p>Earlier this year, a report by online printing company Solopress ranked Toronto the eighth best city in the world for remote workers.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7725210,7143882\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Want to move to Europe? Here are all the countries where you can apply for a digital\u00a0nomad\u00a0visa<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Caviar and cocktails: Simplon-Orient-Express launches new route from Brussels to Venice<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>The cost of hot-desking per month in the city is around $196 (\u20ac135), while the city\u2019s wifi speed is 19 mb\/s.<\/p>\n<p>All but <a href="https:////">the most rural areas<\/strong><\/a> have good internet connection and amenities, meaning would-be nomads have plenty of options.<\/p>\n<p>You won\u2019t struggle to fill your time out-of-office, either.<\/p>\n<p>Towering peaks, thundering <a href="https:////">waterfalls and glacial <a href="https:////">lakes - Canada has no shortage of natural wonders.<\/p>\n<p>From hiking in the Canadian Rockies and kayaking along the rugged coastlines of Nova Scotia to spotting wildlife in national parks like Banff and Jasper, nature-enthusiasts are spoilt for choice.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1688035926,"publishedAt":1688037443,"updatedAt":1688396924,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/travel\/2023\/06\/29\/digital-nomads-canada-has-launched-a-new-remote-work-scheme-heres-what-you-need-to-know","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/61\/02\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_df573aef-ca6e-5738-ab9c-4986dcdaa142-7716102.jpg","altText":"Canada allows digital nomads to live and work in the country for up to six months.","caption":"Canada allows digital nomads to live and work in the country for up to six months.","captionCredit":"Canva","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/61\/02\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_fd6eb0a4-4870-5bd9-b167-0b7d38dcb8d9-7716102.jpg","altText":"Toronto is one of the most liveable cities in the world. ","caption":"Toronto is one of the most liveable cities in the world. ","captionCredit":"canva","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"elton","title":"Charlotte Elton","twitter":null}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":44,"slug":"canada","urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","titleRaw":"Canada"},{"id":24502,"slug":"digital-nomad","urlSafeValue":"digital-nomad","title":"digital nomad","titleRaw":"digital nomad"},{"id":24504,"slug":"remote-working","urlSafeValue":"remote-working","title":"remote working","titleRaw":"remote working"},{"id":4326,"slug":"toronto","urlSafeValue":"toronto","title":"Toronto","titleRaw":"Toronto"},{"id":4322,"slug":"vancouver","urlSafeValue":"vancouver","title":"Vancouver","titleRaw":"Vancouver"},{"id":18848,"slug":"visa","urlSafeValue":"visa","title":"visa","titleRaw":"visa"}],"widgets":[{"slug":"image","count":1},{"slug":"related","count":2}],"related":[],"technicalTags":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"travel-news","urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel News","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/travel\/travel-news\/travel-news"},"vertical":"travel","verticals":[{"id":7,"slug":"travel","urlSafeValue":"travel","title":"Travel"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":7,"slug":"travel","urlSafeValue":"travel","title":"Travel"},"themes":[{"id":"travel-news","urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel News","url":"\/\/\/travel\/travel-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":21,"urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel-news"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','gs_careers_remoteworking','gs_careers','gs_travel','sm_politics','gs_politics','wfh_jan_2020','neg_facebook_2021','gs_politics_issues_policy','gs_politics_misc','gs_travel_holidays','gt_positive','gs_tech_computing','bespoke_kaspersky','neg_bucherer','shadow9hu7_pos_ukrainecrisis'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"storyTranslationMethod":[],"localisation":[],"path":"\/travel\/2023\/06\/29\/digital-nomads-canada-has-launched-a-new-remote-work-scheme-heres-what-you-need-to-know","lastModified":1688396924},{"id":2308294,"cid":7711378,"versionId":2,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230627_GNSU_52214820","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Smoke from Canada\u2019s wildfires has reached Europe. Will it affect\u00a0air\u00a0quality?","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"How will smoke from Canada\u2019s wildfires affect Europe?","titleListing2":"Smoke from Canada\u2019s wildfires has reached Europe. Will it affect\u00a0air\u00a0quality?","leadin":"At the beginning of June, the smoke reached Norway. \n","summary":"At the beginning of June, the smoke reached Norway. \n","url":"smoke-from-canadas-wildfires-has-reached-europe-will-it-affect-air-quality","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Canada is currently experiencing the worst wildfire season on record. \n\nAt least 75,000,00 hectares across the country have already burnt and there are still several months of peak wildfire season to come. \n\nAfter covering the east coast of North America, clouds of smoke from the blazes have now drifted across the Atlantic to Europe. \n\nHere\u2019s how the smog has travelled and the effects it could have on the continent. \n\nSmoke from Canadian wildfires has reached Europe \n\nOn Monday 26 June, smoke from Canada\u2019s raging wildfires could be seen across western Europe using satellite imagery, the UK Met Office reports. \n\nThe smog travelled across the Atlantic Ocean via the jet stream - a fast flowing air current in the Earth\u2019s atmosphere. \n\nAt the beginning of June, the smoke reached Norway and on Monday, it also arrived in the UK. \n\nFor the remainder of the week, the smoke will remain in the upper levels of the atmosphere over Europe, forecasts predict. \n\nAs the smoke enters the atmosphere at high altitudes, it is able to linger for longer and travel long distances. \n\nWill the Canada wildfire smoke affect air quality in Europe? \n\nEarlier this month, the wildfire smoke enveloped New York City in a hazardous orange haze. \n\nResidents were advised to remain indoors as much as possible. \n\n\u201cThis is detrimental to people\u2019s health,\u201d New York Governor Kathy Hochul warned. \n\nBut in Europe, the effects will not be the same. The smoke will not lead to any significant worsening of air quality for residents as it will remain in the upper layers of the atmosphere. \n\nIt could, however, lead to some picturesque scenes in our skies. \n\n\u201cWhilst the smoke is high up in the atmosphere, it may make for some vivid sunrises and sunsets in the next few days,\u201d the Met Office wrote on Twitter. \n\nCanada wildfires are the worst on record \n\nIn Canada, the blazes continue to rage across multiple provinces. On 26 June, there were 27 new wildfires, according to the National Fire Situation Report. \n\nWhile air quality in Europe has not been affected, many areas of North America are seeing dangerous conditions. \n\nIn Ottawa, Canada\u2019s capital city, the air quality was deemed as \u201chigh risk\u201d over the weekend. \n\nResidents experienced a slight reprieve on Monday thanks to stormy weather and wind changes, but the smoke is likely to return later in the week. \n\nAir quality warnings have also been issued in the US including in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana. \n\n\u201cWe\u2019re seeing more and more of these fires because of climate change,\u201d tweeted Canada\u2019s prime minister Justin Trudeau. \n\n\u201cThese fires are affecting everyday routines, lives and livelihoods, and our air quality. We\u2019ll keep working - here at home and with partners around the world - to tackle climate change and address its impacts.\u201d \n\nDirect links between the wildfires in Canada this month and climate change have not been confirmed by scientists. But in general, the climate crisis is provoking more fire-inducing conditions. \n\nA 2021 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that dry, windy and hot weather conditions, which increase the chances of fire taking hold, will become more common in some places, including Atlantic Canada and the US , as climate change worsens. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Canada is currently experiencing the worst wildfire season on record.<\/p>\n<p>At least 75,000,00 hectares across the country have already burnt and there are still several months of peak wildfire season to come.<\/p>\n<p>After covering the east coast of North America, clouds of smoke from the blazes have now drifted across the Atlantic to Europe.<\/p>\n<p>Here\u2019s how the smog has travelled and the effects it could have on the continent.<\/p>\n<h2>Smoke from Canadian wildfires has reached Europe<\/h2><p>On Monday 26 June, smoke from Canada\u2019s raging <a href="https:////">wildfires could be seen across western Europe using satellite imagery, the UK Met Office reports.<\/p>\n<p>The smog travelled across the Atlantic Ocean via the jet stream - a fast flowing air current in the Earth\u2019s atmosphere.<\/p>\n<p>At the beginning of June, the smoke reached Norway and on Monday, it also arrived in the UK.<\/p>\n<p>For the remainder of the week, the smoke will remain in the upper levels of the atmosphere over Europe, forecasts predict.<\/p>\n<p>As the smoke enters the atmosphere at high altitudes, it is able to linger for longer and travel long distances.<\/p>\n<h2>Will the Canada wildfire smoke affect air quality in Europe?<\/h2><p>Earlier this month, the wildfire smoke enveloped <a href="https:////">New York City<\/strong><\/a> in a hazardous orange haze.<\/p>\n<p>Residents were advised to remain indoors as much as possible.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThis is detrimental to people\u2019s health,\u201d New York Governor Kathy Hochul warned.<\/p>\n<p>But in Europe, the effects will not be the same. The smoke will not lead to any significant worsening of air quality for residents as it will remain in the upper layers of the atmosphere.<\/p>\n<p>It could, however, lead to some picturesque scenes in our skies.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cWhilst the smoke is high up in the atmosphere, it may make for some vivid sunrises and sunsets in the next few days,\u201d the Met Office wrote on Twitter.<\/p>\n<h2>Canada wildfires are the worst on record<\/h2><p>In Canada, the blazes continue to rage across multiple provinces. On 26 June, there were 27 new wildfires, according to the National Fire Situation Report.<\/p>\n<p>While air quality in Europe has not been affected, many areas of North America are seeing dangerous conditions.<\/p>\n<p>In Ottawa, Canada\u2019s capital city, the air quality was deemed as \u201chigh risk\u201d over the weekend.<\/p>\n<p>Residents experienced a slight reprieve on Monday thanks to stormy weather and wind changes, but the smoke is likely to return later in the week.<\/p>\n<p>Air quality warnings have also been issued in the US including in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Indiana.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cWe\u2019re seeing more and more of these fires because of climate change,\u201d tweeted Canada\u2019s prime minister Justin Trudeau.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7660992,7653618\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Canada travel warning: Everything you need to know about travelling during wildfires<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Canada fires: Millions breathing hazardous air as smoke spreads south into US<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>\u201cThese fires are affecting everyday routines, lives and livelihoods, and our air quality. We\u2019ll keep working - here at home and with partners around the world - to tackle climate change and address its impacts.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Direct links between the wildfires in Canada this month and <a href="https:////">climate change<\/strong><\/a> have not been confirmed by scientists. But in general, the climate crisis is provoking more fire-inducing conditions.<\/p>\n<p>A 2021 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that dry, windy and hot weather conditions, which increase the chances of fire taking hold, will become more common in some places, including Atlantic Canada and the <a href="https:////">US, as climate change worsens.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1687875525,"publishedAt":1687875880,"updatedAt":1687938440,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/green\/2023\/06\/27\/smoke-from-canadas-wildfires-has-reached-europe-will-it-affect-air-quality","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/71\/13\/78\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_f820485e-2791-5e8e-9db0-c383361735ca-7711378.jpg","altText":"In Ottawa, Canada\u2019s capital city, the air quality was deemed as \u201chigh risk\u201d over the weekend. ","caption":"In Ottawa, Canada\u2019s capital city, the air quality was deemed as \u201chigh risk\u201d over the weekend. ","captionCredit":"Marcus Kauffman","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":4848,"height":3746}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"hughes","title":"Rebecca Ann Hughes","twitter":null}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":44,"slug":"canada","urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","titleRaw":"Canada"},{"id":25370,"slug":"wildfires","urlSafeValue":"wildfires","title":"Wildfires","titleRaw":"Wildfires"},{"id":7994,"slug":"forest-fires","urlSafeValue":"forest-fires","title":"Forest fires","titleRaw":"Forest fires"},{"id":15386,"slug":"climate-change","urlSafeValue":"climate-change","title":"climate change","titleRaw":"climate change"},{"id":12227,"slug":"air-pollution","urlSafeValue":"air-pollution","title":"Air pollution","titleRaw":"Air pollution"},{"id":14500,"slug":"atlantic-ocean","urlSafeValue":"atlantic-ocean","title":"Atlantic Ocean","titleRaw":"Atlantic Ocean"}],"widgets":[{"slug":"related","count":1}],"related":[],"technicalTags":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"green-news","urlSafeValue":"green-news","title":"Green News","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/green\/green-news\/green-news"},"vertical":"green","verticals":[{"id":8,"slug":"green","urlSafeValue":"green","title":"Green"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":8,"slug":"green","urlSafeValue":"green","title":"Green"},"themes":[{"id":"green-news","urlSafeValue":"green-news","title":"Green News","url":"\/\/\/green\/green-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":35,"urlSafeValue":"green-news","title":"Green-news"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_science','gs_science_geography','progressivemedia','gs_science_environ','gs_science_environment','gs_travel','gt_negative','castrol_negative_uk','neg_mobkoi_castrol','gs_science_weather','gt_negative_fear','gs_travel_locations','neg_saudiaramco','neg_audi_list2','climatechange'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/green\/2023\/06\/27\/smoke-from-canadas-wildfires-has-reached-europe-will-it-affect-air-quality","lastModified":1687938440},{"id":2304400,"cid":7699876,"versionId":2,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230622_S5SU_52155802","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Why the Titan submarine disappearance led to public schadenfreude","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Why the Titan submarine disappearance led to public schadenfreude","titleListing2":"Why the Titan submarine disappearance led to public schadenfreude","leadin":"Following the confirmation by the U.S. Coast Guard regarding the tragic loss of all five individuals aboard the Titan submersible, which had been missing since last Sunday, Jonny Walfisz asks why this particular case caused so much joy for so many online. ","summary":"Following the confirmation by the U.S. Coast Guard regarding the tragic loss of all five individuals aboard the Titan submersible, which had been missing since last Sunday, Jonny Walfisz asks why this particular case caused so much joy for so many online. ","url":"why-the-titan-submarine-disappearance-led-to-public-schadenfreude","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"After an intense five-day search operation, the devastating outcome of the ill-fated Titan submersible's expedition to explore the deep-sea remains of the Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean has come to light. The discovery of major sections of the submersible has left no hope for the survival of the five-man crew, presumed to have met an instantaneous death when the vessel imploded. \n\nThe dire circumstances surrounding the tragedy were not entirely unforeseen. James Cameron , renowned director of the iconic 1997 Titanic movie and a veteran of 33 dives to the wreck, has voiced his apprehensions regarding the experimental nature of the submersible's engineering. He suggested \"arrogance and hubris\" led to the disastrous demise of both vessels. \n\nFor the past week, the disappearance of the submersible has captured widespread attention, generating a flurry of discussions across social media and extensive coverage in the press.\u00a0 \n\nOn social media, the general conversation was driven by mass amusement in the situation. Details have emerged about the Titan submersible that have seemingly pushed internet commenters into a frenzy. From the off-brand bluetooth PlayStation controller they adapted to control the craft, to the escape door that can only be opened from the outside; the entire endeavour outwardly seems designed to go wrong. Added to that each participant paid $250,000 for the pleasure, and the irony isn\u2019t hard to see. \n\nMoreover, the unfolding drama had another peculiar and risible side plot. One of the passenger\u2019s stepsons was seen on Twitter trying to leverage the situation to get a meet & greet at a Blink 182 concert. \n\nThat the situation for the Titan submersible has echoes of the tragicomic storyline to Ruben \u00d6stlund\u2019s 2022 Palme D\u2019Or winning film Triangle of Sadness is hard to ignore. In Triangle of Sadness , as with many of \u00d6stlund\u2019s films, wealthy feckless people meet grim endings directly as a result of their over-indulgent capitalist interests. \n\nLast year, Triangle of Sadness was accompanied by The Menu , Glass Onion and the second series of \u2018The White Lotus\u2019 as an emergent genre best described as \u201ceat the rich\u201d. Ranging from horror to comedy, all three allowed audiences to take pleasure in watching the lives of the egregiously wealthy come undone. \n\nEven with this year\u2019s final season of \u2018Succession\u2019, there is little appetite for empathising with the 0.1% of society anymore. The Titan submersible\u2019s disappearance though has transformed these tales into reality. The five passengers in the vessel included Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate; private jet dealer Hamish Harding from Britain; Paul-Henry Nargeolet, a French explorer with the rights to the Titanic wreck; and father and son duo Shahzada and Suleman Dawood, from one of Pakistan\u2019s wealthiest families. Suleman is just 19 years old. \n\nThe tenor of people\u2019s commentary has also functioned as almost a litmus test for their broader political views. \n\nAsh Sarkar, senior editor at Novara Media tweeted: \u201cIf the super-rich can spend \u00a3250,000 on vanity jaunts 2.4 miles beneath the ocean then they're not being taxed enough.\u201d As a woman of colour who writes left-wing opinion pieces, Sarkar is a regular target for right-wing attacks. For her tweet, she received a familiar backlash of commentators claiming her comments were cruel and dehumanising. \n\nMany, however, have pointed out that Sarkar\u2019s comments cut to the heart of what made those \u201ceat the rich\u201d films so enjoyable. The kinds of people who have enough wealth to spend frivolously on a trip to the wreckage of the Titanic are likely the same that have entrenched increasing inequality issues in society. \n\nIt\u2019s also worth pointing out that the grand scale and expense of the search for the five wealthy passengers onboard Titan is in stark contrast to the migrant boat that sank off the coast of Greece this month , drowning at least 78 refugees from Afghanistan and Pakistan. \n\nThe situation surrounding the Titan tragedy is no doubt a terrifying one. A father and son and three other men perished in horrifying circumstances. That they were there of their own accord will hardly be any comfort to their families. The way so much of the internet has engaged in widespread\u00a0schadenfreude over the situation is fascinating. \n\nAlthough many remained concerned for the lives of the passengers, the broad vindicated and jovial tone that many posters took is indicative of the growing sense of societal inequality. For those who thought the tone of films like Triangle of Sadness and The Menu were too on the nose, it's clear that an appetite has developed for watching the wealthy reap what they sow. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>After an intense five-day search operation, the <a href="https:////">devastating outcome of the ill-fated Titan submersible&#039;s expedition<\/strong><\/a> to explore the deep-sea remains of the Titanic in the Atlantic Ocean has come to light. The discovery of major sections of the submersible has left no hope for the survival of the five-man crew, presumed to have met an instantaneous death when the vessel imploded.<\/p>\n<p>The dire circumstances surrounding the tragedy were not entirely unforeseen. <a href="https:////">James Cameron<\/strong><\/a>, renowned director of the <a href="https:////">iconic 1997 Titanic movie<\/strong><\/a> and a veteran of 33 dives to the wreck, has voiced his apprehensions regarding the experimental nature of the submersible&#039;s engineering. He suggested <a href="https:////">/"arrogance and hubris\"<\/strong><\/a> led to the disastrous demise of both vessels.<\/p>\n<p>For the past week, the disappearance of the submersible has captured widespread attention, generating a flurry of discussions across social media and extensive coverage in the press.\u00a0<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7688106\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">'Catastrophic loss of pressure' killed all onboard Titan sub - US Coast Guard<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>On social media, the general conversation was driven by mass amusement in the situation. Details have emerged about the Titan submersible that have seemingly pushed internet commenters into a frenzy. From the off-brand bluetooth PlayStation controller they adapted to control the craft, to the escape door that can only be opened from the outside; the entire endeavour outwardly seems designed to go wrong. Added to that each participant paid $250,000 for the pleasure, and the irony isn\u2019t hard to see.<\/p>\n<p>Moreover, the unfolding drama had another peculiar and risible side plot. One of the passenger\u2019s stepsons was seen on Twitter trying to leverage the situation to get a meet &amp; greet at a Blink 182 concert.<\/p>\n<p>That the situation for the Titan submersible has echoes of the tragicomic storyline to <a href="https:////">Ruben \u00d6stlund\u2019s<\/strong><\/a> 2022 Palme D\u2019Or winning film <em>Triangle of Sadness<\/em> is hard to ignore. In <em>Triangle of Sadness<\/em>, as with many of \u00d6stlund\u2019s films, wealthy feckless people meet grim endings directly as a result of their over-indulgent capitalist interests.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5365\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"AP&#47;Institute for Exploration, Center for Archaeological Oceanograph\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/05\/83\/02\/12\/384x206_cmsv2_c652c17d-a4b5-5fc9-8ccf-ad18eae85950-5830212.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/05\/83\/02\/12\/640x343_cmsv2_c652c17d-a4b5-5fc9-8ccf-ad18eae85950-5830212.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/05\/83\/02\/12\/750x402_cmsv2_c652c17d-a4b5-5fc9-8ccf-ad18eae85950-5830212.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/05\/83\/02\/12\/828x444_cmsv2_c652c17d-a4b5-5fc9-8ccf-ad18eae85950-5830212.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/05\/83\/02\/12\/1080x579_cmsv2_c652c17d-a4b5-5fc9-8ccf-ad18eae85950-5830212.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/05\/83\/02\/12\/1200x644_cmsv2_c652c17d-a4b5-5fc9-8ccf-ad18eae85950-5830212.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/05\/83\/02\/12\/1920x1030_cmsv2_c652c17d-a4b5-5fc9-8ccf-ad18eae85950-5830212.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">The remains of a coat and boots in the mud on the sea bed near the Titanic&apos;s stern.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP&#47;Institute for Exploration, Center for Archaeological Oceanograph<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Last year, Triangle of Sadness was accompanied by <em>The Menu<\/em>, <em>Glass Onion<\/em> and the second series of \u2018The White Lotus\u2019 as an emergent genre best described as \u201ceat the rich\u201d. Ranging from horror to comedy, all three allowed audiences to take pleasure in watching the lives of the egregiously wealthy come undone.<\/p>\n<p>Even with this year\u2019s <a href="https:////">final season of \u2018Succession\u2019,<\/strong><\/a> there is little appetite for empathising with the 0.1% of society anymore. The Titan submersible\u2019s disappearance though has transformed these tales into reality. The five passengers in the vessel included Stockton Rush, CEO of OceanGate; private jet dealer Hamish Harding from Britain; Paul-Henry Nargeolet, a French explorer with the rights to the Titanic wreck; and father and son duo Shahzada and Suleman Dawood, from one of Pakistan\u2019s wealthiest families. Suleman is just 19 years old.<\/p>\n<p>The tenor of people\u2019s commentary has also functioned as almost a litmus test for their broader political views.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-freeform\nwidget--size-fullwidth\nwidget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">If the super-rich can spend \u00a3250,000 on vanity jaunts 2.4 miles beneath the ocean then they're not being taxed enough.<\/p>&mdash; Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) <a href="https:////\%22>June 21, 2023<\/a><\/blockquote> <script async src="https:////" charset=\"utf-8\"><\/script> \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Ash Sarkar, senior editor at Novara Media tweeted: \u201cIf the super-rich can spend \u00a3250,000 on vanity jaunts 2.4 miles beneath the ocean then they&#039;re not being taxed enough.\u201d As a woman of colour who writes left-wing opinion pieces, Sarkar is a regular target for right-wing attacks. For her tweet, she received a familiar backlash of commentators claiming her comments were cruel and dehumanising.<\/p>\n<p>Many, however, have pointed out that Sarkar\u2019s comments cut to the heart of what made those \u201ceat the rich\u201d films so enjoyable. The kinds of people who have enough wealth to spend frivolously on a trip to the wreckage of the Titanic are likely the same that have entrenched increasing inequality issues in society.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-freeform\nwidget--size-fullwidth\nwidget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">At the end of the day, the Titanic Missing Billionaire Submarine story is a perfect distillation of 21st Century capitalism: A small group of very rich people assume a clearly irresponsible risk. It goes predictably wrong. Scores more in public resources are used to save them...<\/p>&mdash; Corey Richardson: @TheCoreyRichardson on Spoutible (@vexedinthecity) <a href="https:////\%22>June 21, 2023<\/a><\/blockquote> <script async src="https:////" charset=\"utf-8\"><\/script> \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>It\u2019s also worth pointing out that the grand scale and expense of the search for the five wealthy passengers onboard Titan is in stark contrast to the <a href="https:////">migrant boat that sank off the coast of Greece this month<\/strong><\/a>, drowning at least 78 refugees from Afghanistan and Pakistan.<\/p>\n<p>The situation surrounding the Titan tragedy is no doubt a terrifying one. A father and son and three other men perished in horrifying circumstances. That they were there of their own accord will hardly be any comfort to their families. The way so much of the internet has engaged in widespread\u00a0schadenfreude over the situation is fascinating.<\/p>\n<p>Although many remained concerned for the lives of the passengers, the broad vindicated and jovial tone that many posters took is indicative of the growing sense of societal inequality. For those who thought the tone of films like <em>Triangle of Sadness<\/em> and <em>The Menu<\/em> were too on the nose, it&#039;s clear that an appetite has developed for watching the wealthy reap what they sow.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1687440868,"publishedAt":1687716772,"updatedAt":1687716781,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/culture\/2023\/06\/25\/why-the-titan-submarine-disappearance-led-to-public-schadenfreude","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/98\/76\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_5025ee9b-963e-59bd-81cb-210289cecabd-7699876.jpg","altText":"This photo provided by OceanGate Expeditions shows a submersible vessel named Titan used to visit the wreckage site of the Titanic. ","caption":"This photo provided by OceanGate Expeditions shows a submersible vessel named Titan used to visit the wreckage site of the Titanic. ","captionCredit":"AP\/OceanGate Expeditions","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":3000,"height":2063}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"walfisz","title":"Jonny Walfisz","twitter":"@JonathanWalfisz"}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":11322,"slug":"titanic","urlSafeValue":"titanic","title":"Titanic","titleRaw":"Titanic"},{"id":7357,"slug":"ocean","urlSafeValue":"ocean","title":"Ocean","titleRaw":"Ocean"},{"id":12910,"slug":"submarine","urlSafeValue":"submarine","title":"submarine","titleRaw":"submarine"},{"id":12052,"slug":"social-media","urlSafeValue":"social-media","title":"Social Media","titleRaw":"Social Media"},{"id":7555,"slug":"twitter","urlSafeValue":"twitter","title":"Twitter","titleRaw":"Twitter"}],"widgets":[{"slug":"image","count":1},{"slug":"html","count":2},{"slug":"related","count":1}],"related":[{"id":363218},{"id":1777188}],"technicalTags":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"see","urlSafeValue":"see","title":"See","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/culture\/see\/see"},"vertical":"culture","verticals":[{"id":10,"slug":"culture","urlSafeValue":"culture","title":"Culture"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":10,"slug":"culture","urlSafeValue":"culture","title":"Culture"},"themes":[{"id":"see","urlSafeValue":"see","title":"See","url":"\/\/\/culture\/see"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":48,"urlSafeValue":"see","title":"See"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gt_negative','castrol_negative_uk','neg_mobkoi_castrol','neg_facebook_2021','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_science','neg_bucherer','gv_death_injury','gs_tech_compute_net_social','gs_genres','gs_science_geography','gt_negative_fear','gb_death_injury_news-ent','gt_negative_sadness','neg_intel_en','gs_entertain'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/culture\/2023\/06\/25\/why-the-titan-submarine-disappearance-led-to-public-schadenfreude","lastModified":1687716781},{"id":2304302,"cid":7699512,"versionId":2,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230622_MBSU_52153028","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Victor 6000: The French robot that is the 'main hope' of finding the missing Titanic sub","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Victor 6000: The French underwater robot searching for Titan survivors","titleListing2":"Victor 6000: The French robot that is the 'main hope' of finding the missing Titanic submersible","leadin":"As hopes fade of finding survivors on the five-man Titan submersible, a French robot has arrived over the Titanic wreck site to join the search.","summary":"As hopes fade of finding survivors on the five-man Titan submersible, a French robot has arrived over the Titanic wreck site to join the search.","url":"victor-6000-the-french-robot-that-is-the-main-hope-of-finding-the-missing-titanic-sub","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Hopes are fading for the survival of the crew of the Titan, a small submersible craft that went missing on Sunday as it dived to the bottom of the North Atlantic to the wreck of the ill-fated Titanic. \n\nAs the reported oxygen reserves onboard the Titan are expected to run out, a French French oceanographic vessel L'Atalante arrived over the wreck site on Thursday bearing what many believe is the 5-man crew's only hope of being rescued - an underwater robot called Victor 6000. \n\nL'Atalante, a research vessel operated by the French Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer), \"is currently using its multibeam echosounder to obtain a finer map of the landscape and enable Victor 6000 to dive more efficiently\". \n\n\"However, this sounder will not be used to locate the submarine\", according to Ifremer.\u00a0 \n\nThis task rests with Victor 6000. \n\nHow can Victor 6000 help? \n\nThe Titan, which is owned by OceanGate Expedition, has been missing since it dived on Sunday to the wreck at a depth of 3,810 metres (around 12,500 feet). \n\nOn board the 6.7-metre-long craft are OceanGate's CEO and founder Stockton Rush, British billionaire adventurer Hamish Harding, British-Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, and French explorer Paul-Henri Nargeolet. \n\nSince it lost contact, it has a theoretical autonomy of 96 hours.\u00a0 \n\nAs of Thursday, its oxygen reserves could soon be exhausted, it is believed. There is no way of knowing if they have already run out or not, that is if the craft didn't sustain a catastrophic implosion event. \n\nThe Victor 6000 underwater robot is the only device in the area capable of diving to the wreck. It is remotely operated from L'Atalante via a cable that gives it theoretically unlimited autonomy. \n\nThe unmanned vehicle is capable of diving to depths of 6,000 metres (20,000 feet), deeper than any\u00a0other equipment now at the site in the North Atlantic.\u00a0 \n\nIt also has two articulated arms that can be remotely controlled to cut cables or perform other manoeuvres to release a stuck vessel, the operator said, including attaching a cable to Titan and hoisting it to the surface. \n\n\"Victor is not capable of lifting the submarine up on its own,\" said Olivier Lefort, the head of naval operations at Ifremer, the state-run French ocean research institute which operates the robot. \n\nBut he told Reuters the robot could help hook the 10-tonne submersible called Titan to a ship with the capacity to lift it to the surface. \n\n'Main hope' for Titan \n\nThis robot is the \"main hope\" for a possible rescue mission, said Rob Larter, a maritime expert from the British Antarctic Survey, at a press conference on Thursday. \n\nThe robot also has a powerful lighting system that could help it to locate the Titan in a completely dark environment. \n\nProvided it knows where to look, which these experts believe it doesn't yet. \n\n\"Victor is able to do visual exploration with all the video equipment it has. It is also equipped with manipulating arms which could be used to extricate the sub, such as by sectioning cables or things that would be blocking it at the bottom,\" said Lefort. \n\nIfremer was part of the team that located the wreck of the Titanic in 1985 with American underwater archaeologist Robert Ballard. \n\nThe robot is operated by a 25-strong crew. \"We can work non-stop for up to 72 hours, we don't need to stop at night,\" Lefort added. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Hopes are fading for the survival of the crew of the Titan, a small submersible craft that went missing on Sunday as it dived to the bottom of the North Atlantic to the wreck of the ill-fated Titanic.<\/p>\n<p>As the reported oxygen reserves onboard the Titan are expected to run out, a French French oceanographic vessel L&#039;Atalante arrived over the wreck site on Thursday bearing what many believe is the 5-man crew&#039;s only hope of being rescued - an underwater robot called Victor 6000.<\/p>\n<p>L&#039;Atalante, a research vessel operated by the French Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (Ifremer), \"is currently using its multibeam echosounder to obtain a finer map of the landscape and enable Victor 6000 to dive more efficiently\".<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7688106\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">'Catastrophic loss of pressure' killed all onboard Titan sub - US Coast Guard<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>\"However, this sounder will not be used to locate the submarine\", according to Ifremer.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>This task rests with Victor 6000.<\/p>\n<h2>How can Victor 6000 help?<\/h2><p>The Titan, which is owned by OceanGate Expedition, has been missing since it dived on Sunday to the wreck at a depth of 3,810 metres (around 12,500 feet).<\/p>\n<p>On board the 6.7-metre-long craft are OceanGate&#039;s CEO and founder Stockton Rush, British billionaire adventurer Hamish Harding, British-Pakistani businessman Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman, and French explorer Paul-Henri Nargeolet.<\/p>\n<p>Since it lost contact, it has a theoretical autonomy of 96 hours.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>As of Thursday, its oxygen reserves could soon be exhausted, it is believed. There is no way of knowing if they have already run out or not, that is if the craft didn&#039;t sustain a catastrophic implosion event.<\/p>\n<p>The Victor 6000 underwater robot is the only device in the area capable of diving to the wreck. It is remotely operated from L&#039;Atalante via a cable that gives it theoretically unlimited autonomy.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5834896810506567\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Stephane Lesbats \u2013 Ifremer&#47;Handout via REUTERS\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/95\/12\/384x224_cmsv2_392b4998-f7d3-5055-8851-30ea46517c5b-7699512.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/95\/12\/640x373_cmsv2_392b4998-f7d3-5055-8851-30ea46517c5b-7699512.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/95\/12\/750x438_cmsv2_392b4998-f7d3-5055-8851-30ea46517c5b-7699512.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/95\/12\/828x483_cmsv2_392b4998-f7d3-5055-8851-30ea46517c5b-7699512.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/95\/12\/1080x630_cmsv2_392b4998-f7d3-5055-8851-30ea46517c5b-7699512.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/95\/12\/1200x700_cmsv2_392b4998-f7d3-5055-8851-30ea46517c5b-7699512.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/95\/12\/1920x1120_cmsv2_392b4998-f7d3-5055-8851-30ea46517c5b-7699512.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">A view shows the control room for the ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle) Victor 6000 observation mission during the ESSROV18 campaign.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Stephane Lesbats \u2013 Ifremer&#47;Handout via REUTERS<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>The unmanned vehicle is capable of diving to depths of 6,000 metres (20,000 feet), deeper than any\u00a0other equipment now at the site in the North Atlantic.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>It also has two articulated arms that can be remotely controlled to cut cables or perform other manoeuvres to release a stuck vessel, the operator said, including attaching a cable to Titan and hoisting it to the surface.<\/p>\n<p>\"Victor is not capable of lifting the submarine up on its own,\" said Olivier Lefort, the head of naval operations at Ifremer, the state-run French ocean research institute which operates the robot.<\/p>\n<p>But he told Reuters the robot could help hook the 10-tonne submersible called Titan to a ship with the capacity to lift it to the surface.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7405168\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Unseen footage of the Titanic wreck from 1986 dive revealed<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>'Main hope' for Titan<\/h2><p>This robot is the \"main hope\" for a possible rescue mission, said Rob Larter, a maritime expert from the British Antarctic Survey, at a press conference on Thursday.<\/p>\n<p>The robot also has a powerful lighting system that could help it to locate the Titan in a completely dark environment.<\/p>\n<p>Provided it knows where to look, which these experts believe it doesn&#039;t yet.<\/p>\n<p>\"Victor is able to do visual exploration with all the video equipment it has. It is also equipped with manipulating arms which could be used to extricate the sub, such as by sectioning cables or things that would be blocking it at the bottom,\" said Lefort.<\/p>\n<p>Ifremer was part of the team that located the wreck of the Titanic in 1985 with American underwater archaeologist Robert Ballard.<\/p>\n<p>The robot is operated by a 25-strong crew. \"We can work non-stop for up to 72 hours, we don&#039;t need to stop at night,\" Lefort added.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1687434741,"publishedAt":1687437467,"updatedAt":1687884813,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/next\/2023\/06\/22\/victor-6000-the-french-robot-that-is-the-main-hope-of-finding-the-missing-titanic-sub","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/95\/12\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_754f0bce-9d60-56fd-92ed-3a15cf47f5be-7699512.jpg","altText":"A view shows the ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle) Victor 6000 being used in the North Atlantic to find the Titan.","caption":"A view shows the ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle) Victor 6000 being used in the North Atlantic to find the Titan.","captionCredit":"Olivier Dugornay - Ifremer - CCBY\/Handout via REUTERS","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1597,"height":917},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/69\/95\/12\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_392b4998-f7d3-5055-8851-30ea46517c5b-7699512.jpg","altText":"A view shows the control room for the ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle) Victor 6000 observation mission during the ESSROV18 campaign.","caption":"A view shows the control room for the ROV (Remotely Operated underwater Vehicle) Victor 6000 observation mission during the ESSROV18 campaign.","captionCredit":"Stephane Lesbats \u2013 Ifremer\/Handout via REUTERS","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1599,"height":933}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[{"urlSafeValue":"min","title":"Roselyne Min","twitter":"@MinRoselyne"}]},"keywords":[{"id":389,"slug":"technology","urlSafeValue":"technology","title":"Technology","titleRaw":"Technology"},{"id":11322,"slug":"titanic","urlSafeValue":"titanic","title":"Titanic","titleRaw":"Titanic"},{"id":12910,"slug":"submarine","urlSafeValue":"submarine","title":"submarine","titleRaw":"submarine"},{"id":15600,"slug":"search-and-rescue","urlSafeValue":"search-and-rescue","title":"Search and rescue","titleRaw":"Search and rescue"}],"widgets":[{"slug":"image","count":1},{"slug":"related","count":2}],"related":[{"id":2304242},{"id":2304906},{"id":2304998}],"technicalTags":[],"video":1,"videos":[{"format":"mp4","quality":"md","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/med\/EN\/MB\/SU\/23\/06\/22\/en\/230622_MBSU_52153028_52153055_41920_154014_en.mp4","editor":null,"duration":41920,"filesizeBytes":5231284,"expiresAt":0},{"format":"mp4","quality":"hd","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/EN\/MB\/SU\/23\/06\/22\/en\/230622_MBSU_52153028_52153055_41920_154014_en.mp4","editor":null,"duration":41920,"filesizeBytes":7934132,"expiresAt":0}],"externalPartners":{"dailymotionId":"x8lywx9","youtubeId":"VWm6BLRA5-o"},"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"Euronews, AFP and Reuters","freeField1":"","freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"mobility","urlSafeValue":"mobility","title":"Mobility","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/next\/mobility\/mobility"},"vertical":"next","verticals":[{"id":9,"slug":"next","urlSafeValue":"next","title":"Next"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":9,"slug":"next","urlSafeValue":"next","title":"Next"},"themes":[{"id":"mobility","urlSafeValue":"mobility","title":"Mobility","url":"\/\/\/next\/mobility"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":45,"urlSafeValue":"mobility","title":"Mobility"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','castrol_negative_uk','neg_mobkoi_castrol','gs_genres','gs_science_misc','gt_positive','neg_facebook_2021','neg_bucherer','gs_science','gt_positive_curiosity'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/next\/2023\/06\/22\/victor-6000-the-french-robot-that-is-the-main-hope-of-finding-the-missing-titanic-sub","lastModified":1687884813},{"id":2301096,"cid":7688106,"versionId":55,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230619_TNSU_52112429","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"'Catastrophic loss of pressure' killed all onboard Titan sub - US Coast Guard","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Implosion killed all onboard Titan tourist sub - US Coast Guard","titleListing2":"'Catastrophic loss of pressure' killed all onboard Titan sub - US Coast Guard","leadin":"\u201cThe debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber,\u201d Rear Admiral John Mauger said on Thursday. ","summary":"\u201cThe debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber,\u201d Rear Admiral John Mauger said on Thursday. ","url":"titanic-tourist-submarine-goes-missing-in-atlantic-ocean-sparking-search-operation","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"The Titan submersible likely imploded in the North Atlantic and none of the five people on board survived, the US Coast Guard said on Thursday.\u00a0 \n\nThe implosion could have occurred near the Titanic shipwreck, where the submersible was headed. \n\nThe Titan was reported missing Sunday, eight hours after it initially lost contact with its surface ship.\u00a0 Its 96-hour oxygen supply would have run out Thursday morning. \n\nIt\u2019s not clear whether the implosion occurred Sunday or in the days following, amid an international search effort to find the missing sub. \n\nCoast Guard officials say debris was discovered roughly 488m from the Titanic. \n\n\u201cThe debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber,\u201d Rear Admiral John Mauger, the First Coast Guard District, said. \u201cOur most heartfelt condolences go out to the loved ones of the crew.\u201d \n\nOceanGate, the company behind the touristic expedition, issued a statement on Thursday saying it believes all five passengers on board are dead.\u00a0 \n\n\u201cOur hearts are with these five souls and every member of their families during this tragic time. We grieve the loss of life and joy they brought to everyone they knew,\u201d the statement continued.\u00a0 \n\n\u201cThis is an extremely sad time for our dedicated employees who are exhausted and grieving deeply over this loss. The entire OceanGate family is deeply grateful for the countless men and women from multiple organisations of the international community who expedited wide-ranging resources and have worked so very hard on this mission.\" \n\nEfforts to recover the submersible and the remains of the five men who died in a catastrophic implosion aboard the vessel remain ongoing. \n\nThe US Coast Guard says it will continue searching the sea floor near the Titanic shipwreck for more clues about what happened to the submersible.\u00a0Much of the search is being done by remotely operated underwater vehicles known as ROVs that can scan the sea floor. \n\n\u201cThis is an incredibly unforgiving environment down there on the seafloor,\u201d Rear Adm. John Mauger of the First Coast Guard District said Thursday. \n\nEarlier in the day, the US Coast Guard said that an underwater vessel has located a debris field near the Titanic in the search for a missing submersible.\u00a0 \n\nThe Coast Guard's post on Twitter gave no details, such as whether officials believe the debris is connected to the Titan, which was on an expedition to view the wreckage of the Titanic. The search passed the critical 96-hour mark Thursday when breathable air could have run out. \n\nThe Titan was estimated to have about a four-day supply of breathable air when it launched Sunday morning in the North Atlantic \u2014 but experts have emphasized that was an imprecise approximation to begin with and could be extended if passengers have taken measures to conserve breathable air. And it\u2019s not known if they survived since the sub\u2019s disappearance. \n\nRescuers have rushed ships, planes and other equipment to the site of the disappearance. On Thursday, the US Coast Guard said an undersea robot sent by a Canadian ship had reached the sea floor, while a French research institute said a deep-diving robot with cameras, lights and arms also joined the operation. \n\nAuthorities are hoping underwater sounds might help narrow their search, whose coverage area has been expanded to thousands of miles \u2014 twice the size of Connecticut and in waters 4km deep. Coast Guard officials said underwater noises were detected in the search area Tuesday and Wednesday. \n\nJamie Pringle, an expert in Forensic Geosciences at Keele University, in England, said even if the noises came from the submersible, \"The lack of oxygen is key now; even if they find it, they still need to get to the surface and unbolt it.\" \n\nThe Titan was reported overdue Sunday afternoon about 700km south of St. John\u2019s, Newfoundland, as it was on its way to where the iconic ocean liner sank more than a century ago. OceanGate Expeditions, which is leading the trip, has been chronicling the Titanic\u2019s decay and the underwater ecosystem around it via yearly voyages since 2021. \n\nBy Thursday morning, hope is fading for five people on board a submersible that vanished on Sunday, as oxygen supplies are predicted to have run out.\u00a0 \n\nShips from around Europe have joined efforts to find the Titan, which disappeared near the Titanic's wreck in the Atlantic Ocean, with rescuers\u00a0desperately searching for the vessel.\u00a0 \n\nAircraft, boats and remotely operated vehicles expanded their search for the five crew members on board, after \"banging\" noises were heard underwater on Wednesday.\u00a0 \n\nThey are combing an area of 26,000 sq km. \n\n\"We have to remain optimistic and hopeful when you're in a search and rescue case, said Captain Jamie Frederick, coordinator of the coast guard's response.\u00a0 \n\n\"We're right in the middle of the search and rescue case. I don't want to get into a discussion about when that would end.\" \n\nA Norweigan boat, equipped with autonomous underwater robots, and another vessel from France are scouring the Titan's last known location, some 700 km off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada. \n\nEven if the sub is located, it could be nearly impossible to reach as it may be stuck roughly 3,800 m below on the seafloor.\u00a0 \n\nThe US Coast Guard, which is leading the complex operation, relocated its rescue efforts as a result of detecting the sounds, but so far has \"yielded negative results\".\u00a0 \n\nExperts estimate the vessel\u00a0will run out of oxygen Thursday morning. \n\nCanadian authorities reported the carbon-fibre vessel missing late on Sunday night, sparking an international rescue effort. \n\nAboard were a pilot, a renowned British adventurer, two members of a Pakistani business family and a Titanic expert.\u00a0 \n\nThey were on a tourist visit to the wreck of the ill-fated ship.\u00a0 \n\nTitan had a 96-hour oxygen supply when it set off at roughly 6 a.m. on Sunday, according to David Concannon, an adviser to OceanGate Expeditions, which oversaw the mission. \n\nJournalist David Pogue, who went on an expedition to the Titanic aboard the Titan last year, said the vessel uses two communication systems: text messages that go back and forth to a surface ship and safety pings that are emitted every 15 minutes to indicate that the sub is still working. \n\nBoth of those systems stopped about an hour and 45 minutes after the vessel was submerged. \n\n\"There are only two things that could mean. Either they lost all power or the ship developed a hull breach and it imploded instantly. Both of those are devastatingly hopeless,\u201d Pogue said on Tuesday. \n\nExperts said the rescuers face steep challenges. \n\nAlistair Greig, a professor of marine engineering at University College London, said submersibles typically have a drop weight, which is \u201ca mass they can release in the case of an emergency to bring them up to the surface using buoyancy.\u201d \n\n\u201cIf there was a power failure and\/or communication failure, this might have happened, and the submersible would then be bobbing about on the surface waiting to be found,\u201d he said. \n\nAnother scenario is a leak in the pressure hull, in which case the prognosis is not good, he said. \n\n\u201cIf it has gone down to the seabed and can\u2019t get back up under its own power, options are very limited,\u201d Greig said. \u201cWhile the submersible might still be intact if it is beyond the continental shelf, there are very few vessels that can get that deep, and certainly not divers.\u201d \n\nEven if they could go that deep, he doubts rescuers could attach to the submersible. \n\nThe Canadian research icebreaker Polar Prince, which was supporting the Titan, was to continue conducting surface searches with help from a Canadian Boeing P-8 Poseidon reconnaissance aircraft, the Coast Guard said on Twitter.\u00a0 \n\nTwo US Lockheed C-130 Hercules aircraft also conducted overflights. \n\nThe Canadian military has dropped sonar buoys to listen for any possible sounds from the Titan. \n\nOceanGate\u2019s expeditions to the Titanic wreck site include archaeologists and marine biologists. The company also brings people who pay \u20ac230,000 to come along, known as \u201cmission specialists.\u201d \n\nThey take turns operating sonar equipment and performing other tasks in the submersible. \n\nThe Coast Guard said Monday that the Titan carried a pilot and four \u201cmission specialists.\" However, OceanGate's website suggests that the fifth person may be a so-called \u201ccontent expert\u201d who guides the paying customers. \n\nThe Titanic wreck lies 3,800 metres down at the bottom of the Atlantic, 400 nautical miles off the coast of Canada. \n\nIt sunk in April 1912 after striking an iceberg on its maiden voyage. Of the 2,200 people onboard, just 706 survived.\u00a0 \n\nThe wreck was discovered in 1985.\u00a0A large amount of debris surrounds the destroyed ship. \n\nIn recent years, small submersibles have started taking tourists to visit. \n\nOceanGate's first dive happened in 2021, says the company on its website.\u00a0 \n\nEach of its expeditions is supposed to have a scientific objective, with each dive taking eight hours from top to bottom. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>The Titan submersible likely imploded in the North Atlantic and none of the five people on board survived, the US Coast Guard said on Thursday.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The implosion could have occurred near the Titanic shipwreck, where the submersible was headed.<\/p>\n<p>The Titan was reported missing Sunday, eight hours after it initially lost contact with its surface ship.\u00a0Its 96-hour oxygen supply would have run out Thursday morning.<\/p>\n<p>It\u2019s not clear whether the implosion occurred Sunday or in the days following, amid an international search effort to find the missing sub.<\/p>\n<p>Coast Guard officials say debris was discovered roughly 488m from the Titanic.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThe debris is consistent with the catastrophic loss of the pressure chamber,\u201d Rear Admiral John Mauger, the First Coast Guard District, said. \u201cOur most heartfelt condolences go out to the loved ones of the crew.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>OceanGate, the company behind the touristic expedition, issued a statement on Thursday saying it believes all five passengers on board are dead.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>\u201cOur hearts are with these five souls and every member of their families during this tragic time. We grieve the loss of life and joy they brought to everyone they knew,\u201d the statement continued.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThis is an extremely sad time for our dedicated employees who are exhausted and grieving deeply over this loss. The entire OceanGate family is deeply grateful for the countless men and women from multiple organisations of the international community who expedited wide-ranging resources and have worked so very hard on this mission.\"<\/p>\n<p>Efforts to recover the submersible and the remains of the five men who died in a catastrophic implosion aboard the vessel remain ongoing.<\/p>\n<p>The US Coast Guard says it will continue searching the sea floor near the Titanic shipwreck for more clues about what happened to the submersible.\u00a0Much of the search is being done by remotely operated underwater vehicles known as ROVs that can scan the sea floor.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThis is an incredibly unforgiving environment down there on the seafloor,\u201d Rear Adm. John Mauger of the First Coast Guard District said Thursday.<\/p>\n<p>Earlier in the day, the US Coast Guard said that an underwater vessel has located a debris field near the Titanic in the search for a missing submersible.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The Coast Guard&#039;s post on Twitter gave no details, such as whether officials believe the debris is connected to the Titan, which was on an expedition to view the wreckage of the Titanic. The search passed the critical 96-hour mark Thursday when breathable air could have run out.<\/p>\n<p>The Titan was estimated to have about a four-day supply of breathable air when it launched Sunday morning in the North Atlantic \u2014 but experts have emphasized that was an imprecise approximation to begin with and could be extended if passengers have taken measures to conserve breathable air. And it\u2019s not known if they survived since the sub\u2019s disappearance.<\/p>\n<p>Rescuers have rushed ships, planes and other equipment to the site of the disappearance. On Thursday, the US Coast Guard said an undersea robot sent by a Canadian ship had reached the sea floor, while a French research institute said a deep-diving robot with cameras, lights and arms also joined the operation.<\/p>\n<p>Authorities are hoping underwater sounds might help narrow their search, whose coverage area has been expanded to thousands of miles \u2014 twice the size of Connecticut and in waters 4km deep. Coast Guard officials said underwater noises were detected in the search area Tuesday and Wednesday.<\/p>\n<p>Jamie Pringle, an expert in Forensic Geosciences at Keele University, in England, said even if the noises came from the submersible, \"The lack of oxygen is key now; even if they find it, they still need to get to the surface and unbolt it.\"<\/p>\n<p>The Titan was reported overdue Sunday afternoon about 700km south of St. John\u2019s, Newfoundland, as it was on its way to where the iconic ocean liner sank more than a century ago. OceanGate Expeditions, which is leading the trip, has been chronicling the Titanic\u2019s decay and the underwater ecosystem around it via yearly voyages since 2021.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7699512\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Victor 6000: The French robot that is the 'main hope' of finding the missing Titanic sub<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>By Thursday morning, hope is fading for five people on board a submersible that vanished on Sunday, as oxygen supplies are predicted to have run out.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Ships from around Europe have joined efforts to find the Titan, which disappeared near the Titanic&#039;s wreck in the Atlantic Ocean, with rescuers\u00a0desperately searching for the vessel.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Aircraft, boats and remotely operated vehicles expanded their search for the five crew members on board, after \"banging\" noises were heard underwater on Wednesday.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>They are combing an area of 26,000 sq km.<\/p>\n<p>\"We have to remain optimistic and hopeful when you&#039;re in a search and rescue case, said Captain Jamie Frederick, coordinator of the coast guard&#039;s response.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>\"We&#039;re right in the middle of the search and rescue case. I don&#039;t want to get into a discussion about when that would end.\"<\/p>\n<p>A Norweigan boat, equipped with autonomous underwater robots, and another vessel from France are scouring the Titan&#039;s last known location, some 700 km off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.<\/p>\n<p>Even if the sub is located, it could be nearly impossible to reach as it may be stuck roughly 3,800 m below on the seafloor.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The US Coast Guard, which is leading the complex operation, relocated its rescue efforts as a result of detecting the sounds, but so far has \"yielded negative results\".\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Experts estimate the vessel\u00a0will run out of oxygen Thursday morning.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-tweet widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio\u2014auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <div class=\"widget__tweet\" data-tweet-id=\"1671372007110320128\"><\/div>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Canadian authorities reported the carbon-fibre vessel missing late on Sunday night, sparking an international rescue effort.<\/p>\n<p>Aboard were a pilot, a renowned British adventurer, two members of a Pakistani business family and a Titanic expert.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>They were on a tourist visit to the wreck of the ill-fated ship.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Titan had a 96-hour oxygen supply when it set off at roughly 6 a.m. on Sunday, according to David Concannon, an adviser to OceanGate Expeditions, which oversaw the mission.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.537109375\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"AP&#47;Institute for Exploration, Center for Archaeological Oceanograph\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/384x206_cmsv2_b2e07894-7c58-5e86-82c0-40081bad91b0-7688106.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/640x344_cmsv2_b2e07894-7c58-5e86-82c0-40081bad91b0-7688106.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/750x403_cmsv2_b2e07894-7c58-5e86-82c0-40081bad91b0-7688106.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/828x445_cmsv2_b2e07894-7c58-5e86-82c0-40081bad91b0-7688106.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/1080x580_cmsv2_b2e07894-7c58-5e86-82c0-40081bad91b0-7688106.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/1200x645_cmsv2_b2e07894-7c58-5e86-82c0-40081bad91b0-7688106.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/1920x1031_cmsv2_b2e07894-7c58-5e86-82c0-40081bad91b0-7688106.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">This 2004 photo provided by the Institute for Exploration, Center for Archaeological Oceanography, shows the remains of a coat and boots in the mud on the sea.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP&#47;Institute for Exploration, Center for Archaeological Oceanograph<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Journalist David Pogue, who went on an expedition to the Titanic aboard the Titan last year, said the vessel uses two communication systems: text messages that go back and forth to a surface ship and safety pings that are emitted every 15 minutes to indicate that the sub is still working.<\/p>\n<p>Both of those systems stopped about an hour and 45 minutes after the vessel was submerged.<\/p>\n<p>\"There are only two things that could mean. Either they lost all power or the ship developed a hull breach and it imploded instantly. Both of those are devastatingly hopeless,\u201d Pogue said on Tuesday.<\/p>\n<p>Experts said the rescuers face steep challenges.<\/p>\n<p>Alistair Greig, a professor of marine engineering at University College London, said submersibles typically have a drop weight, which is \u201ca mass they can release in the case of an emergency to bring them up to the surface using buoyancy.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIf there was a power failure and\/or communication failure, this might have happened, and the submersible would then be bobbing about on the surface waiting to be found,\u201d he said.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.716796875\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"AP&#47;1912 AP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/384x275_cmsv2_77b6ccd2-43c0-5713-bd17-2b0f6f338901-7688106.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/640x459_cmsv2_77b6ccd2-43c0-5713-bd17-2b0f6f338901-7688106.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/750x538_cmsv2_77b6ccd2-43c0-5713-bd17-2b0f6f338901-7688106.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/828x594_cmsv2_77b6ccd2-43c0-5713-bd17-2b0f6f338901-7688106.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/1080x774_cmsv2_77b6ccd2-43c0-5713-bd17-2b0f6f338901-7688106.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/1200x860_cmsv2_77b6ccd2-43c0-5713-bd17-2b0f6f338901-7688106.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/1920x1376_cmsv2_77b6ccd2-43c0-5713-bd17-2b0f6f338901-7688106.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">In this April 10, 1912 file photo the Titanic leaves Southampton, England on her maiden voyage.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP&#47;1912 AP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Another scenario is a leak in the pressure hull, in which case the prognosis is not good, he said.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIf it has gone down to the seabed and can\u2019t get back up under its own power, options are very limited,\u201d Greig said. \u201cWhile the submersible might still be intact if it is beyond the continental shelf, there are very few vessels that can get that deep, and certainly not divers.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Even if they could go that deep, he doubts rescuers could attach to the submersible.<\/p>\n<p>The Canadian research icebreaker Polar Prince, which was supporting the Titan, was to continue conducting surface searches with help from a Canadian Boeing P-8 Poseidon reconnaissance aircraft, the Coast Guard said on Twitter.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Two US Lockheed C-130 Hercules aircraft also conducted overflights.<\/p>\n<p>The Canadian military has dropped sonar buoys to listen for any possible sounds from the Titan.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-tweet widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio\u2014auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <div class=\"widget__tweet\" data-tweet-id=\"1670876600152526848\"><\/div>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>OceanGate\u2019s expeditions to the Titanic wreck site include archaeologists and marine biologists. The company also brings people who pay \u20ac230,000 to come along, known as \u201cmission specialists.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>They take turns operating sonar equipment and performing other tasks in the submersible.<\/p>\n<p>The Coast Guard said Monday that the Titan carried a pilot and four \u201cmission specialists.\" However, OceanGate&#039;s website suggests that the fifth person may be a so-called \u201ccontent expert\u201d who guides the paying customers.<\/p>\n<p>The <a href="https:////">Titanic wreck<\/strong><\/a> lies 3,800 metres down at the bottom of the Atlantic, 400 nautical miles off the coast of Canada.<\/p>\n<p>It sunk in April 1912 after striking an iceberg on its maiden voyage. Of the 2,200 people onboard, just 706 survived.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The wreck was discovered in 1985.\u00a0A large amount of debris surrounds the destroyed ship.<\/p>\n<p>In recent years, small submersibles have started taking <a href="https:////">tourists to visit.<\/p>\n<p>OceanGate&#039;s first dive happened in 2021, says the company on its website.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Each of its expeditions is supposed to have a scientific objective, with each dive taking eight hours from top to bottom.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1687184465,"publishedAt":1687185506,"updatedAt":1687499156,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/06\/19\/titanic-tourist-submarine-goes-missing-in-atlantic-ocean-sparking-search-operation","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_1f70195c-b4b2-5eb5-b335-ac61f4754bb8-7688106.jpg","altText":"This photo provided by OceanGate Expeditions shows a submersible vessel named Titan used to visit the wreckage site of the Titanic.","caption":"This photo provided by OceanGate Expeditions shows a submersible vessel named Titan used to visit the wreckage site of the Titanic.","captionCredit":"AP","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1600,"height":900},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_2c2d1e54-768c-5b49-8bd0-bd49a0880278-7688106.jpg","altText":"This undated image courtesy of OceanGate Expeditions, shows their Titan submersible during a descent.","caption":"This undated image courtesy of OceanGate Expeditions, shows their Titan submersible during a descent.","captionCredit":"AFP PHOTO \/ OCEANGATE EXPEDITIONS","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"height":702},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_3dc058bd-5161-5645-a9a6-66fd74e57d11-7688106.jpg","altText":"This undated image courtesy of OceanGate Expeditions, shows their Titan submersible during a descent.","caption":"This undated image courtesy of OceanGate Expeditions, shows their Titan submersible during a descent.","captionCredit":"AFP PHOTO \/ OCEANGATE EXPEDITIONS","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"height":704},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_bbf56aa9-eff4-583a-bcb8-2dc717eb638a-7688106.jpg","altText":"FILE - This undated photo provided by OceanGate Expeditions in June 2021 shows the company's Titan submersible.","caption":"FILE - This undated photo provided by OceanGate Expeditions in June 2021 shows the company's Titan submersible.","captionCredit":"AP Photo","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1600,"height":900},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_b2e07894-7c58-5e86-82c0-40081bad91b0-7688106.jpg","altText":"This 2004 photo provided by the Institute for Exploration, Center for Archaeological Oceanography, shows the remains of a coat and boots in the mud on the sea.","caption":"This 2004 photo provided by the Institute for Exploration, Center for Archaeological Oceanography, shows the remains of a coat and boots in the mud on the sea.","captionCredit":"AP\/Institute for Exploration, Center for Archaeological Oceanograph","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"height":550},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_77b6ccd2-43c0-5713-bd17-2b0f6f338901-7688106.jpg","altText":"In this April 10, 1912 file photo the Titanic leaves Southampton, England on her maiden voyage.","caption":"In this April 10, 1912 file photo the Titanic leaves Southampton, England on her maiden voyage.","captionCredit":"AP\/1912 AP","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"height":734},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/68\/81\/06\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_4579dc11-a51d-5723-a61a-a1c7bd85c7f0-7688106.jpg","altText":"A Titanic wreck tourist submersible has gone missing in the Atlantic ocean. ","caption":"A Titanic wreck tourist submersible has gone missing in the Atlantic ocean. ","captionCredit":"Oceangate expeditions","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"askew","title":"Joshua Askew","twitter":"@jweaskew"}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":11322,"slug":"titanic","urlSafeValue":"titanic","title":"Titanic","titleRaw":"Titanic"},{"id":4221,"slug":"tourism","urlSafeValue":"tourism","title":"Tourism","titleRaw":"Tourism"},{"id":18814,"slug":"disaster","urlSafeValue":"disaster","title":"disaster","titleRaw":"disaster"},{"id":15600,"slug":"search-and-rescue","urlSafeValue":"search-and-rescue","title":"Search and rescue","titleRaw":"Search and rescue"},{"id":24068,"slug":"breaking-news","urlSafeValue":"breaking-news","title":"Breaking news","titleRaw":"Breaking news"},{"id":14500,"slug":"atlantic-ocean","urlSafeValue":"atlantic-ocean","title":"Atlantic Ocean","titleRaw":"Atlantic 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Toronto and New York City are shrouded in smog caused by hundreds of wild fires","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Toronto and New York City are shrouded in smog caused by wild fires","titleListing2":"Watch: Toronto and New York City are shrouded in smog caused by hundreds of wild fires","leadin":"A huge pall of smoke from wildfires in the Canadian province of Quebec brought choking smog to North American cities as far apart as Toronto, New York and Washington DC.","summary":"A huge pall of smoke from wildfires in the Canadian province of Quebec brought choking smog to North American cities as far apart as Toronto, New York and Washington DC.","url":"watch-toronto-and-new-york-city-are-shrouded-in-smog-caused-by-hundreds-of-wild-fires","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Smoke from Canadian wildfires poured into the US East Coast and Midwest on Wednesday, covering the capitals of both nations in an unhealthy haze. \n\nToronto was also blanketed in grey smoke. \n\nWhile Canadian officials expanded evacuation orders and asked other countries for help fighting more than 420 fires nationwide, air quality with what the US rates as \u201chazardous\u201d levels of pollution extended into central New York, with massive tongues of \u201cunhealthy\u201d air extending as far as Virginia and Indiana. \n\nCanada is experiencing its worst wildfire season in history with more than 400 wildfires currently burning. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Smoke from Canadian wildfires poured into the US East Coast and Midwest on Wednesday, covering the capitals of both nations in an unhealthy haze.<\/p>\n<p>Toronto was also blanketed in grey smoke.<\/p>\n<p>While Canadian officials expanded evacuation orders and asked other countries for help fighting more than 420 fires nationwide, air quality with what the US rates as \u201chazardous\u201d levels of pollution extended into central New York, with massive tongues of \u201cunhealthy\u201d air extending as far as Virginia and Indiana.<\/p>\n<p>Canada is experiencing its worst wildfire season in history with more than 400 wildfires currently burning.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1686227169,"publishedAt":1686235146,"updatedAt":1686235689,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/06\/08\/watch-toronto-and-new-york-city-are-shrouded-in-smog-caused-by-hundreds-of-wild-fires","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/19\/82\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_099a65df-5f7a-582b-b53a-35bc220d5ff6-7661982.jpg","altText":"Purple haze: high school graduates take a selfie on the Washington monument as smog from Canadian wild fires engulgs the US capital. June 8, 2023","caption":"Purple haze: high school graduates take a selfie on the Washington monument as smog from Canadian wild fires engulgs the US capital. June 8, 2023","captionCredit":"Julio Cortez\/Copyright 2023 The AP. All rights reserved","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"height":683}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":4326,"slug":"toronto","urlSafeValue":"toronto","title":"Toronto","titleRaw":"Toronto"},{"id":4325,"slug":"quebec","urlSafeValue":"quebec","title":"Quebec","titleRaw":"Quebec"},{"id":495,"slug":"new-york","urlSafeValue":"new-york","title":"New York","titleRaw":"New York"}],"widgets":[],"related":[{"id":2267228},{"id":2289618},{"id":2292080}],"technicalTags":[],"video":1,"videos":[{"duration":120000,"editor":null,"filesizeBytes":15313938,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/med\/EN\/NC\/SU\/23\/06\/08\/en\/230608_NCSU_51977106_51977503_120000_145606_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"md"},{"duration":120000,"editor":null,"filesizeBytes":24014354,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/EN\/NC\/SU\/23\/06\/08\/en\/230608_NCSU_51977106_51977503_120000_145606_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"hd"}],"externalPartners":{"dailymotionId":"x8lm47d","youtubeId":"K6CEWVydSD0"},"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"AP","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"Euronews","freeField1":"","freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"nocomment","urlSafeValue":"nocomment","title":"no comment","online":1,"url":"\/nocomment"},"vertical":"news","verticals":[{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"themes":[{"id":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"World","url":"\/\/\/news\/international"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":1,"urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":{"id":4326,"urlSafeValue":"toronto","title":"Toronto"},"grapeshot":"'gb_safe','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_science','castrol_negative_uk','neg_mobkoi_castrol','gs_science_geography','neg_facebook','gt_negative','gs_science_environ','gs_science_environment','neg_audi_list2','neg_citi_campaign_3','neg_saudiaramco','gv_death_injury','gt_negative_dislike'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/video\/2023\/06\/08\/watch-toronto-and-new-york-city-are-shrouded-in-smog-caused-by-hundreds-of-wild-fires","lastModified":1686235689},{"id":2292080,"cid":7660992,"versionId":2,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230608_NWSU_51971828","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Canada fires: Millions breathing hazardous air as smoke spreads south into US","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"\u2018I can taste the air\u2019: Smoke from Canada fires is engulfing New York","titleListing2":"Millions breathing hazardous air as smoke from Canadian wildfires streams south over US","leadin":"Smoke from Canada wildfires has prompted New York City to cancel broadway shows and flights.","summary":"Smoke from Canada wildfires has prompted New York City to cancel broadway shows and flights.","url":"canada-fires-millions-breathing-hazardous-air-as-smoke-spreads-south-into-us","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Smoke from Canadian wildfires poured into the US on Wednesday, covering the capitals of both nations in an unhealthy haze. \n\nCanada is experiencing its worst fire season ever. It started early on drier-than-usual ground and accelerated very quickly, exhausting firefighting resources across the country, according to fire and environmental officials. \n\nCanadian officials asked other countries for additional help fighting more than 400 blazes nationwide that already have displaced 20,000 people. \n\nSmoke from Canada's fires is seeping into the US \n\nSmoke from the blazes in various parts of the country has been lapping into the US since last month. This intensified with recent fires in Quebec, where about 100 were considered out of control Wednesday. \n\nThe smoke was so thick in downtown Ottawa, Canada's capital, that office towers just across the Ottawa River were barely visible. \n\nIn Toronto, Yili Ma said her hiking plans were cancelled and she was forgoing restaurant patios, a beloved Canadian summer tradition. \n\n\u201cI put my mask away for over a year, and now I\u2019m putting on my mask since yesterday,\" said the 31-year-old. \n\nFlights at major airports along the East Coast and in the Midwest have been delayed. Major League Baseball games - including a Yankees game on Wednesday - have been postposed, and people have fished out\u00a0pandemic-era face masks to protect from the smoke . \n\nAir with hazardous levels of pollution extended into the New York metropolitan area, central New York state and parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, affecting millions of people. States as far south as North Carolina and Indiana have also been impacted. \n\n\u201cI can taste the air,\u201d said Dr Ken Strumpf in a Facebook post from Syracuse, New York, which was enveloped in an amber pall. The smoke, he later said by phone, even made him a bit dizzy. \n\nThe air quality index, a US Environmental Protection Agency metric for air pollution , exceeded a staggering 400 at times in Syracuse, New York City and Pennsylvania\u2019s Lehigh Valley.\u00a0 \n\nA level of 50 or under is considered good; anything over 300 is considered 'hazardous', when even healthy people are advised to curtail outdoor physical activity. \n\nNew York City mayor Eric Adams warned that \" climate change accelerated these conditions,\u201d and said it was an \"urgent reminder\" of the need to protect the environment. \n\nCanada's firefighting forces are stretched \n\nQuebec Premier Fran\u00e7ois Legault said the province currently has the capacity to fight about 40 fires - and the usual reinforcements from other provinces have been strained by blazes in Nova Scotia and elsewhere. \n\nCanadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre spokesperson Jennifer Kamau said more than 950 firefighters and other personnel have arrived from the US, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and more are due soon. \n\nIn Washington, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said President Joe Biden has sent more than 600 firefighters and equipment to Canada. His administration has contacted some US governors and local officials about providing assistance, she said. \n\nCanadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Twitter that he spoke by phone with Biden and \u201cthanked him for all the help Americans are providing as we continue to fight these devastating wildfires.\u201d \n\nCanadians face evacuations as wildfires rage \n\nChibougamau, the largest town in Northern Quebec with a population of about 7,500, was evacuated on Tuesday.\u00a0 \n\nEastern Quebec got some rain Wednesday, but Montreal-based Environment Canada meteorologist Simon Legault said no significant rain is expected for days in the remote areas of central Quebec where the wildfires are more intense. \n\nUS National Weather Service meteorologist Zach Taylor said the current weather pattern in the central and eastern US is essentially funnelling in the smoke.\u00a0 \n\nSome rain should help clear the air somewhat in the northeast and mid-Atlantic this weekend or early next week, though more thorough relief will come from containing or extinguishing the fires , he said. \n\nSporting events and flights have been impacted in New York \n\nNew York Governor Kathy Hochul said 1 million N95 masks would be available at state facilities. New York City closed beaches, and Mayor Eric Adams told residents to stay indoors as much as possible. Zoos in the Bronx and Central Park closed early and brought their animals inside. \n\nThe Federal Aviation Administration paused some flights bound for LaGuardia Airport and slowed planes to Newark Liberty and Philadelphia because the smoke was limiting visibility.\u00a0 \n\nSmoke also contributed to delayed arrivals at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, where a heavy haze shrouded the Washington Monument and forced the cancellation of outdoor tours. \n\nMajor League Baseball put off games in New York and Philadelphia, and even an indoor WNBA game in Brooklyn was called off. \n\nOn Broadway, 'Killing Eve' star Jodie Comer had difficulty breathing and left the matinee of 'Prima Facie' after 10 minutes; the show restarted with an understudy, show publicists said.\u00a0 \n\n'Hamilton' and 'Camelot' cancelled Wednesday evening performances, with 'Hamilton' publicists saying the the deteriorating air quality \u201cmade it impossible for a number of our artists to perform.\u201d In Central Park, the popular outdoor Shakespeare in the Park performances were put off through Friday. \n\nHow have other US states responded to the fires? \n\nSchools in multiple states cancelled sports and other outdoor activities, shifting break time inside. Live horse racing was canceled Wednesday and Thursday at Delaware Park in Wilmington. Organisers of Global Running Day, a virtual 5K, advised participants to adjust their plans according to air quality. \n\nNew Jersey closed state offices early, and some political demonstrations in spots from Manhattan to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, were moved indoors or postponed. Striking Hollywood writers were pulled off picket lines in the New York metropolitan area. \n\nThe smoke exacerbated health problems for people such as Vicki Burnett, 67, who has asthma and has had serious bouts with bronchitis. \n\nAfter taking her dogs out Wednesday morning in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Burnett said, \u201cI came in and started coughing and hopped back into bed.\u201d \n\nStill, she stressed that she's concerned for Canadians , not just herself. \n\n\u201cIt\u2019s unfortunate, and I\u2019m having some problems for it, but there should be help for them,\u201d she said. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Smoke from Canadian wildfires poured into the US on Wednesday, covering the capitals of both nations in an unhealthy haze.<\/p>\n<p>Canada is experiencing its worst fire season ever. It started early on drier-than-usual ground and accelerated very quickly, exhausting firefighting resources across the country, according to fire and environmental officials.<\/p>\n<p>Canadian officials asked other countries for additional help fighting more than 400 blazes nationwide that already have displaced 20,000 people.<\/p>\n<h2>Smoke from Canada's fires is seeping into the US<\/h2><p>Smoke from the blazes in various parts of the country has been lapping into the US since last month. This intensified with recent <a href="https:////">fires in Quebec, where about 100 were considered out of control Wednesday.<\/p>\n<p>The smoke was so thick in downtown Ottawa, Canada&#039;s capital, that office towers just across the Ottawa River were barely visible.<\/p>\n<p>In Toronto, Yili Ma said her hiking plans were cancelled and she was forgoing restaurant patios, a beloved <a href="https:////">Canadian summer tradition.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cI put my mask away for over a year, and now I\u2019m putting on my mask since yesterday,\" said the 31-year-old.<\/p>\n<p>Flights at major airports along the East Coast and in the Midwest have been delayed. Major League Baseball games - including a Yankees game on Wednesday - have been postposed, and people have fished out\u00a0pandemic-era face masks to protect from the <a href="https:////">smoke./n
France sounds the alarm as forest fire season starts early due to climate change<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Italy wastes enough water for 43 million people a year - can it fix its leaky pipes?<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Air with hazardous levels of <a href="https:////">pollution extended into the New York metropolitan area, central New York state and parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, affecting millions of people. States as far south as North Carolina and Indiana have also been impacted.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cI can taste the air,\u201d said Dr Ken Strumpf in a Facebook post from Syracuse, New York, which was enveloped in an amber pall. The smoke, he later said by phone, even made him a bit dizzy.<\/p>\n<p>The air quality index, a US Environmental Protection Agency metric for <a href="https:////">air pollution<\/strong><\/a>, exceeded a staggering 400 at times in Syracuse, New York City and Pennsylvania\u2019s Lehigh Valley.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>A level of 50 or under is considered good; anything over 300 is considered &#039;hazardous&#039;, when even healthy people are advised to curtail outdoor physical activity.<\/p>\n<p>New York City mayor Eric Adams warned that \"<a href="https:////">climate change<\/strong><\/a> accelerated these conditions,\u201d and said it was an \"urgent reminder\" of the need to protect the environment.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"AP Photo&#47;Seth Wenig\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/384x216_cmsv2_e354819d-f8fc-5c31-add3-2b0a4bbe0836-7660992.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/640x360_cmsv2_e354819d-f8fc-5c31-add3-2b0a4bbe0836-7660992.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/750x422_cmsv2_e354819d-f8fc-5c31-add3-2b0a4bbe0836-7660992.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/828x466_cmsv2_e354819d-f8fc-5c31-add3-2b0a4bbe0836-7660992.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/1080x608_cmsv2_e354819d-f8fc-5c31-add3-2b0a4bbe0836-7660992.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/1200x675_cmsv2_e354819d-f8fc-5c31-add3-2b0a4bbe0836-7660992.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/1920x1080_cmsv2_e354819d-f8fc-5c31-add3-2b0a4bbe0836-7660992.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">The sun rises over a hazy New York City skyline as seen from Jersey City, N.J., Wednesday, 7 June 7 2023.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP Photo&#47;Seth Wenig<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Canada's firefighting forces are stretched<\/h2><p>Quebec Premier Fran\u00e7ois Legault said the province currently has the capacity to fight about 40 fires - and the usual reinforcements from other provinces have been strained by blazes in Nova Scotia and elsewhere.<\/p>\n<p><a href="https:////">Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre spokesperson Jennifer Kamau said more than 950 firefighters and other personnel have arrived from the US, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, and more are due soon.<\/p>\n<p>In Washington, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said President Joe Biden has sent more than 600 firefighters and equipment to Canada. His administration has contacted some <a href="https:////">US governors and local officials about providing assistance, she said.<\/p>\n<p><a href="https:////">Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Twitter that he spoke by phone with Biden and \u201cthanked him for all the help Americans are providing as we continue to fight these devastating wildfires.\u201d<\/p>\n<h2>Canadians face evacuations as wildfires rage<\/h2><p>Chibougamau, the largest town in Northern Quebec with a population of about 7,500, was evacuated on Tuesday.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Eastern Quebec got some rain Wednesday, but Montreal-based Environment <a href="https:////">Canada meteorologist Simon Legault said no significant rain is expected for days in the remote areas of central Quebec where the wildfires are more intense.<\/p>\n<p>US National Weather Service meteorologist Zach Taylor said the current weather pattern in the central and eastern <a href="https:////">US is essentially funnelling in the smoke.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Some rain should help clear the air somewhat in the northeast and mid-Atlantic this weekend or early next week, though more thorough relief will come from containing or extinguishing the <a href="https:////">fires, he said.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7490728\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">The era of \u2018mega forest fires\u2019 has begun in Spain. Is climate change to blame?<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Sporting events and flights have been impacted in New York<\/h2><p>New York Governor Kathy Hochul said 1 million N95 masks would be available at state facilities. New York City closed beaches, and Mayor Eric Adams told residents to stay indoors as much as possible. Zoos in the Bronx and Central Park closed early and brought their animals inside.<\/p>\n<p>The Federal Aviation Administration paused some flights bound for LaGuardia Airport and slowed planes to Newark Liberty and Philadelphia because the <a href="https:////">smoke was limiting visibility.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Smoke also contributed to delayed arrivals at Dulles International Airport outside Washington, where a heavy haze shrouded the Washington Monument and forced the cancellation of outdoor tours.<\/p>\n<p>Major League Baseball put off games in New York and Philadelphia, and even an indoor WNBA game in Brooklyn was called off.<\/p>\n<p>On Broadway, &#039;Killing Eve&#039; star Jodie Comer had difficulty breathing and left the matinee of &#039;Prima Facie&#039; after 10 minutes; the show restarted with an understudy, show publicists said.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>&#039;Hamilton&#039; and &#039;Camelot&#039; cancelled Wednesday evening performances, with &#039;Hamilton&#039; publicists saying the the deteriorating <a href="https:////">air quality<\/strong><\/a> \u201cmade it impossible for a number of our artists to perform.\u201d In Central Park, the popular outdoor Shakespeare in the Park performances were put off through Friday.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"AP Photo&#47;Julie Jacobson\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/384x216_cmsv2_b751bd62-d9f4-5dd8-9edb-88c82b9c107d-7660992.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/640x360_cmsv2_b751bd62-d9f4-5dd8-9edb-88c82b9c107d-7660992.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/750x422_cmsv2_b751bd62-d9f4-5dd8-9edb-88c82b9c107d-7660992.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/828x466_cmsv2_b751bd62-d9f4-5dd8-9edb-88c82b9c107d-7660992.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/1080x608_cmsv2_b751bd62-d9f4-5dd8-9edb-88c82b9c107d-7660992.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/1200x675_cmsv2_b751bd62-d9f4-5dd8-9edb-88c82b9c107d-7660992.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/1920x1080_cmsv2_b751bd62-d9f4-5dd8-9edb-88c82b9c107d-7660992.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Pedestrians pass the One World Trade Center, center, amidst a smokey haze from wildfires in Canada, Wednesday, 7 June 2023, in New York.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP Photo&#47;Julie Jacobson<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>How have other US states responded to the fires?<\/h2><p>Schools in multiple states cancelled sports and other outdoor activities, shifting break time inside. Live horse racing was canceled Wednesday and Thursday at Delaware Park in Wilmington. Organisers of Global Running Day, a virtual 5K, advised participants to adjust their plans according to air quality.<\/p>\n<p>New Jersey closed state offices early, and some political demonstrations in spots from Manhattan to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, were moved indoors or postponed. Striking Hollywood writers were pulled off picket lines in the New York metropolitan area.<\/p>\n<p>The <a href="https:////">smoke exacerbated health problems for people such as Vicki Burnett, 67, who has asthma and has had serious bouts with bronchitis.<\/p>\n<p>After taking her dogs out Wednesday morning in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Burnett said, \u201cI came in and started coughing and hopped back into bed.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Still, she stressed that she&#039;s concerned for <a href="https:////">Canadians, not just herself.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIt\u2019s unfortunate, and I\u2019m having some problems for it, but there should be help for them,\u201d she said.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1686208899,"publishedAt":1686223925,"updatedAt":1686236569,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/green\/2023\/06\/08\/canada-fires-millions-breathing-hazardous-air-as-smoke-spreads-south-into-us","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_d836bd5b-4063-5232-9f2d-036050127f71-7660992.jpg","altText":"New York City is covered in haze as photographed from the Empire State Building observatory, Wednesday, 7 June 2023.","caption":"New York City is covered in haze as photographed from the Empire State Building observatory, Wednesday, 7 June 2023.","captionCredit":"AP Photo\/Yuki Iwamura","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_b751bd62-d9f4-5dd8-9edb-88c82b9c107d-7660992.jpg","altText":"Pedestrians pass the One World Trade Center, center, amidst a smokey haze from wildfires in Canada, Wednesday, 7 June 2023, in New York. ","caption":"Pedestrians pass the One World Trade Center, center, amidst a smokey haze from wildfires in Canada, Wednesday, 7 June 2023, in New York. ","captionCredit":"AP Photo\/Julie Jacobson","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/66\/09\/92\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_e354819d-f8fc-5c31-add3-2b0a4bbe0836-7660992.jpg","altText":"The sun rises over a hazy New York City skyline as seen from Jersey City, N.J., Wednesday, 7 June 7 2023.","caption":"The sun rises over a hazy New York City skyline as seen from Jersey City, N.J., Wednesday, 7 June 7 2023.","captionCredit":"AP Photo\/Seth Wenig","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"symons","title":"Angela Symons","twitter":null}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":44,"slug":"canada","urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","titleRaw":"Canada"},{"id":447,"slug":"usa","urlSafeValue":"usa","title":"USA","titleRaw":"USA"},{"id":25370,"slug":"wildfires","urlSafeValue":"wildfires","title":"Wildfires","titleRaw":"Wildfires"},{"id":7994,"slug":"forest-fires","urlSafeValue":"forest-fires","title":"Forest fires","titleRaw":"Forest fires"},{"id":12227,"slug":"air-pollution","urlSafeValue":"air-pollution","title":"Air pollution","titleRaw":"Air pollution"},{"id":495,"slug":"new-york","urlSafeValue":"new-york","title":"New York","titleRaw":"New York"}],"widgets":[{"slug":"image","count":2},{"slug":"related","count":2}],"related":[{"id":2292406}],"technicalTags":[{"path":"euronews.just-in"},{"path":"euronews"}],"video":0,"videos":[],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":2,"sources":[],"externalSource":"APTN","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"","freeField1":"","freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"green-news","urlSafeValue":"green-news","title":"Green News","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/green\/green-news\/green-news"},"vertical":"green","verticals":[{"id":8,"slug":"green","urlSafeValue":"green","title":"Green"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":8,"slug":"green","urlSafeValue":"green","title":"Green"},"themes":[{"id":"green-news","urlSafeValue":"green-news","title":"Green News","url":"\/\/\/green\/green-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":35,"urlSafeValue":"green-news","title":"Green-news"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_ukraine-russia','gs_science','castrol_negative_uk','neg_mobkoi_castrol','neg_facebook_2021','gs_science_environ','gs_science_environment','neg_facebook','neg_saudiaramco','neg_audi_list1','sm_politics','gv_death_injury','gs_sport','gt_negative','gb_death_injury_edu','gs_health','gs_science_weather','gs_science_geography','gs_politics_issues_policy'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/green\/2023\/06\/08\/canada-fires-millions-breathing-hazardous-air-as-smoke-spreads-south-into-us","lastModified":1686236569},{"id":2289618,"cid":7653618,"versionId":14,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230605_TNSU_51933895","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Canada travel warning: Everything you need to know about travelling during wildfires","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"How are Canada's fires affecting travel in the US?","titleListing2":"Canada travel warning: Everything you need to know about travelling during wildfires","leadin":"Wildfires in Canada have led to closures and flight delays in the US. Here's everything tourists need to know.","summary":"Wildfires in Canada have led to closures and flight delays in the US. Here's everything tourists need to know.","url":"canada-travel-warning-everything-you-need-to-know-about-travelling-during-wildfires","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Unprecedented wildfires have been ravaging Canada\u2019s Atlantic coast since last week, sending hazardous smoke over the border into the US. \n\nBoth nations' capitals have been shrouded in an unhealthy haze that has led to flight disruptions and the postponement of Major League Baseball games. \n\nIf you are visiting affected areas, you are advised to wear an N95 face mask to protect from PM 2.5 particles. \n\nCanada experienced an unusually fierce start to fire season in the west of the country in May. \n\nWildfires have since sprung up in the east, with Nova Scotia battling to contain its largest wildfire on record. On\u00a0Friday (2 June),\u00a010,000 residents in coastal Quebec were forced to evacuate due to blazes. \n\nA record 2.7 million hectares of Canadian land has been scorched so far in 2023 - more than 10 times the annual average for this time of year - and the number is only growing. \n\nCanadian officials asked other countries for additional help fighting more than 400 blazes nationwide that already have displaced 20,000 people. \n\nWhich parts of Canada are affected by wildfires? \n\nIn Ontario, a fire blazing 170 km west of Ottawa is causing dangerously poor air quality in the capital, which has spread south into Toronto and the US.\u00a0 \n\nThe province of Nova Scotia on Canada \u2019s east coast has also been hard hit by wildfires in recent weeks. Long awaited rain over the weekend helped to bring fires under control, but some areas are still affected. \n\nWhile the Tantallon fire northwest of Halifax is now under control, firefighters have been battling a blaze in Shelburne County in the southwest of the province since 27 May. They have only just begun to contain its spread. Schools in the area were closed on Monday and Tuesday. \n\nOver 160 wildfires are burning in the province of Quebec, around 114 of which authorities are struggling to bring under control. Access has been banned or limited to 13 of the state's parks. \n\nIn the coastal city of Sept-Iles, a local state of emergency was declared on Friday due to wildfires and thousands of people were evacuated. The southwest Quebec city of Val d'Or declared a state of emergency earlier this week. \n\nQuebec City has not been directly affected by the wildfires but, like many places, is suffering from poor air quality. \n\nSince early May, Alberta and British Columbia (BC) in western Canada have also been battling major blazes, leading to deployment of the armed forces. Travel warnings have been issued in parts of BC. \n\nIn Vancouver, the \u2018very high risk\u2019 air quality advisory has been lifted after fires last month but this may not last. \n\nYou can stay up to date with the latest wildfires and their severity through the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System\u2019s (CWFIS) fire weather maps. \n\nIs it safe to travel to Canada during wildfires? \n\nThousands of people have been evacuated and hundreds of homes destroyed in Canada \u2019s recent wildfires. \n\nWhile it is still safe to travel to most parts of Canada, you should check for wildfire updates and follow guidance from local authorities. \n\nBe sure to follow burn bans and restrictions. In some provinces, such as Nova Scotia, open fires are currently not permitted - including in parks and campgrounds. In Quebec, open fires are not permitted in or near forested areas. \n\nThe Canadian government warns that wildfire smoke can be carried hundreds of thousands of kilometres from the fire zones, causing harmful air pollution. \n\nThis is particularly dangerous for older adults, young children, pregnant people, and people with respiratory problems. \n\nWearing an N95 mask could help to protect from air pollution to some extent. \n\nAre Canada's fires impacting travel in the US? \n\nSmoke from Canada's fires has spread south into the United States , prompting air quality warnings as far south as Virginia. \n\nMore than 2,500 flights have been delayed in the US due to limited visibility, including at New York's LaGuardia, Newark Liberty and Philadelphia airports.\u00a0 \n\nSmoke also contributed to delayed arrivals at Dulles International Airport outside Washington DC, where a heavy haze shrouded the Washington Monument and forced the cancellation of outdoor tours. Flights in Boston and Baltimore could also be impacted. \n\nIf you are travelling to airports along the East Coast and Midwest, be sure to check for updates. \n\nAir with hazardous levels of pollution has extended into the New York metropolitan area, central New York state and parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. If you are visiting these areas, wear a mask for protection.\u00a0North Carolina and Indiana have also been impacted. \n\nIn areas with an air quality index over 300, you should avoid outdoor activities. \n\nIn response to the smoke, New York is handing out 1 million N95 masks at state facilities. New York City has closed beaches and residents have been told to stay indoors as much as possible. Zoos in the Bronx and Central Park closed early and brought their animals inside.\u00a0 \n\nSome Broadway shows have been cancelled and\u00a0Central Park's popular outdoor Shakespeare in the Park performances have been put off through Friday. \n\nRain in the northeast and mid-Atlantic this weekend or early next week is expected to clear the air a little. \n\nHow to stay safe during Canada's wildfires \n\nIf you are travelling in fire-affected areas, stay up to date on local road, park and forest closures. Be sure to pack snacks and water in case your journey is delayed. \n\nYou should avoid outdoor activities in areas affected by wildfires . \n\nWhile at your accommodation, you are advised to keep doors and windows closed. When using an air conditioner, you should use the \u2018recirculate\u2019 setting to avoid bringing in outdoor air. \n\nWildfires often coincide with extreme heat , creating a double threat. Check ahead for temperature warnings and take extra precaution if you are visiting areas affected by heat. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Unprecedented wildfires have been ravaging Canada\u2019s Atlantic coast since last week, sending hazardous smoke over the border into the US.<\/p>\n<p>Both nations&#039; capitals have been shrouded in an unhealthy haze that has led to flight disruptions and the postponement of Major League Baseball games.<\/p>\n<p>If you are visiting affected areas, you are advised to wear an N95 face mask to protect from PM 2.5 particles.<\/p>\n<h2>Canada experienced an unusually fierce start to fire season in the west of the country in May.<\/h2><p>Wildfires have since sprung up in the east, with Nova Scotia battling to contain its largest wildfire on record. On\u00a0Friday (2 June),\u00a010,000 residents in coastal Quebec were forced to evacuate due to blazes.<\/p>\n<p>A record 2.7 million hectares of Canadian land has been scorched so far in 2023 - more than 10 times the annual average for this time of year - and the number is only growing.<\/p>\n<p>Canadian officials asked other countries for additional help fighting more than 400 blazes nationwide that already have displaced 20,000 people.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7659562\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Canada is extending visa-free travel to 13 new countries - but there\u2019s a catch<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Which parts of Canada are affected by wildfires?<\/h2><p>In Ontario, a <a href="https:////">fire blazing 170 km west of Ottawa is causing dangerously poor air quality in the capital, which has spread south into Toronto and the US.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The province of Nova Scotia on <a href="https:////">Canada/u2019s east coast has also been hard hit by wildfires in recent weeks. Long awaited rain over the weekend helped to bring fires under control, but some areas are still affected.<\/p>\n<p>While the Tantallon fire northwest of Halifax is now under control, firefighters have been battling a blaze in Shelburne County in the southwest of the province since 27 May. They have only just begun to contain its spread. Schools in the area were closed on Monday and Tuesday.<\/p>\n<p>Over 160 wildfires are burning in the province of Quebec, around 114 of which authorities are struggling to bring under control. Access has been banned or limited to 13 of the state&#039;s parks.<\/p>\n<p>In the coastal city of Sept-Iles, a local state of emergency was declared on Friday due to <a href="https:////">wildfires and thousands of people were evacuated. The southwest Quebec city of Val d&#039;Or declared a state of emergency earlier this week.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7640482,7448920\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Barcelona, Ibiza, Madrid: Flash floods trigger travel warnings in popular holiday destinations<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Will heat waves hit Europe this summer? How to plan your holiday around extreme weather<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Quebec City has not been directly affected by the <a href="https:////">wildfires but, like many places, is suffering from poor air quality.<\/p>\n<p>Since early May, Alberta and British Columbia (BC) in western <a href="https:////">Canada have also been battling major blazes, leading to deployment of the armed forces. Travel warnings have been issued in parts of BC.<\/p>\n<p>In Vancouver, the \u2018very high risk\u2019 air quality advisory has been lifted after fires last month but this may not last.<\/p>\n<p>You can stay up to date with the latest <a href="https:////">wildfires and their severity through the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System\u2019s (CWFIS) fire weather maps.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Government of Alberta Fire Service&#47;Canadian Press via AP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/384x216_cmsv2_39434bc6-4971-5ec6-8aa3-649e20259efa-7653618.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/640x360_cmsv2_39434bc6-4971-5ec6-8aa3-649e20259efa-7653618.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/750x422_cmsv2_39434bc6-4971-5ec6-8aa3-649e20259efa-7653618.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/828x466_cmsv2_39434bc6-4971-5ec6-8aa3-649e20259efa-7653618.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/1080x608_cmsv2_39434bc6-4971-5ec6-8aa3-649e20259efa-7653618.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/1200x675_cmsv2_39434bc6-4971-5ec6-8aa3-649e20259efa-7653618.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/1920x1080_cmsv2_39434bc6-4971-5ec6-8aa3-649e20259efa-7653618.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">The Bald Mountain Wildfire burns in the Grande Prairie Forest Area in Alberta on 12 May 2023.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Government of Alberta Fire Service&#47;Canadian Press via AP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Is it safe to travel to Canada during wildfires?<\/h2><p>Thousands of people have been evacuated and hundreds of homes destroyed in <a href="https:////">Canada/u2019s recent wildfires.<\/p>\n<p>While it is still safe to travel to most parts of Canada, you should check for <a href="https:////">wildfire updates and follow guidance from local authorities.<\/p>\n<p>Be sure to follow burn bans and restrictions. In some provinces, such as Nova Scotia, open fires are currently not permitted - including in parks and campgrounds. In Quebec, open fires are not permitted in or near forested areas.<\/p>\n<p>The Canadian government warns that wildfire smoke can be carried hundreds of thousands of kilometres from the fire zones, causing harmful air pollution.<\/p>\n<p>This is particularly dangerous for older adults, young children, pregnant people, and people with respiratory problems.<\/p>\n<p>Wearing an N95 mask could help to protect from air pollution to some extent.<\/p>\n<h2>Are Canada's fires impacting travel in the US?<\/h2><p>Smoke from Canada&#039;s fires has spread south into the <a href="https:////">United States<\/strong><\/a>, prompting air quality warnings as far south as Virginia.<\/p>\n<p>More than 2,500 flights have been delayed in the US due to limited visibility, including at New York&#039;s LaGuardia, Newark Liberty and Philadelphia airports.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Smoke also contributed to delayed arrivals at Dulles International Airport outside Washington DC, where a heavy haze shrouded the Washington Monument and forced the cancellation of outdoor tours. Flights in Boston and Baltimore could also be impacted.<\/p>\n<p>If you are travelling to airports along the East Coast and Midwest, be sure to check for updates.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"AP Photo&#47;David R. Martin\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/384x216_cmsv2_c10c649b-1ab7-5d19-be35-5870df1daab5-7653618.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/640x360_cmsv2_c10c649b-1ab7-5d19-be35-5870df1daab5-7653618.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/750x422_cmsv2_c10c649b-1ab7-5d19-be35-5870df1daab5-7653618.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/828x466_cmsv2_c10c649b-1ab7-5d19-be35-5870df1daab5-7653618.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/1080x608_cmsv2_c10c649b-1ab7-5d19-be35-5870df1daab5-7653618.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/1200x675_cmsv2_c10c649b-1ab7-5d19-be35-5870df1daab5-7653618.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/1920x1080_cmsv2_c10c649b-1ab7-5d19-be35-5870df1daab5-7653618.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">A Southwest airliner approaches LaGuardia Airport in New York, Wednesday, 7 June 2023.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AP Photo&#47;David R. Martin<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Air with hazardous levels of pollution has extended into the <a href="https:////">New York<\/strong><\/a> metropolitan area, central New York state and parts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. If you are visiting these areas, wear a mask for protection.\u00a0North Carolina and Indiana have also been impacted.<\/p>\n<p>In areas with an air quality index over 300, you should avoid outdoor activities.<\/p>\n<p>In response to the smoke, New York is handing out 1 million N95 masks at state facilities. New York City has closed beaches and residents have been told to stay indoors as much as possible. Zoos in the Bronx and Central Park closed early and brought their animals inside.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Some Broadway shows have been cancelled and\u00a0Central Park&#039;s popular outdoor Shakespeare in the Park performances have been put off through Friday.<\/p>\n<p>Rain in the northeast and mid-Atlantic this weekend or early next week is expected to clear the air a little.<\/p>\n<h2>How to stay safe during Canada's wildfires<\/h2><p>If you are travelling in fire-affected areas, stay up to date on local road, park and forest closures. Be sure to pack snacks and water in case your journey is delayed.<\/p>\n<p>You should avoid outdoor activities in areas affected by <a href="https:////">wildfires./n

While at your accommodation, you are advised to keep doors and windows closed. When using an air conditioner, you should use the \u2018recirculate\u2019 setting to avoid bringing in outdoor air.<\/p>\n<p>Wildfires often coincide with <a href="https:////">extreme heat<\/strong><\/a>, creating a double threat. Check ahead for temperature warnings and take extra precaution if you are visiting areas affected by heat.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1685971386,"publishedAt":1686211258,"updatedAt":1686224070,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/travel\/2023\/06\/08\/canada-travel-warning-everything-you-need-to-know-about-travelling-during-wildfires","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_f04f10d8-6286-580f-a60c-a4019e849e25-7653618.jpg","altText":"Communications Nova Scotia \/The Canadian Press via AP","caption":"Communications Nova Scotia \/The Canadian Press via AP","captionCredit":"AP Photo","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/36\/18\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_c10c649b-1ab7-5d19-be35-5870df1daab5-7653618.jpg","altText":"A Southwest airliner approaches LaGuardia Airport in New York, Wednesday, 7 June 2023. ","caption":"A Southwest airliner approaches LaGuardia Airport in New York, Wednesday, 7 June 2023. ","captionCredit":"AP Photo\/David R. 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It can be used by certain passport holders when entering Canada for business or tourist stays of up to six months. \n\nNationals of 57 visa-exempt countries and 10 British overseas territories who are flying into Canada must apply for an eTA. They do not need an eTA or travel visa when arriving by car, bus, train or boat. \n\nEU passport holders and citizens of Iceland, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Switzerland, Vatican City State and the UK are included in this list. \n\nUntil now, only one country that requires a Canadian visa - Brazil - was also eligible for the eTA. 13 more countries have now been added to this list. \n\nBut there\u2019s a catch: visa-required eTA applicants must have held a Canadian visitor visa in the past 10 years or currently hold a valid United States nonimmigrant visa. \n\nWhich countries now have visa-free access to Canada? \n\nThe 13 visa-required countries that can now take advantage of Canada \u2019s eTA programme, alongside Brazil , include: \n\nAntigua and Barbuda \nArgentina \nCosta Rica \nMorocco \nPanama \nPhilippines \nSt. Kitts and Nevis \nSt. Lucia \nSt. Vincent and the Grenadines \nSeychelles \nThailand \nTrinidad and Tobago \nUruguay \n\nWhat are the benefits of Canada\u2019s eTA? \n\nThe Canadian government says expanding visa-free air travel will make it faster, easier and more affordable for thousands of travellers to visit the country. \n\nAt $100 CAD (\u20ac70) Canada \u2019s visitor visa is 10 times more expensive than the eTA. The online application requires you to upload various documents, as well as your fingerprints and a photo. When your application is approved, you must send your passport off to get the visa. The process usually takes a few weeks in total. \n\nIn comparison, the eTA only requires you to input your passport and payment information in a short online application. This is then approved within minutes via email. \n\nCanada also hopes that extending its eTA programme to more countries will boost tourism while strengthening international relations. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Canada is extending visa-free travel to a host of new countries.<\/p>\n<p>An additional 13 nations can now visit the country using the electronic travel authorisation (eTA) programme instead of a visitor visa.<\/p>\n<p>Available via a simple online application, the eTA slashes waiting times from weeks to minutes and costs 10 times less.<\/p>\n<p>Here\u2019s who can apply.<\/p>\n<h2>What is Canada\u2019s electronic travel authorisation?<\/h2><p>Canada\u2019s eTA can be applied for online and costs just $7 CAD (\u20ac5). It can be used by certain passport holders when entering <a href="https:////">Canada for business or tourist stays of up to six months.<\/p>\n<p>Nationals of 57 visa-exempt countries and 10 British overseas territories who are flying into Canada must apply for an eTA. They do not need an eTA or travel <a href="https:////">visa when arriving by car, bus, train or boat.<\/p>\n<p>EU passport holders and citizens of Iceland, Lichtenstein, Monaco, Norway, Switzerland, Vatican City State and the UK are included in this list.<\/p>\n<p>Until now, only one country that requires a Canadian <a href="https:////">visa - Brazil - was also eligible for the eTA. 13 more countries have now been added to this list.<\/p>\n<p>But there\u2019s a catch: visa-required eTA applicants must have held a Canadian visitor <a href="https:////">visa in the past 10 years or currently hold a valid United States nonimmigrant visa.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7653618,7143882\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Want to move to Europe? Here are all the countries where you can apply for a digital\u00a0nomad\u00a0visa<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Canada travel warning: Everything you need to know about travelling during wildfires<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Which countries now have visa-free access to Canada?<\/h2><p>The 13 visa-required countries that can now take advantage of <a href="https:////">Canada/u2019s eTA programme, alongside <a href="https:////">Brazil, include:<\/p>\n<ul>\n<li>Antigua and Barbuda<\/li>\n<li>Argentina<\/li>\n<li><a href="https:////">Costa Rica<\/strong><\/a><\/li>\n<li>Morocco<\/li>\n<li>Panama<\/li>\n<li><a href="https:////">Philippines/n

  • St. Kitts and Nevis<\/li>\n<li>St. Lucia<\/li>\n<li>St. Vincent and the Grenadines<\/li>\n<li>Seychelles<\/li>\n<li><a href="https:////">Thailand/n
  • Trinidad and Tobago<\/li>\n<li><a href="https:////">Uruguay/n/n

    What are the benefits of Canada\u2019s eTA?<\/h2><p>The Canadian government says expanding <a href="https:////">visa-free air travel will make it faster, easier and more affordable for thousands of travellers to visit the country.<\/p>\n<p>At $100 CAD (\u20ac70) <a href="https:////">Canada/u2019s visitor visa is 10 times more expensive than the eTA. The online application requires you to upload various documents, as well as your fingerprints and a photo. When your application is approved, you must send your passport off to get the visa. The process usually takes a few weeks in total.<\/p>\n<p>In comparison, the eTA only requires you to input your passport and payment information in a short online application. This is then approved within minutes via email.<\/p>\n<p>Canada also hopes that extending its eTA programme to more countries will boost tourism while strengthening international relations.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1686147462,"publishedAt":1686148765,"updatedAt":1686148772,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/travel\/2023\/06\/07\/canada-is-extending-visa-free-travel-to-13-new-countries-but-theres-a-catch","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/65\/95\/62\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_5ff8b341-2d52-5f26-a86d-cf8197606d9a-7659562.jpg","altText":"Canada is simplifying visa applications for citizens of 13 countries.","caption":"Canada is simplifying visa applications for citizens of 13 countries.","captionCredit":"Canva","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"symons","title":"Angela Symons","twitter":null}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":44,"slug":"canada","urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","titleRaw":"Canada"},{"id":15254,"slug":"travel-visa","urlSafeValue":"travel-visa","title":"Travel visa","titleRaw":"Travel visa"},{"id":24710,"slug":"travel-restrictions","urlSafeValue":"travel-restrictions","title":"Travel restrictions","titleRaw":"Travel restrictions"},{"id":9557,"slug":"south-america","urlSafeValue":"south-america","title":"South America","titleRaw":"South America"},{"id":5231,"slug":"caribbean","urlSafeValue":"caribbean","title":"Caribbean","titleRaw":"Caribbean"},{"id":18848,"slug":"visa","urlSafeValue":"visa","title":"visa","titleRaw":"visa"}],"widgets":[{"slug":"related","count":1}],"related":[],"technicalTags":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"travel-news","urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel News","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/travel\/travel-news\/travel-news"},"vertical":"travel","verticals":[{"id":7,"slug":"travel","urlSafeValue":"travel","title":"Travel"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":7,"slug":"travel","urlSafeValue":"travel","title":"Travel"},"themes":[{"id":"travel-news","urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel News","url":"\/\/\/travel\/travel-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":21,"urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel-news"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_travel','gs_travel_locations','gs_travel_locations_europe','gs_travel_locations_africa','gs_travel_misc','gs_travel_locations_sa','castrol_negative_uk','neg_mobkoi_castrol','sm_politics'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/travel\/2023\/06\/07\/canada-is-extending-visa-free-travel-to-13-new-countries-but-theres-a-catch","lastModified":1686148772},{"id":2279544,"cid":7624054,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230523_NCSU_51755464","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"WATCH: Logging enthusiasts gather for Canadian Logger Sports competition","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"WATCH: Logging enthusiasts gather for Canadian competition","titleListing2":"The annual Logger Sports competition gathered hundreds of participants and spectators last weekend in the beautiful town of Kaslo, Canada.","leadin":"The annual Logger Sports competition gathered hundreds of participants and spectators last weekend in the beautiful town of Kaslo, Canada.","summary":"The annual Logger Sports competition gathered hundreds of participants and spectators last weekend in the beautiful town of Kaslo, Canada.","url":"watch-logging-enthusiasts-gather-for-canadian-logger-sports-competition","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Logging enthusiasts from across Canada, the US, and New Zealand competed in multiple disciplines, including Open Log Rolling, Springboard Chop, Open Tree Climb, Obstacle pole Race, and Underhand Chop. \n\nThe spectacular competition has been traditionally organized by a family of loggers from Kaslo for 49 years.\u00a0 \n\n\"It started out as a traditional way for the loggers in the bush to have a little bit of fun. We've turned it into a sport,\" participant Andrea Hand said. \n\nFor some of the participants, logging is a hobby, for others, it's a job.\u00a0 \n\nOver the years, the sport has been internationally recognised and promoted by the saw brand Stihl. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Logging enthusiasts from across Canada, the US, and New Zealand competed in multiple disciplines, including Open Log Rolling, Springboard Chop, Open Tree Climb, Obstacle pole Race, and Underhand Chop.<\/p>\n<p>The spectacular competition has been traditionally organized by a family of loggers from Kaslo for 49 years.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>\"It started out as a traditional way for the loggers in the bush to have a little bit of fun. We&#039;ve turned it into a sport,\" participant Andrea Hand said.<\/p>\n<p>For some of the participants, logging is a hobby, for others, it&#039;s a job.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Over the years, the sport has been internationally recognised and promoted by the saw brand Stihl.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1684835106,"publishedAt":1684839947,"updatedAt":1684840684,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/05\/23\/watch-logging-enthusiasts-gather-for-canadian-logger-sports-competition","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/62\/40\/54\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_82316e60-03ab-522c-93bc-9ec5655c6a53-7624054.jpg","altText":"Logger.","caption":"Logger.","captionCredit":"John Walker\/AP","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"height":732}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":44,"slug":"canada","urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","titleRaw":"Canada"},{"id":7829,"slug":"sport","urlSafeValue":"sport","title":"Sport","titleRaw":"Sport"},{"id":447,"slug":"usa","urlSafeValue":"usa","title":"USA","titleRaw":"USA"}],"widgets":[],"related":[{"id":2265982},{"id":2271504},{"id":2276972}],"technicalTags":[],"video":1,"videos":[{"duration":60000,"editor":null,"filesizeBytes":7776597,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/med\/EN\/NC\/SU\/23\/05\/23\/en\/230523_NCSU_51755464_51755619_60000_115158_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"md"},{"duration":60000,"editor":null,"filesizeBytes":12024149,"format":"mp4","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/EN\/NC\/SU\/23\/05\/23\/en\/230523_NCSU_51755464_51755619_60000_115158_en.mp4","expiresAt":0,"quality":"hd"}],"externalPartners":{"dailymotionId":"x8l61k7","youtubeId":"ZrjiADCZxtk"},"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"Euronews","freeField1":"","freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"nocomment","urlSafeValue":"nocomment","title":"no comment","online":1,"url":"\/nocomment"},"vertical":"news","verticals":[{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"themes":[{"id":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"World","url":"\/\/\/news\/international"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":1,"urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gt_mixed','gb_safe','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_sport','gs_sport_misc'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/video\/2023\/05\/23\/watch-logging-enthusiasts-gather-for-canadian-logger-sports-competition","lastModified":1684840684},{"id":2274038,"cid":7607570,"versionId":2,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230516_C2SU_51658338","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"The Weeknd 'kills' his stage name - and wants to be 'reborn'","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"The Weeknd changes his moniker to his birth name across social media","titleListing2":"The Weeknd has 'killed' his stage name - and wants to be 'reborn'","leadin":"The record-breaking Canadian singer has changed his moniker to his birth name Abel Tesfaye across social media, after saying he wants to be 'reborn'.","summary":"The record-breaking Canadian singer has changed his moniker to his birth name Abel Tesfaye across social media, after saying he wants to be 'reborn'.","url":"the-weeknd-kills-his-stage-name-and-wants-to-be-reborn","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Chart-topping singer The Weeknd has announced he wants to \u201ckill\u201d his stage name and \u201cbe reborn\u201d. \n\nThe 33-year-old has changed his moniker across his social media accounts to Abel Tesfaye, his birth name, after performing as \u2018The Weeknd\u2019 since 2009. \n\nSpeaking to W Magazine earlier this month, the Canadian hinted at the change, explaining, \u201cIt\u2019s getting to a place and a time where I\u2019m getting ready to close The Weeknd chapter\u201d. He insisted that the change isn\u2019t a retirement announcement, saying, \u201cI\u2019ll still make music, maybe as Abel, maybe as The Weeknd. But I still want to kill The Weeknd. And I will. Eventually. I\u2019m definitely trying to shed that skin and be reborn.\u201d \n\nTesfaye also announced that the album he\u2019s currently working on is his \u201clast hurrah\u201d and that \u201cas The Weeknd, I\u2019ve said everything I can say\u201d. \n\nThe performer has had extraordinary success under his stage name - and, in March, Guinness World Records announced that he\u2019s statistically the most popular musician on the planet. That month, he became the first ever artist on the streaming platform to reach 100 million monthly listeners and had the most monthly listeners on Spotify for March, with 111.4 million as of 20 March. \n\nHe\u2019s also performed all over the world, including at the iconic Super Bowl Half Time show, and boasts the most streamed Spotify song of all time \u2018Blinding Lights\u2019 , which has racked up more than 3.565 billion plays since its 2019 release. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Chart-topping singer The Weeknd has announced he wants to \u201ckill\u201d his stage name and \u201cbe reborn\u201d.<\/p>\n<p>The 33-year-old has changed his moniker across his social media accounts to Abel Tesfaye, his birth name, after performing as \u2018The Weeknd\u2019 since 2009.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.49133333333333334\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Instagram &#47; @theweeknd\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/384x189_cmsv2_435515bc-0f82-57ce-91df-a6bb55796fec-7607570.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/640x314_cmsv2_435515bc-0f82-57ce-91df-a6bb55796fec-7607570.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/750x369_cmsv2_435515bc-0f82-57ce-91df-a6bb55796fec-7607570.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/828x407_cmsv2_435515bc-0f82-57ce-91df-a6bb55796fec-7607570.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/1080x531_cmsv2_435515bc-0f82-57ce-91df-a6bb55796fec-7607570.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/1200x590_cmsv2_435515bc-0f82-57ce-91df-a6bb55796fec-7607570.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/1920x943_cmsv2_435515bc-0f82-57ce-91df-a6bb55796fec-7607570.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">The Weeknd&apos;s Instagram account - with his new display name Abel Tesfaye on show<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Instagram &#47; @theweeknd<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Speaking to W Magazine earlier this month, the Canadian hinted at the change, explaining, \u201cIt\u2019s getting to a place and a time where I\u2019m getting ready to close The Weeknd chapter\u201d. He insisted that the change isn\u2019t a retirement announcement, saying, \u201cI\u2019ll still make music, maybe as Abel, maybe as The Weeknd. But I still want to kill The Weeknd. And I will. Eventually. I\u2019m definitely trying to shed that skin and be reborn.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Tesfaye also announced that the album he\u2019s currently working on is his \u201clast hurrah\u201d and that \u201cas The Weeknd, I\u2019ve said everything I can say\u201d.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-fade-in widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.7197715011107585\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Copyright 2021 The AP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/384x276_cmsv2_76f3c4bd-be18-5bcd-ad7c-8a4c8fc2ba74-7607570.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/640x461_cmsv2_76f3c4bd-be18-5bcd-ad7c-8a4c8fc2ba74-7607570.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/750x540_cmsv2_76f3c4bd-be18-5bcd-ad7c-8a4c8fc2ba74-7607570.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/828x596_cmsv2_76f3c4bd-be18-5bcd-ad7c-8a4c8fc2ba74-7607570.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/1080x777_cmsv2_76f3c4bd-be18-5bcd-ad7c-8a4c8fc2ba74-7607570.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/1200x864_cmsv2_76f3c4bd-be18-5bcd-ad7c-8a4c8fc2ba74-7607570.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/1920x1382_cmsv2_76f3c4bd-be18-5bcd-ad7c-8a4c8fc2ba74-7607570.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">The Weeknd performing in 2021 at the Super Bowl halftime show in Florida<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Copyright 2021 The AP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>The performer has had extraordinary success under his stage name - and, in March, Guinness World Records announced that he\u2019s statistically the most popular musician on the planet. That month, he became the first ever artist on the streaming platform to reach 100 million monthly listeners and had the most monthly listeners on Spotify for March, with 111.4 million as of 20 March.<\/p>\n<p>He\u2019s also performed all over the world, including at the iconic Super Bowl Half Time show, and boasts <a href="https:////">the most streamed Spotify song of all time \u2018Blinding Lights\u2019<\/a>, which has racked up more than 3.565 billion plays since its 2019 release.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1684227535,"publishedAt":1684238989,"updatedAt":1684239959,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/culture\/2023\/05\/16\/the-weeknd-kills-his-stage-name-and-wants-to-be-reborn","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_18462bb1-3a5d-5575-b2eb-f709bb7ddcba-7607570.jpg","altText":"The artist - formerly known as The Weeknd - performing at Cpachella in April","caption":"The artist - formerly known as The Weeknd - performing at Cpachella in April","captionCredit":"Invision \/ AP Photo","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1640,"height":924},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_76f3c4bd-be18-5bcd-ad7c-8a4c8fc2ba74-7607570.jpg","altText":"The Weeknd performing in 2021 at the Super Bowl halftime show in Florida","caption":"The Weeknd performing in 2021 at the Super Bowl halftime show in Florida","captionCredit":"Copyright 2021 The AP","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":3151,"height":2268},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/75\/70\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_435515bc-0f82-57ce-91df-a6bb55796fec-7607570.jpg","altText":"The Weeknd's Instagram account - with his new display name Abel Tesfaye on show","caption":"The Weeknd's Instagram account - with his new display name Abel Tesfaye on show","captionCredit":"Instagram \/ @theweeknd","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1500,"height":737}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"odonoghue","title":"Saskia O'Donoghue","twitter":null}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":9471,"slug":"pop-music","urlSafeValue":"pop-music","title":"Pop music","titleRaw":"Pop music"},{"id":13337,"slug":"spotify","urlSafeValue":"spotify","title":"Spotify","titleRaw":"Spotify"},{"id":9981,"slug":"guinness-world-records","urlSafeValue":"guinness-world-records","title":"Guinness World Records","titleRaw":"Guinness World Records"},{"id":10843,"slug":"music-festival","urlSafeValue":"music-festival","title":"Music festival","titleRaw":"Music festival"}],"widgets":[{"slug":"image","count":2}],"related":[{"id":1789420},{"id":2251564},{"id":2267392}],"technicalTags":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"culture-news","urlSafeValue":"culture-news","title":"Culture news","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/culture\/culture-news\/culture-news"},"vertical":"culture","verticals":[{"id":10,"slug":"culture","urlSafeValue":"culture","title":"Culture"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":10,"slug":"culture","urlSafeValue":"culture","title":"Culture"},"themes":[{"id":"culture-news","urlSafeValue":"culture-news","title":"Culture news","url":"\/\/\/culture\/culture-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":53,"urlSafeValue":"culture-news","title":"Culture-news"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_entertain_music','gs_tech_compute_net_social','neg_facebook_2021','gs_event_superbowl','gs_seasevnt_superbowl','gs_seasevnt','gs_popculture_celeb','gs_popculture','neg_mobkoi_datacompliance','neg_mobkoi_facebook_11nov2020','neg_workplacefromfacebook','gs_tech','gs_tech_compute','neg_facebook_neg1'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/culture\/2023\/05\/16\/the-weeknd-kills-his-stage-name-and-wants-to-be-reborn","lastModified":1684239959},{"id":2273556,"cid":7606216,"versionId":2,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230515_S5SU_51651141","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"'BlackBerry' movie courts fans of obsolete tech, while critics dismiss 'another corporate biopic'","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"'BlackBerry' movie sparks nostalgia for obsolete tech","titleListing2":"'BlackBerry' movie courts fans of obsolete tech, while critics dismiss 'another corporate biopic'","leadin":"The tale of the rise and fall of BlackBerry, one of the first personal hand-held communication devices, has opened to mostly positive reviews.","summary":"The tale of the rise and fall of BlackBerry, one of the first personal hand-held communication devices, has opened to mostly positive reviews.","url":"blackberry-movie-courts-fans-of-obsolete-tech-while-critics-dismiss-another-corporate-biop","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"There once was a time when phones had buttons and sending an email from a hand-held device was a revolution, not a punishment. \n\nThis quaint period of history is eternalised in the new BlackBerry film, which hit theatres on Friday. It tells the story of the Canadian nerds that created the titular device in the 1990s, how they managed to get it into the hands of every businessman worth his salt and how their booming business eventually got killed by the iPhone. \n\nAt its peak in 2009, BlackBerry\u2019s parent company Research In Motion (RIM) owned 20 percent of the global smartphone market. But the 2010s saw its touchscreen competitors take the lead and in 2022 BlackBerry decommissioned the software supporting its classic models. \n\nBased on the 2015 book \u201cLosing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of BlackBerry\u201d by Jacquie McNish and Sean Silcoff, the film takes some liberties with the real-life events, but claims to be mostly based in fact. \n\nIn an interview with the Associated Press, writer, director and co-star Matt Johnson acknowledged he shifted some timelines, shaped the company culture through his own view of the 1990s and infused the key characters with \u201cour own personalities and our own ideas.\u201d \n\n\u201cBut our lawyers wouldn\u2019t let us put anything in the film that was an outright fabrication,\u201d Johnson stressed. \n\nA modern Canadian classic? \n\nThe film opened to mostly positive reviews, with a 97 percent \u201ccertified fresh\u201d rating on Rotten Tomatoes after its opening weekend. It\u2019s found fans in Hollywood, including US comedian Patton Oswalt who called it a \u201ckinetic, hilarious (and oftentimes terrifying) thrill ride\u201d in a congratulatory Twitter thread. \n\nCanadians have also been hailing it as their country\u2019s answer to the acclaimed Facebook biopic The Social Network. The film is as Canadian as they come, with a Canadian writer\/director, Canadian production team and, of course, a story about a Canadian company. \n\nBlackBerry the movie also taps into a growing sense of nostalgia over now-obsolete technology. Gen Z has been particularly drawn to digital point-and-shoot cameras from the early noughties, and some have shunned slick smartphones in favour of simpler \u201cdumb phones\u201d. \n\nBut not everyone is sold on the film. Some former employees who worked on BlackBerry have criticised inaccuracies in the screenplay, including early RIM employee Matthias Wandel. \n\nAfter the trailer was released, Wandel posted an 18-minute long YouTube video calling out some of the creative liberties taken by filmmakers, which he deemed to be misleading. Before the film was made, he had spoken extensively to Johnson about RIM\u2019s history and even provided diaries that he kept during the BlackBerry\u2019s development. \n\n\u201cI think when he sees the film, he is going to be quite charmed by how much of his original notes are in the film,\u201d Johnson said of Wandel. \u201cIt\u2019s so funny that he has released that video (because) so much of my character is based on him. I stole everything from that dude. I owe him huge.\u201d \n\nAttack of the corporate biopics \n\nThe BlackBerry film has also caused many to wonder out loud: Why are there so many corporate biopics out these days? \n\nOn Twitter, users have pointed out the onslaught of similar narratives that look at the \u201cstory behind the product\u201d \u2013 like Ben Affleck\u2019s Air about Nike sneakers, Apple TV+\u2019s Tetris , or perhaps the strangest of them all, Eva Longoria\u2019s directorial debut Flamin\u2019 Hot about the spicy Cheetos that turn your fingertips red. \n\n\u201cIt\u2019s a spicy chip, it\u2019s gonna change everything,\u201d you can hear Jesse Rodriguez's\u00a0Richard Monta\u00f1ez say in the trailer. \n\nBut does every product need to change the world? And do we really need to see how every sausage is made in a 2-hour long film? \n\nIn a world where our phones no longer have buttons, ads are burned into the insides of our eyelids and emails buzz in our pockets every minute of the day, the answer is probably no. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>There once was a time when phones had buttons and sending an email from a hand-held device was a revolution, not a punishment.<\/p>\n<p>This quaint period of history is eternalised in the new <em>BlackBerry<\/em> film, which hit theatres on Friday. It tells the story of the Canadian nerds that created the titular device in the 1990s, how they managed to get it into the hands of every businessman worth his salt and how their booming business eventually got killed by the iPhone.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-youtube-embed\nwidget--size-fullwidth\nwidget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <div class=\"auto widget__ratio widget__ratio--16x9\">\n <iframe type=\"text\/html\" src="https:////" width=\"100%\" loading=\"lazy\" frameborder=\"0\" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen seamless>\n <\/iframe>\n <\/div>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>At its peak in 2009, BlackBerry\u2019s parent company Research In Motion (RIM) owned 20 percent of the global smartphone market. But the 2010s saw its touchscreen competitors take the lead and in 2022 BlackBerry decommissioned the software supporting its classic models.<\/p>\n<p>Based on the 2015 book \u201cLosing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of BlackBerry\u201d by Jacquie McNish and Sean Silcoff, the film takes some liberties with the real-life events, but claims to be mostly based in fact.<\/p>\n<p>In an interview with the Associated Press, writer, director and co-star Matt Johnson acknowledged he shifted some timelines, shaped the company culture through his own view of the 1990s and infused the key characters with \u201cour own personalities and our own ideas.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>\u201cBut our lawyers wouldn\u2019t let us put anything in the film that was an outright fabrication,\u201d Johnson stressed.<\/p>\n<h2>A modern Canadian classic?<\/h2><p>The film opened to mostly positive reviews, with a 97 percent \u201ccertified fresh\u201d rating on Rotten Tomatoes after its opening weekend. It\u2019s found fans in Hollywood, including US comedian Patton Oswalt who called it a \u201ckinetic, hilarious (and oftentimes terrifying) thrill ride\u201d in a congratulatory Twitter thread.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-tweet widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio\u2014auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <div class=\"widget__tweet\" data-tweet-id=\"1656731362576199682\"><\/div>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Canadians have also been hailing it as their country\u2019s answer to the acclaimed Facebook biopic The Social Network. The film is as Canadian as they come, with a Canadian writer\/director, Canadian production team and, of course, a story about a Canadian company.<\/p>\n<p>BlackBerry the movie also taps into a growing sense of nostalgia over now-obsolete technology. Gen Z has been particularly drawn to digital point-and-shoot cameras from the early noughties, and some have <a href="https:////">shunned slick smartphones<\/strong><\/a> in favour of simpler \u201cdumb phones\u201d.<\/p>\n<p>But not everyone is sold on the film. Some former employees who worked on BlackBerry have criticised inaccuracies in the screenplay, including early RIM employee Matthias Wandel.<\/p>\n<p>After the trailer was released, Wandel posted an <a href="https:////\%22>18-minute long YouTube video<\/strong><\/a> calling out some of the creative liberties taken by filmmakers, which he deemed to be misleading. Before the film was made, he had spoken extensively to Johnson about RIM\u2019s history and even provided diaries that he kept during the BlackBerry\u2019s development.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cI think when he sees the film, he is going to be quite charmed by how much of his original notes are in the film,\u201d Johnson said of Wandel. \u201cIt\u2019s so funny that he has released that video (because) so much of my character is based on him. I stole everything from that dude. I owe him huge.\u201d<\/p>\n<h2>Attack of the corporate biopics<\/h2><p>The BlackBerry film has also caused many to wonder out loud: Why are there so many corporate biopics out these days?<\/p>\n<p>On Twitter, users have pointed out the onslaught of similar narratives that look at the \u201cstory behind the product\u201d \u2013 like Ben Affleck\u2019s <em>Air<\/em> about Nike sneakers, Apple TV+\u2019s <em>Tetris<\/em>, or perhaps the strangest of them all, Eva Longoria\u2019s directorial debut <em>Flamin\u2019 Hot<\/em> about the spicy Cheetos that turn your fingertips red.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-tweet widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio\u2014auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <div class=\"widget__tweet\" data-tweet-id=\"1658101335097585664\"><\/div>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>\u201cIt\u2019s a spicy chip, it\u2019s gonna change everything,\u201d you can hear Jesse Rodriguez&#039;s\u00a0Richard Monta\u00f1ez say in the trailer.<\/p>\n<p>But does every product need to change the world? And do we really need to see how every sausage is made in a 2-hour long film?<\/p>\n<p>In a world where our phones no longer have buttons, ads are burned into the insides of our eyelids and emails buzz in our pockets every minute of the day, the answer is probably no.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1684165042,"publishedAt":1684217303,"updatedAt":1684498373,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/culture\/2023\/05\/16\/blackberry-movie-courts-fans-of-obsolete-tech-while-critics-dismiss-another-corporate-biop","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/60\/62\/16\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_6b2394c4-29fe-571f-b387-20816737fa3f-7606216.jpg","altText":"This image released by IFC Films shows Jay Baruchel, left, and actor-director Matt Johnson, center, with cast members on the set of \"BlackBerry.\"","caption":"This image released by IFC Films shows Jay Baruchel, left, and actor-director Matt Johnson, center, with cast members on the set of \"BlackBerry.\"","captionCredit":" Courtesy of IFC Films. An IFC F\/AP","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":3000,"height":1989}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"ulea","title":"Anca Ulea","twitter":null}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":16410,"slug":"movie","urlSafeValue":"movie","title":"film","titleRaw":"film"},{"id":21474,"slug":"movie-industry","urlSafeValue":"movie-industry","title":"movie industry","titleRaw":"movie industry"},{"id":18754,"slug":"film-premiere","urlSafeValue":"film-premiere","title":"film premiere","titleRaw":"film premiere"},{"id":11420,"slug":"smartphone","urlSafeValue":"smartphone","title":"Smartphone","titleRaw":"Smartphone"},{"id":10125,"slug":"blackberry","urlSafeValue":"blackberry","title":"Blackberry","titleRaw":"Blackberry"},{"id":7900,"slug":"apple","urlSafeValue":"apple","title":"Apple","titleRaw":"Apple"}],"widgets":[{"slug":"youtube","count":1},{"slug":"twitter","count":2}],"related":[{"id":2213564},{"id":2236638},{"id":2248348}],"technicalTags":[],"video":0,"videos":[],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"AP","freeField1":"","freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"see","urlSafeValue":"see","title":"See","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/culture\/see\/see"},"vertical":"culture","verticals":[{"id":10,"slug":"culture","urlSafeValue":"culture","title":"Culture"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":10,"slug":"culture","urlSafeValue":"culture","title":"Culture"},"themes":[{"id":"see","urlSafeValue":"see","title":"See","url":"\/\/\/culture\/see"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":48,"urlSafeValue":"see","title":"See"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_tech','gt_mixed','gs_entertain','gs_entertain_movies','gs_tech_consumer','gs_genres','neg_facebook_2021','gs_tech_consumer_smartphone','gs_tech_phones','gs_tech_computing','neg_bucherer','neg_facebook_q4','castrol_negative_uk','neg_mobkoi_castrol'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/culture\/2023\/05\/16\/blackberry-movie-courts-fans-of-obsolete-tech-while-critics-dismiss-another-corporate-biop","lastModified":1684498373},{"id":2270316,"cid":7596898,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230511_TNSU_51595422","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"What will Canada\u2019s new passport look like and will current passports still be valid?","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Canada\u2019s new passport features a maple leaf and moving image","titleListing2":"What will Canada\u2019s new passport look like and will current passports still be valid?","leadin":"Canada has unveiled a new passport design with advanced security features. Here's everything you need to know.","summary":"Canada has unveiled a new passport design with advanced security features. Here's everything you need to know.","url":"what-will-canadas-new-passport-look-like-and-will-current-passports-still-be-valid","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Canada has unveiled a new passport design with enhanced security features. \n\nPassport holders\u2019 personal information will now be laser engraved instead of being printed with ink. \n\nThe pages feature images of Canada\u2019s people, landscapes and wildlife that only appear in ultraviolet light. \n\nThe cover design has also been altered for the first time in decades. The gold coat of arms is now joined by a metallic maple leaf outline. The colour remains navy blue. \n\n\u201cThe new Canadian passport is more than a travel document; it is a representation of our national identity and values,\u201d says Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. \n\n\u201cIt is a reminder of the beauty and diversity of Canada, and it reflects the country's commitment to welcoming people from all around the world.\u201d \n\nIn a nod to Canada\u2019s place in the Commonwealth, the travel document also references the British royalty. However, due to the lengthy design process, it displays Queen Elizabeth II\u2019s Coat of Arms rather than that of the newly crowned King Charles III . \n\nCanada\u2019s passport is one of the most powerful in the world, ranking fourth globally on the Passport Index. Canadians enjoy visa-free or visa on arrival access to over 170 countries. \n\nThe new passport will start being rolled out later this summer. \n\nHow will Canada\u2019s new passports improve security? \n\nCanada\u2019s new passport design includes a number of new security features to keep citizens\u2019 identities safe. \n\nOn the inside front cover, colour-shifting ink depicts a deer and a snowflake. On the opposite page, a visible passport chip and antenna can be used to confirm the passport\u2019s validity and keep information secure. \n\nOn the personal information page, information is now laser-engraved rather than being printed with ink. This makes it more durable and resistant to tampering and counterfeiting. \n\nThis page also features a kinegram - a diffractive optically variable image - over the main photo that appears to move when you look at it from different angles. \n\nThe date of birth appears and disappears depending on how you look at it. A custom see-through window with a secondary image of the passport holder and temperature sensitive ink further improve security. \n\nThis page will now be made of polycarbonate, which is durable and water resistant. \n\nLater this year, Canadians will be able to renew their passport , pay their fees, and upload their photograph securely online. \n\nThe Canadian government has assured passport holders that both the old and new versions are secure and reliable, meaning it is not necessary to renew your passport early. \n\nHow will the design of Canada\u2019s passport change? \n\nThe new passport celebrates Canada \u2019s heritage and identity with images of the country\u2019s natural beauty and traditions throughout the four seasons. \n\nThe cover features metallic foil in the shape of a maple leaf on the cover. The back is decorated with a debossed maple leaf. \n\nSeasonal art that changes under UV light is found on the stamp pages, featuring scenes of bears, birds, pumpkin picking and wild swimming . \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Canada has unveiled a new passport design with enhanced security features.<\/p>\n<p>Passport holders\u2019 personal information will now be laser engraved instead of being printed with ink.<\/p>\n<p>The pages feature images of Canada\u2019s people, landscapes and wildlife that only appear in ultraviolet light.<\/p>\n<p>The cover design has also been altered for the first time in decades. The gold coat of arms is now joined by a metallic maple leaf outline. The colour remains navy blue.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThe new Canadian passport is more than a travel document; it is a representation of our national identity and values,\u201d says Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIt is a reminder of the beauty and diversity of Canada, and it reflects the country&#039;s commitment to <a href="https:////">welcoming people<\/strong><\/a> from all around the world.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>In a nod to Canada\u2019s place in the Commonwealth, the travel document also references the British royalty. However, due to the lengthy design process, it displays Queen Elizabeth II\u2019s Coat of Arms rather than that of the newly crowned <a href="https:////">King Charles III<\/strong><\/a>.<\/p>\n<p>Canada\u2019s passport is one of the most <a href="https:////">powerful in the world, ranking fourth globally on the Passport Index. Canadians enjoy visa-free or visa on arrival access to over 170 countries.<\/p>\n<p>The new <a href="https:////">passport will start being rolled out later this summer.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"6897256,7301256\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">UK passport holders warned to check expiry date after hundreds stopped from flying<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Revealed: These are the world\u2019s most (and least) powerful passports in 2023<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>How will Canada\u2019s new passports improve security?<\/h2><p>Canada\u2019s new passport design includes a number of new security features to keep citizens\u2019 identities safe.<\/p>\n<p>On the inside front cover, colour-shifting ink depicts a deer and a snowflake. On the opposite page, a visible <a href="https:////">passport chip and antenna can be used to confirm the passport\u2019s validity and keep information secure.<\/p>\n<p>On the personal information page, information is now laser-engraved rather than being printed with ink. This makes it more durable and resistant to tampering and counterfeiting.<\/p>\n<p>This page also features a kinegram - a diffractive optically variable image - over the main photo that appears to move when you look at it from different angles.<\/p>\n<p>The date of birth appears and disappears depending on how you look at it. A custom see-through window with a secondary image of the <a href="https:////">passport holder and temperature sensitive ink further improve security.<\/p>\n<p>This page will now be made of polycarbonate, which is durable and water resistant.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-freeform\nwidget--size-fullwidth\nwidget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <blockquote class=\"twitter-tweet\"><p lang=\"en\" dir=\"ltr\">1\/ Today, we\u2019re excited to unveil the new design of the Canadian passport! <a href="https:////">; Passport Canada (@PassportCan) <a href="https:////\%22>May 10, 2023<\/a><\/blockquote> <script async src="https:////" charset=\"utf-8\"><\/script> \n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Later this year, Canadians will be able to renew their <a href="https:////">passport, pay their fees, and upload their photograph securely online.<\/p>\n<p>The Canadian government has assured passport holders that both the old and new versions are secure and reliable, meaning it is not necessary to renew your <a href="https:////">passport early.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Canva\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/59\/68\/98\/384x216_cmsv2_9e55459c-6415-5d74-a890-67412596d878-7596898.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/59\/68\/98\/640x360_cmsv2_9e55459c-6415-5d74-a890-67412596d878-7596898.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/59\/68\/98\/750x422_cmsv2_9e55459c-6415-5d74-a890-67412596d878-7596898.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/59\/68\/98\/828x466_cmsv2_9e55459c-6415-5d74-a890-67412596d878-7596898.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/59\/68\/98\/1080x608_cmsv2_9e55459c-6415-5d74-a890-67412596d878-7596898.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/59\/68\/98\/1200x675_cmsv2_9e55459c-6415-5d74-a890-67412596d878-7596898.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/59\/68\/98\/1920x1080_cmsv2_9e55459c-6415-5d74-a890-67412596d878-7596898.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Canada&apos;s old passport design.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Canva<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>How will the design of Canada\u2019s passport change?<\/h2><p>The new passport celebrates <a href="https:////">Canada/u2019s heritage and identity with images of the country\u2019s natural beauty and traditions throughout the four seasons.<\/p>\n<p>The cover features metallic foil in the shape of a maple leaf on the cover. The back is decorated with a debossed maple leaf.<\/p>\n<p>Seasonal art that changes under UV light is found on the stamp pages, featuring scenes of bears, birds, pumpkin picking and <a href="https:////">wild swimming<\/strong><\/a>.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1683802816,"publishedAt":1683804835,"updatedAt":1683804838,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/travel\/2023\/05\/11\/what-will-canadas-new-passport-look-like-and-will-current-passports-still-be-valid","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/59\/68\/98\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_74ccc4b7-6484-51bf-bebe-23ef17083c60-7596898.jpg","altText":"Canada's new passport design features a maple leaf on the cover.","caption":"Canada's new passport design features a maple leaf on the cover.","captionCredit":"Justin Tang\/The Canadian Press via AP, File","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/59\/68\/98\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_9e55459c-6415-5d74-a890-67412596d878-7596898.jpg","altText":"Canada's old passport design.","caption":"Canada's old passport design.","captionCredit":"Canva","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"symons","title":"Angela Symons","twitter":null}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":14048,"slug":"passport","urlSafeValue":"passport","title":"passport","titleRaw":"passport"},{"id":24710,"slug":"travel-restrictions","urlSafeValue":"travel-restrictions","title":"Travel restrictions","titleRaw":"Travel restrictions"},{"id":15254,"slug":"travel-visa","urlSafeValue":"travel-visa","title":"Travel visa","titleRaw":"Travel visa"},{"id":244,"slug":"security","urlSafeValue":"security","title":"Security","titleRaw":"Security"},{"id":44,"slug":"canada","urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","titleRaw":"Canada"},{"id":12415,"slug":"fraud","urlSafeValue":"fraud","title":"Fraud","titleRaw":"Fraud"}],"widgets":[{"slug":"image","count":1},{"slug":"html","count":1},{"slug":"related","count":1}],"related":[],"technicalTags":[],"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":{"quotation":null,"description":null,"author":null},"survey":[],"tweetId":null,"tweet2NdId":null,"contentType":null,"displayOverlay":0},"displayType":"default","video":0,"videos":[],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"travel-news","urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel News","online":0,"url":"\/\/\/travel\/travel-news\/travel-news"},"vertical":"travel","verticals":[{"id":7,"slug":"travel","urlSafeValue":"travel","title":"Travel"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":7,"slug":"travel","urlSafeValue":"travel","title":"Travel"},"themes":[{"id":"travel-news","urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel News","url":"\/\/\/travel\/travel-news"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":21,"urlSafeValue":"travel-news","title":"Travel-news"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gt_positive','gb_safe','pos_equinor','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','sm_politics','neg_facebook_2021','gs_travel','gs_politics','progressivemedia','gs_science','gs_politics_issues_policy','gs_politics_misc','gs_tech_compute','neg_bucherer','neg_facebook_q4','gs_travel_misc','gs_tech_compute_apps','gt_positive_trust'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/travel\/2023\/05\/11\/what-will-canadas-new-passport-look-like-and-will-current-passports-still-be-valid","lastModified":1683804838},{"id":2269346,"cid":7593872,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230510_NCSU_51577820","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"WATCH: Aftermath of wildfire devastation in Western Canada","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"WATCH: Aftermath of wildfire devastation in Western Canada","titleListing2":"Aftermath and damage caused by the Western Canadian wildfires in the small town of Entwisle, about 100 km west of Edmonton, Alberta. Some residents have been able to return to their homes, but several fires remain out of control. ","leadin":"Aftermath and damage caused by the Western Canadian wildfires in the small town of Entwisle, about 100 km west of Edmonton, Alberta. Some residents have been able to return to their homes, but several fires remain out of control. ","summary":"Aftermath and damage caused by the Western Canadian wildfires in the small town of Entwisle, about 100 km west of Edmonton, Alberta. Some residents have been able to return to their homes, but several fires remain out of control. ","url":"watch-aftermath-of-wildfire-devastation-in-western-canada","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Cooler temperatures and light rain brought relief that allowed some wildfire evacuees to return home in Canada's Alberta province on Tuesday, but several blazes were still out of control. \n\nAuthorities have lifted evacuation orders for a handful of communities after beating back flames, but suffocating smoke still fills the air. \n\nThe number of wildfires that forced 30,000 people to flee in the past four days has fallen from a peak of 110 to 81, with 24 still listed as out of control. \n\nBut officials warned that a return to hot and dry conditions was expected by Friday and would persist through the weekend. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Cooler temperatures and light rain brought relief that allowed some wildfire evacuees to return home in Canada&#039;s Alberta province on Tuesday, but several blazes were still out of control.<\/p>\n<p>Authorities have lifted evacuation orders for a handful of communities after beating back flames, but suffocating smoke still fills the air.<\/p>\n<p>The number of wildfires that forced 30,000 people to flee in the past four days has fallen from a peak of 110 to 81, with 24 still listed as out of control.<\/p>\n<p>But officials warned that a return to hot and dry conditions was expected by Friday and would persist through the weekend.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1683713787,"publishedAt":1683742304,"updatedAt":1683742564,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/05\/10\/watch-aftermath-of-wildfire-devastation-in-western-canada","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/58\/73\/42\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_f72eee7a-0808-5e3d-9002-641df610f5e2-7587342.jpg","altText":"(Government of Alberta Fire Service\/The Canadian Press via AP)","caption":"(Government of Alberta Fire Service\/The Canadian Press via 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Alberta province declares state of emergency over wildfires","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Canada's Alberta province declares state of emergency over wildfires","titleListing2":"Fire crews battled wildfires threatening communities in western Canada on Sunday as cooler temperatures and a bit of rain brought some relief, but officials warned the reprieve came only in some areas.","leadin":"Fire crews battled wildfires threatening communities in western Canada on Sunday as cooler temperatures and a bit of rain brought some relief, but officials warned the reprieve came only in some areas.","summary":"Fire crews battled wildfires threatening communities in western Canada on Sunday as cooler temperatures and a bit of rain brought some relief, but officials warned the reprieve came only in some areas.","url":"canadas-alberta-province-declares-state-of-emergency-over-wildfires","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Authorities in Alberta reported 110 active fires across the western state, saying 37 were out of control. The number of people evacuated swelled to around 29,000, up from Saturday's 24,000.\u00a0 \n\nThe state's Premier,\u00a0Danielle Smith, declared a state of Emergency on Saturday after reviewing the state of the blazes. She said Alberta \"has been experiencing a hot, dry spring, and with so much kindling, all it takes is a few sparks to ignite some truly frightening wildfires.\" \n\nAccording to Smith, more than 20 communities have been evacuated and at least 122,000 hectares have burned so far. With her declaration, the Alberta government will be able to wield \" greater powers to respond to extreme situations\" which include mobilising additional resources and unlocking emergency funds. \n\nTwo out-of-control wildfires in neighbouring British Columbia also caused some people to leave their homes, and officials warned that they expected high winds to cause the blazes to grow bigger in the next few days. \n\nProvincial officials in Alberta said the weather forecast was favourable for the next few days, with small amounts of rain and overcast conditions. But they cautioned that hot and dry conditions were predicted to return within a few days. \n\nColin Blair, executive director of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency, said accurate damage reports were not yet available because conditions made it difficult to assess the situation. There were buildings destroyed in the town of Fox Lake, including 20 homes, a police station and a store. \n\nResidents had to be evacuated by helicopter or boat. \n\nFurthermore, amid the fears of the wildfires degenerating even more, there is a growing concern that the flames may hit oil refineries on the territory.\u00a0Alberta is Canada's largest oil and natural gas producer and while authorities are closely monitoring the situation, so far there are no reported disruptions in production. \n\n","htmlText":"<p>Authorities in Alberta reported 110 active fires across the western state, saying 37 were out of control. The number of people evacuated swelled to around 29,000, up from Saturday&#039;s 24,000.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The state&#039;s Premier,\u00a0Danielle Smith, declared a state of Emergency on Saturday after reviewing the state of the blazes. She said Alberta \"has been experiencing a hot, dry spring, and with so much kindling, all it takes is a few sparks to ignite some truly frightening wildfires.\"<\/p>\n<p>According to Smith, more than 20 communities have been evacuated and at least 122,000 hectares have burned so far. With her declaration, the Alberta government will be able to wield \" greater powers to respond to extreme situations\" which include mobilising additional resources and unlocking emergency funds.<\/p>\n<p>Two out-of-control wildfires in neighbouring British Columbia also caused some people to leave their homes, and officials warned that they expected high winds to cause the blazes to grow bigger in the next few days.<\/p>\n<p>Provincial officials in Alberta said the weather forecast was favourable for the next few days, with small amounts of rain and overcast conditions. But they cautioned that hot and dry conditions were predicted to return within a few days.<\/p>\n<p>Colin Blair, executive director of the Alberta Emergency Management Agency, said accurate damage reports were not yet available because conditions made it difficult to assess the situation. There were buildings destroyed in the town of Fox Lake, including 20 homes, a police station and a store.<\/p>\n<p>Residents had to be evacuated by helicopter or boat.<\/p>\n<p>Furthermore, amid the fears of the wildfires degenerating even more, there is a growing concern that the flames may hit oil refineries on the territory.\u00a0Alberta is Canada&#039;s largest oil and natural gas producer and while authorities are closely monitoring the situation, so far there are no reported disruptions in production.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1683525406,"publishedAt":1683533783,"updatedAt":1683533787,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/05\/08\/canadas-alberta-province-declares-state-of-emergency-over-wildfires","images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/58\/73\/42\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_f72eee7a-0808-5e3d-9002-641df610f5e2-7587342.jpg","altText":"Wildfire in Alberta, Canada","caption":"Wildfire in Alberta, Canada","captionCredit":"HO\/AP","captionUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"sourceUrl":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"height":773}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":44,"slug":"canada","urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","titleRaw":"Canada"},{"id":25370,"slug":"wildfires","urlSafeValue":"wildfires","title":"Wildfires","titleRaw":"Wildfires"},{"id":20218,"slug":"climate-crisis","urlSafeValue":"climate-crisis","title":"Climate crisis","titleRaw":"Climate crisis"}],"widgets":[],"related":[{"id":2260206},{"id":2264784},{"id":2265860}],"technicalTags":[],"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":{"quotation":null,"description":null,"author":null},"survey":[],"tweetId":null,"tweet2NdId":null,"contentType":null,"displayOverlay":0},"displayType":"default","video":0,"videos":[],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[{"startDate":0,"endDate":0}],"isLiveCoverage":0,"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"AP","additionalSources":"","additionalReporting":"Euronews","freeField1":"","freeField2":null,"type":"","program":{"id":"world","urlSafeValue":"world","title":"world news","online":1,"url":"\/\/\/programs\/world"},"vertical":"news","verticals":[{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"themes":[{"id":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"World","url":"\/\/\/news\/international"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":1,"urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":null,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":{"id":4312,"urlSafeValue":"calgary","title":"Calgary"},"grapeshot":"'gv_death_injury','gb_death_injury_edu','pos_ukrainecriris_ru','gs_science','gs_science_environ','gs_science_environment'","versions":[],"programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"path":"\/2023\/05\/08\/canadas-alberta-province-declares-state-of-emergency-over-wildfires","lastModified":1683533787},{"id":2255748,"cid":7553852,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230423_NCSU_51348885","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','pos_facebook','pos_pmi','pos_ukraine-russia','pos_ukrainecrisis','gs_science','gs_politics','neg_saudiaramco','sm_politics','progressivemedia','gs_politics_issues_policy','gs_science_environ','gs_science_environment','neg_facebook_2021','gs_busfin','climatechange','neg_equinor','gs_busfin_indus_energy','gs_business_energy','gt_mixed'","channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Watch: Climate activists march in Montreal on Earth Day","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Climate activists march in Montreal on Earth Day","titleListing2":"?? 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people take to the streets of Montreal to call on the Canadian government to do more to fight climate change, in particular \"by moving away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible\".<\/p>\n<p>\"I still believe there is hope, but not with the system we have,\" says a young demonstrator.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Earth Day was founded in 1970 in the US by a senator from Wisconsin who organised a national demonstration to raise awareness of environmental issues.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1682235461,"publishedAt":1682240388,"updatedAt":1682240391,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/04\/23\/watch-climate-activists-march-in-montreal-on-earth-day","programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/55\/38\/68\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_04b233f3-28cd-5eb2-930b-debe11604122-7553868.jpg","altText":"Climate activists hold out banner on their march on Montreal","caption":"Climate activists hold out banner on their march on 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Slush Cup and Cardboard Canoe Race takes place in Alberta","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Daredevils use carton canoes to slide down icy slope into pond","titleListing2":"Canada: Slush Cup and Cardboard Canoe Race takes place in Alberta","leadin":"The annual Slush Cup and Cardboard Canoe Race took place at Castle Mountain Resort in the Canadian province of Alberta on Saturday.","summary":"The annual Slush Cup and Cardboard Canoe Race took place at Castle Mountain Resort in the Canadian province of Alberta on Saturday.","keySentence":null,"url":"canada-slush-cup-and-cardboard-canoe-race-takes-place-in-alberta","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"The annual Slush Cup and Cardboard Canoe Race took place at Castle Mountain Resort in the Canadian province of Alberta on Saturday. \n\nThe competition sees dozens of daredevils slide down a steep icy slope in handmade canoes made out carton in an attempt to reach and jump into a man-made pond at the bottom. \n\nAnd all of this in temperatures below zero. \n\n\u201cThat was cold but fun! Wow! That was awesome! I\u2019ll get here next year too,\u201d said participant Andrew Fisher. \n\nAbout 15 of the decorated canoes with varying numbers of people on board took part in the race.","htmlText":"<p>The annual Slush Cup and Cardboard Canoe Race took place at Castle Mountain Resort in the Canadian province of Alberta on Saturday.<\/p>\n<p>The competition sees dozens of daredevils slide down a steep icy slope in handmade canoes made out carton in an attempt to reach and jump into a man-made pond at the bottom.<\/p>\n<p>And all of this in temperatures below zero.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThat was cold but fun! Wow! That was awesome! I\u2019ll get here next year too,\u201d said participant Andrew Fisher.<\/p>\n<p>About 15 of the decorated canoes with varying numbers of people on board took part in the race.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1681202093,"publishedAt":1681212301,"updatedAt":1681644755,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/04\/11\/canada-slush-cup-and-cardboard-canoe-race-takes-place-in-alberta","programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/52\/48\/62\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_ce41cf17-7353-5511-9a25-379bf7534509-7524862.jpg","altText":"Slush Cup and Cardboard Canoe Race in Alberta, Canada","caption":"Slush Cup and Cardboard Canoe Race in Alberta, Canada","captionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AP Photo","sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":13848,"slug":"snow","urlSafeValue":"snow","title":"Snow","titleRaw":"Snow"},{"id":15986,"slug":"yar-sma","urlSafeValue":"yar-sma","title":"competition","titleRaw":"competition"},{"id":44,"slug":"canada","urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","titleRaw":"Canada"}],"related":[],"technicalTags":[],"widgets":[],"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":{"quotation":null,"description":null,"author":null},"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":null,"contentType":null,"displayOverlay":0},"displayType":"default","video":1,"videos":[{"format":"mp4","quality":"md","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/med\/EN\/NC\/SU\/23\/04\/11\/en\/230411_NCSU_51185165_51185704_60000_103541_en.mp4","editor":"","duration":"60000","filesizeBytes":7897444,"expiresAt":0},{"format":"mp4","quality":"hd","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/EN\/NC\/SU\/23\/04\/11\/en\/230411_NCSU_51185165_51185704_60000_103541_en.mp4","editor":"","duration":"60000","filesizeBytes":12196708,"expiresAt":0}],"externalPartners":{"dailymotionId":"x8jz560","youtubeId":"TgdydYoNrSM"},"liveStream":[],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"AP","additionalSources":null,"additionalReporting":"Euronews","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"","program":{"id":"nocomment","urlSafeValue":"nocomment","title":"no comment","online":1,"url":"\/nocomment"},"vertical":"news","verticals":[{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"themes":[{"id":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"World","url":"\/\/\/news\/international"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":1,"urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":0,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"versions":[],"path":"\/video\/2023\/04\/11\/canada-slush-cup-and-cardboard-canoe-race-takes-place-in-alberta","lastModified":1681644755},{"id":2231466,"cid":7483486,"versionId":1,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230324_NWSU_50948368","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"grapeshot":"'gv_crime','gb_crime_edu','gb_crime_news-ent','gs_politics_misc','gs_society_misc','gs_politics','gs_politics_issues_policy','gs_society'","channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Biden in Canada to discuss security, trade and migration issues","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Biden in Canada to discuss security, trade and migration issues","titleListing2":"Canada will escalate its timeline for military upgrades to the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the two nations have reached an agreement to update rules for migrants seeking asylum.","leadin":"Two important agreements appeared to be in hand before Biden even departed Washington. Canada will escalate its timeline for military upgrades to the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the two nations have reached an agreement to update rules for migrants seeking asylum.","summary":"Two important agreements appeared to be in hand before Biden even departed Washington. Canada will escalate its timeline for military upgrades to the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the two nations have reached an agreement to update rules for migrants seeking asylum.","keySentence":null,"url":"biden-in-canada-to-discuss-security-trade-and-migration-issues","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Two important agreements appeared to be in hand before Biden even departed Washington. Canada will escalate its timeline for military upgrades to the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the two nations have reached an agreement to update rules for migrants seeking asylum, according to U.S. and Canadian officials. The officials were not authorized to comment publicly and requested anonymity. \n\n The migration deal eliminates a loophole under existing rules that will allow both countries to turn away asylum seekers at the countries' borders. The loophole resulted in thousands of migrants annually crossing into Canada from the U.S. at a non-official checkpoint, enabling them to stay in the country as they seek asylum instead of letting the process play out while staying in the U.S. \n\nAs part of the agreement, Canada is expected to announce that 15,000 migrants from the Western Hemisphere will be given slots to apply to enter the country, according to a Canadian official. \n\nThe new policy applies to people without U.S. or Canadian citizenship who are caught within 14 days of crossing the border between the two countries. Biden and Trudeau did not respond to questions from reporters about the agreement when the president and first lady Jill Biden arrived for a private gathering at the prime minister's residence. \n\nThe White House declined to comment on the agreement, which is expected to be formally announced Friday. \n\nThe visit comes as the Biden administration has made strengthening its relationship with Canada a priority over the past two years. Both sides see the meetings in the capital of Ottawa as an opportunity to set plans for the future. \n\nNational security \n\nNational security and air defences are top of the agenda.\u00a0 Canada announced last year it is investing $3.8\u00a0 billion (Canadian $4.9 billion) over the next six years to modernize NORAD radar systems and billions more years later, but David Cohen, the U.S. ambassador to Canada, has said the current threat climate calls for quicker investment. \n\n\nThe loophole in the U.S.-Canada migration rules allowed thousands of migrants to cross into Canada from the U.S. at a non-official checkpoint, enabling them to stay in the country as they seek asylum instead of letting the process play out while staying in the U.S. \n\nA quirk in a 2002 agreement between the U.S. and Canada says people seeking asylum must apply in the first country they arrive in. Migrants who go to an official crossing are returned to the U.S. and told to apply there. But those who arrive in Canada at a location other than a port of entry are allowed to stay and request protection, as has been happening on Roxham Road between Champlain, New York, and Quebec. \n\nMore than 39,000 claims were filed in 2022 by people who were intercepted by Canadian police, the vast majority of them in Quebec and at Roxham Road. \n\nThe broadened focus of Biden's visit represents an evolution of a friendship between the two countries that exceeds 150 years. The emphasis had more frequently been on issues like trade that had defined relations between the two countries, which share an 8,881 km (5,525-mile) border. \n\n\u201cThis visit is about taking stock of what we\u2019ve done, where we are and what we need to prioritize for the future,\u201d said John Kirby, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council. \u201cWe\u2019re going to talk about our two democracies stepping up to meet the challenges of our time.\u201d \n\nTrade \n\nThere will still be an emphasis on trade.\u00a0 The leaders are also expected to discuss tapping critical minerals that will enable the production of electric vehicles, and military and economic commitments at a moment that observers say is the most dangerous since World War II. \n\n\u201cThe United States is coming with big strategic issues on their mind,\" said Vincent Rigby, a former national security adviser to Trudeau. \"It\u2019s a world where they\u2019re looking to allies to help.\u201d \n\nTrade between the U.S. and Canada totalled an estimated record of \u20ac877 billion ($950 billion US) \u20ac875 billion (Canadian $1.3 trillion) in 2022. Each day, about 400,000 people cross the world\u2019s longest international border, and about 800,000 Canadian citizens live in the United States. There is close cooperation on defence, border security and law enforcement, and a vast overlap in culture, traditions and pastimes. \n\nBiden will address Parliament and Trudeau will host him for a state dinner Friday evening. It is Biden\u2019s first visit to Canada since he became president, but Trudeau also gave Biden a state dinner when he was vice president in December 2016 just before Donald Trump took office. \n\n\u201cIt didn\u2019t need to have happened. It was an incredibly well-timed and wise investment on the prime minister\u2019s part to do that and I think it\u2019s paid dividends,\u201d said Bruce Heyman, who was U.S. ambassador to Canada at the time. \n\nLast year, Canada was exempted from the subsidy restrictions for electric vehicles in Biden\u2019s Inflation Reduction Act. Heyman called it a huge win for Canada. \n\nThe NORAD partnership was in the spotlight recently when NORAD tracked a suspected Chinese spy balloon that passed over the two countries before being shot down over the coast of South Carolina.\u00a0 \n\nThe British, Australians and Japanese are all investing more in defence given the threats posed by Beijing and Moscow, and the U.S. expects its northern neighbour to do its part. \n\nCanada has long faced calls to increase its defence spending to 2% of its gross domestic product, the agreed-upon target by NATO members. Ottawa spends about 1.2% now. Canada announced in January it will purchase 88 F-35 fighter jets but at the time of the announcement said the first four won't arrive for another three years. \n\nThe U.S. is also pushing Canada to lead an international force in Haiti but Canada\u2019s top military official has suggested the country doesn\u2019t have the capacity.","htmlText":"<p>Two important agreements appeared to be in hand before Biden even departed Washington. Canada will escalate its timeline for military upgrades to the North American Aerospace Defense Command and the two nations have reached an agreement to update rules for migrants seeking asylum, according to U.S. and Canadian officials. The officials were not authorized to comment publicly and requested anonymity.<\/p>\n<p>The migration deal eliminates a loophole under existing rules that will allow both countries to turn away asylum seekers at the countries&#039; borders. The loophole resulted in thousands of migrants annually crossing into Canada from the U.S. at a non-official checkpoint, enabling them to stay in the country as they seek asylum instead of letting the process play out while staying in the U.S.<\/p>\n<p>As part of the agreement, Canada is expected to announce that 15,000 migrants from the Western Hemisphere will be given slots to apply to enter the country, according to a Canadian official.<\/p>\n<p>The new policy applies to people without U.S. or Canadian citizenship who are caught within 14 days of crossing the border between the two countries. Biden and Trudeau did not respond to questions from reporters about the agreement when the president and first lady Jill Biden arrived for a private gathering at the prime minister&#039;s residence.<\/p>\n<p>The White House declined to comment on the agreement, which is expected to be formally announced Friday.<\/p>\n<p>The visit comes as the Biden administration has made strengthening its relationship with Canada a priority over the past two years. Both sides see the meetings in the capital of Ottawa as an opportunity to set plans for the future.<\/p>\n<h2>National security<\/h2><h2>National security and air defences are top of the agenda.\u00a0Canada announced last year it is investing $3.8\u00a0billion (Canadian $4.9 billion) over the next six years to modernize NORAD radar systems and billions more years later, but David Cohen, the U.S. ambassador to Canada, has said the current threat climate calls for quicker investment.<\/h2><p>The loophole in the U.S.-Canada migration rules allowed thousands of migrants to cross into Canada from the U.S. at a non-official checkpoint, enabling them to stay in the country as they seek asylum instead of letting the process play out while staying in the U.S.<\/p>\n<p>A quirk in a 2002 agreement between the U.S. and Canada says people seeking asylum must apply in the first country they arrive in. Migrants who go to an official crossing are returned to the U.S. and told to apply there. But those who arrive in Canada at a location other than a port of entry are allowed to stay and request protection, as has been happening on Roxham Road between Champlain, New York, and Quebec.<\/p>\n<p>More than 39,000 claims were filed in 2022 by people who were intercepted by Canadian police, the vast majority of them in Quebec and at Roxham Road.<\/p>\n<p>The broadened focus of Biden&#039;s visit represents an evolution of a friendship between the two countries that exceeds 150 years. The emphasis had more frequently been on issues like trade that had defined relations between the two countries, which share an 8,881 km (5,525-mile) border.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThis visit is about taking stock of what we\u2019ve done, where we are and what we need to prioritize for the future,\u201d said John Kirby, a spokesman for the White House National Security Council. \u201cWe\u2019re going to talk about our two democracies stepping up to meet the challenges of our time.\u201d<\/p>\n<h2>Trade<\/h2><p>There will still be an emphasis on trade.\u00a0The leaders are also expected to discuss tapping critical minerals that will enable the production of electric vehicles, and military and economic commitments at a moment that observers say is the most dangerous since World War II.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cThe United States is coming with big strategic issues on their mind,\" said Vincent Rigby, a former national security adviser to Trudeau. \"It\u2019s a world where they\u2019re looking to allies to help.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>Trade between the U.S. and Canada totalled an estimated record of \u20ac877 billion ($950 billion US) \u20ac875 billion (Canadian $1.3 trillion) in 2022. Each day, about 400,000 people cross the world\u2019s longest international border, and about 800,000 Canadian citizens live in the United States. There is close cooperation on defence, border security and law enforcement, and a vast overlap in culture, traditions and pastimes.<\/p>\n<p>Biden will address Parliament and Trudeau will host him for a state dinner Friday evening. It is Biden\u2019s first visit to Canada since he became president, but Trudeau also gave Biden a state dinner when he was vice president in December 2016 just before Donald Trump took office.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIt didn\u2019t need to have happened. It was an incredibly well-timed and wise investment on the prime minister\u2019s part to do that and I think it\u2019s paid dividends,\u201d said Bruce Heyman, who was U.S. ambassador to Canada at the time.<\/p>\n<p>Last year, Canada was exempted from the subsidy restrictions for electric vehicles in Biden\u2019s Inflation Reduction Act. Heyman called it a huge win for Canada.<\/p>\n<p>The NORAD partnership was in the spotlight recently when NORAD tracked a suspected Chinese spy balloon that passed over the two countries before being shot down over the coast of South Carolina.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The British, Australians and Japanese are all investing more in defence given the threats posed by Beijing and Moscow, and the U.S. expects its northern neighbour to do its part.<\/p>\n<p>Canada has long faced calls to increase its defence spending to 2% of its gross domestic product, the agreed-upon target by NATO members. Ottawa spends about 1.2% now. Canada announced in January it will purchase 88 F-35 fighter jets but at the time of the announcement said the first four won&#039;t arrive for another three years.<\/p>\n<p>The U.S. is also pushing Canada to lead an international force in Haiti but Canada\u2019s top military official has suggested the country doesn\u2019t have the capacity.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1679621482,"publishedAt":1679643815,"updatedAt":1679643819,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/03\/24\/biden-in-canada-to-discuss-security-trade-and-migration-issues","programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/48\/34\/90\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_56c34e0e-fbfb-516b-a1b1-bec91aef9cc4-7483490.jpg","altText":"President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden pose for members of the media as they arrive to visit with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire","caption":"President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden pose for members of the media as they arrive to visit with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire","captionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Andrew Harnik\/Copyright 2023 The AP. All rights reserved","sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"height":683}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":9369,"slug":"illegal-immigration","urlSafeValue":"illegal-immigration","title":"Illegal immigration","titleRaw":"Illegal immigration"},{"id":147,"slug":"immigration","urlSafeValue":"immigration","title":"Immigration","titleRaw":"Immigration"},{"id":14512,"slug":"summit-of-the-americas","urlSafeValue":"summit-of-the-americas","title":"summit of the americas","titleRaw":"summit of the americas"},{"id":6005,"slug":"joe-biden","urlSafeValue":"joe-biden","title":"Joe Biden","titleRaw":"Joe Biden"},{"id":11929,"slug":"justin-trudeau","urlSafeValue":"justin-trudeau","title":"Justin Trudeau","titleRaw":"Justin Trudeau"}],"related":[{"id":2233182}],"technicalTags":[],"widgets":[],"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":{"quotation":null,"description":null,"author":null},"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":null,"contentType":null,"displayOverlay":0},"displayType":"default","video":1,"videos":[{"format":"mp4","quality":"md","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/med\/EN\/NW\/SU\/23\/03\/24\/en\/230324_NWSU_50948368_50949977_35000_082420_en.mp4","editor":"","duration":"35000","filesizeBytes":4558184,"expiresAt":0},{"format":"mp4","quality":"hd","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/EN\/NW\/SU\/23\/03\/24\/en\/230324_NWSU_50948368_50949977_35000_082420_en.mp4","editor":"","duration":"35000","filesizeBytes":6978920,"expiresAt":0}],"externalPartners":[],"liveStream":[],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"AP","additionalSources":null,"additionalReporting":"Euronews","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"","program":{"id":"world","urlSafeValue":"world","title":"world news","online":1,"url":"\/\/\/programs\/world"},"vertical":"news","verticals":[{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"}],"primaryVertical":{"id":1,"slug":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"themes":[{"id":"news","urlSafeValue":"news","title":"World","url":"\/\/\/news\/international"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":1,"urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":0,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":[],"versions":[],"path":"\/2023\/03\/24\/biden-in-canada-to-discuss-security-trade-and-migration-issues","lastModified":1679643819},{"id":2220138,"cid":7449600,"versionId":4,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230308_NWSU_50721789","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','pos_ukrainecriris_ru','gs_politics','gs_politics_issues_policy','gs_politics_misc'","channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Ursula von der Leyen in Canada for talks on renewable energy and Ukraine aid","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"EU Commission President asks Canada for lithium and more Ukraine aid","titleListing2":"As the only supplier of lithium in the northern hemisphere, Canada is key for the EU's energy transition.","leadin":"As the only supplier of lithium in the northern hemisphere, Canada is key for the EU's energy transition away from fossil fuels.","summary":"As the only supplier of lithium in the northern hemisphere, Canada is key for the EU's energy transition away from fossil fuels.","keySentence":null,"url":"ursula-von-der-leyen-in-canada-for-talks-on-renewable-energy-and-ukraine-aid","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"On her visit to Canada, the European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen,\u00a0addressed the Canadian parliament as part of her charm offensive across the Atlantic. Her goal is to promote cooperation in areas such as energy transition, climate action and support for Ukraine. \n\nWith the fallout from the war in Ukraine felt across the European Union, the bloc is racing to end fossil fuel reliance on Moscow and ramp up the production of homegrown renewable energy. But Von der Leyen knows that will require more access to critical minerals and raw materials like lithium - which Canada has. \n\nBoth Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the European Commission president agreed to develop cross-Atlantic trade in green hydrogen to help the EU meet its energy needs.\u00a0\" The European Union is planning on producing on its own 10 million tonnes of hydrogen by 2030, but also importing 10 million tons of hydrogen by 2030 ,\" said von der Leyen. \n\nCanada is actually the only country in the northern hemisphere with all the raw materials needed to produce lithium-ion batteries. In January, von der Leyen put forward the idea of a \"Critical Raw Materials Club\", which she is expected to pursue on Friday with US President Joe Biden. \n\nJustin Trudeau said on Tuesday that\u00a0Canada is extending its mission to train Ukrainian combat engineers and medics until October.\u00a0Trudeau also pledged $3 million Canadian dollars for de-mining efforts and vowed with the EU to deliver generators to Ukraine, which has suffered repeated attacks on its power grid since the full-scale Russian invasion began a year ago. \n\n\"Canada will stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Ukraine as long as it takes,\" said the Canadian president.\u00a0 \n\nOttawa has committed more than\u00a0 one billion Canadian dollars in military assistance to Ukraine over the past year, including Leopard 2 tanks, other armoured vehicles, surface-to-air missiles, howitzers and munitions. \n\nVon der Leyen welcomed Ottawa's commitment, while recalling that the EU has spent more than 12 billion euros on military equipment for Ukraine and intends to complete training for as many as 30,000 Ukrainian troops by the end of the year. \n\nVon der Leyen is on a multi-day visit to Canada.\u00a0 She will then travel to the United States where she will be received on Friday by President Joe Biden.","htmlText":"<p>On her visit to Canada, the European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen,\u00a0addressed the Canadian parliament as part of her charm offensive across the Atlantic. Her goal is to promote cooperation in areas such as energy transition, climate action and support for Ukraine.<\/p>\n<p>With the fallout from the war in Ukraine felt across the European Union, the bloc is racing to end fossil fuel reliance on Moscow and ramp up the production of homegrown renewable energy. But Von der Leyen knows that will require more access to critical minerals and raw materials like lithium - which Canada has.<\/p>\n<p>Both Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the European Commission president agreed to develop cross-Atlantic trade in green hydrogen to help the EU meet its energy needs.\u00a0\"<em>The European Union is planning on producing on its own 10 million tonnes of hydrogen by 2030, but also importing 10 million tons of hydrogen by 2030<\/em>,\" said von der Leyen.<\/p>\n<p>Canada is actually the only country in the northern hemisphere with all the raw materials needed to produce lithium-ion batteries. In January, von der Leyen put forward the idea of a \"Critical Raw Materials Club\", which she is expected to pursue on Friday with US President Joe Biden.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-quotation\n widget--size-fullwidth\n widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__content\">\n <blockquote class=\"widget__quote\">\n <span class=\"widget__quoteText\">China produces 98% of Europe's supplies of rare earth and Europe needs to de-risk this dependency<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n <cite class=\"widget__author\">\n <div class=\"widget__authorText\">\n Ursula von der Leyen\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"widget__author_descriptionText\">\n EU Comission President\n <\/div>\n <\/cite>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Justin Trudeau said on Tuesday that\u00a0Canada is extending its mission to train Ukrainian combat engineers and medics until October.\u00a0Trudeau also pledged $3 million Canadian dollars for de-mining efforts and vowed with the EU to deliver generators to Ukraine, which has suffered repeated attacks on its power grid since the full-scale Russian invasion began a year ago.<\/p>\n<p>\"Canada will stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Ukraine as long as it takes,\" said the Canadian president.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Ottawa has committed more than\u00a0 one billion Canadian dollars in military assistance to Ukraine over the past year, including Leopard 2 tanks, other armoured vehicles, surface-to-air missiles, howitzers and munitions.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7436638\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Which countries are sending heavy weapons to Ukraine, and is it enough?<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Von der Leyen welcomed Ottawa&#039;s commitment, while recalling that the EU has spent more than 12 billion euros on military equipment for Ukraine and intends to complete training for as many as 30,000 Ukrainian troops by the end of the year.<\/p>\n<p>Von der Leyen is on a multi-day visit to Canada.\u00a0 She will then travel to the United States where she will be received on Friday by President Joe Biden.<\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1678253449,"publishedAt":1678260452,"updatedAt":1678264518,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/2023\/03\/08\/ursula-von-der-leyen-in-canada-for-talks-on-renewable-energy-and-ukraine-aid","programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/44\/96\/00\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_4cfed374-2010-59c2-92c7-5e9ebd42faf1-7449600.jpg","altText":"President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leave a welcoming ceremony in Ottawa, Ontario.","caption":"President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau leave a welcoming ceremony in Ottawa, Ontario.","captionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Justin Tang\/AP","sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1024,"height":709},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/44\/96\/12\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_deb827eb-0670-5ca1-82e0-71a606aa35ad-7449612.jpg","altText":null,"caption":null,"captionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Spencer Colby \/ AP Photo","sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":3050,"height":1716}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[]},"keywords":[{"id":18906,"slug":"ursula-von-der-leyen","urlSafeValue":"ursula-von-der-leyen","title":"Ursula von der Leyen","titleRaw":"Ursula von der Leyen"},{"id":44,"slug":"canada","urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","titleRaw":"Canada"},{"id":105,"slug":"european-union","urlSafeValue":"european-union","title":"European Union","titleRaw":"European Union"},{"id":90,"slug":"eu-commission","urlSafeValue":"eu-commission","title":"European Commission","titleRaw":"European Commission"},{"id":26692,"slug":"war-in-ukraine","urlSafeValue":"war-in-ukraine","title":"Ukraine war","titleRaw":"Ukraine war"},{"id":11929,"slug":"justin-trudeau","urlSafeValue":"justin-trudeau","title":"Justin Trudeau","titleRaw":"Justin Trudeau"}],"related":[{"id":2219544},{"id":2222714}],"technicalTags":[],"widgets":[{"slug":"quotation","count":1},{"slug":"related","count":1}],"allViews":0,"allViewsMeta":{"pointOfView":{"quotation":null,"description":null,"author":null},"survey":[],"tweetId":0,"tweet2NdId":null,"contentType":null,"displayOverlay":0},"displayType":"default","video":1,"videos":[{"format":"mp4","quality":"md","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/med\/EN\/NW\/SU\/23\/03\/08\/en\/230308_NWSU_50721789_50724932_106000_094924_en.mp4","editor":"","duration":"106000","filesizeBytes":13453140,"expiresAt":0},{"format":"mp4","quality":"hd","type":"normal","url":"https:\/\/\/mp4\/EN\/NW\/SU\/23\/03\/08\/en\/230308_NWSU_50721789_50724932_106000_094924_en.mp4","editor":"","duration":"106000","filesizeBytes":20332372,"expiresAt":0}],"externalPartners":{"dailymotionId":"x8ix3gw","youtubeId":"I8U7c158CjQ"},"liveStream":[],"scribbleLiveId":0,"scribbleLiveRibbon":0,"isLiveCoverage":0,"sourceId":1,"sources":[],"externalSource":"AP","additionalSources":null,"additionalReporting":"Euronews","freeField1":null,"freeField2":"","type":"","program":{"id":"world","urlSafeValue":"world","title":"world 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News","url":"\/\/\/news\/international"}],"primaryTheme":{"id":1,"urlSafeValue":"news","title":"News"},"advertising":0,"advertisingData":{"startDate":0,"endDate":0,"type":null,"isDfp":0,"slug":null,"title":null,"disclaimerLabelKey":null,"sponsor":null,"sponsorName":null,"sponsorUrl":null,"sponsorLogo":"","sponsorLogoReverse":""},"geoLocation":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"location":1,"continent":{"id":4392,"urlSafeValue":"america","title":"America"},"country":{"id":44,"urlSafeValue":"canada","title":"Canada","url":"\/news\/america\/canada"},"town":{"id":4318,"urlSafeValue":"ottawa","title":"Ottawa"},"versions":[],"path":"\/2023\/03\/08\/ursula-von-der-leyen-in-canada-for-talks-on-renewable-energy-and-ukraine-aid","lastModified":1678264518},{"id":2214682,"cid":7433896,"versionId":6,"archive":0,"housenumber":"230301_NWSU_50619867","owner":"euronews","isMagazine":0,"grapeshot":"'gv_safe','gb_safe','gs_busfin','gs_science','gt_negative','gt_negative_fear','gs_news_and_weather','gs_news'","channels":[{"id":1},{"id":2},{"id":3},{"id":4},{"id":5},{"id":10},{"id":12},{"id":14}],"status":2,"title":"Should TikTok be banned? Your guide to understanding why the platform is under fire","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"TikTok ban: Why is the social media platform under fire?","titleListing2":"Should TikTok be banned? Your guide to understanding why the platform is under fire","leadin":"After the US and the EU Commission, Canada also banned the TikTok app from government-issued devices on Monday. What's going on?","summary":"After the US and the EU Commission, Canada also banned the TikTok app from government-issued devices on Monday. What's going on?","keySentence":null,"url":"should-tiktok-be-banned-your-guide-to-understanding-why-the-platform-is-under-fire","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"The social media app TikTok has become a dominant force, especially when influencing teenagers. But over these past few weeks, there have been growing concerns for many Western governments over the platform\u2019s Chinese ownership. \n\nOn Monday, Canada followed the European Union's three main institutions (the European Commission, Council, and Parliament) and the United States by banning TikTok from government devices. They\u00a0cited an \"unacceptable\" level of risk to privacy and security.\u00a0 \n\nSo, why is TikTok being banned and how serious is the threat? \n\nWhy TikTok is under fire? \n\nTikTok is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance which has faced accusations that it collects users' data and hands it over to the Chinese government. \n\nSome experts are worried that sensitive information could be exposed when the app is downloaded, especially on government devices. \n\nIn June 2022, BuzzFeed revealed leaked audio from internal meetings that showed China-based employees of ByteDance had \"repeatedly\" accessed non-public data from American users, including journalists. \n\nIn December, Forbes reported that TikTok had spied on several of its journalists who were covering ByteDance by comparing their location information with that of workers suspected of acting as confidential sources. The hacking - which had targeted the author of the original BuzzFeed report who went on to work at Forbes - yielded no concrete results.\u00a0 \n\nThe company condemned the transgression and admitted personal data and IP addresses had been accessed by four ByteDance employees - two based in the US and two based in China - who were later fired after an internal investigation was conducted. \n\nOther experts raise the issue of reciprocity. China has banned the majority of US-owned social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.\u00a0 \n\n\"One thing that never comes up in this discussion is reciprocity. We get China's biggest social media into our country, but China doesn't get our biggest social media into their country. What are they so worried about?\" James Lewis, a\u00a0technology and public policy analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), told Euronews.\u00a0 \n\nLike other specialists who are pro-banning TikTok, he believes that TikTok poses a real national security threat to the US and other countries due to the risk of Chinese surveillance. \n\nWhat are the arguments against a TikTok ban on government devices? \n\nThe UK announced it will not follow Brussels and the US in banning TikTok on government devices.\u00a0 \n\nMichelle Donelan, the British Minister for Science, Innovation, and Technology,\u00a0 told Politico that it should be \"a personal choice\". \n\n\u201cWe have no evidence to suggest that there is a necessity to ban people from using TikTok,\u201d she said.\u00a0 \n\nThese statements are echoed by multiple cybersecurity and technology experts interviewed by Euronews. \n\n\"If the ban is about the concerns around data sharing, then I would say that government devices shouldn't either have WhatsApp or Facebook,\" explained Madeline Carr, a cybersecurity and politics professor at University College London (UCL).\u00a0 \n\n\"We know very well that those platforms do collect and share our data. They're constantly being fined by their data protection agencies. So we know those are dangerous\". \n\nUS-based companies such as Uber and Facebook also reportedly tracked the location of journalists reporting on their apps. And there was no international ban on these platforms.\u00a0 \n\nOther experts have argued the ban is a veiled attempt at undermining China. \u00a0 \n\n\"Politicians in the United States are eager to show that they're standing up to China, which has been configured as the main geopolitical enemy,\" said Anupam Chander, an expert on global regulation of technology at Georgetown University.\u00a0 \n\n\"It's rather haphazard and focused on one geopolitical rival, but not really a comprehensive national security strategy,\" he told Euronews.\u00a0 \n\nCan TikTok be banned for everyone, not just government officials? \n\nThe US Congress is currently debating whether TikTok should be banned for everyone in the US, not just government officials. \n\nThis has caused quite a bit of backlash. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), for instance,\u00a0 tweeted : \"A ban on TikTok would violate the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans\". \n\nBut many experts following the case are skeptical that a widespread ban could actually be put in place, especially in the US.\u00a0 \n\n\"There are limits on the authorities the US has to actually ban an app. It would be unconstitutional given the right to free speech,\" said CSIS' Lewis.\u00a0 \n\nChander believes other measures can be taken to mitigate any surveillance risks. \"I think transparency, auditing, and privacy obligations, as well national security testing should be put in place. I think bans are a step beyond what US law would tolerate\". \n\nHow have TikTok and China responded? \n\nThe Chinese Foreign Ministry slammed these decisions on Tuesday, insisting Western governments have nothing to fear.\u00a0 \n\n\u201cAs the world\u2019s top superpower, how unsure of itself can the US be to fear a young people's favorite app to such a degree,\" said Mao Ning, the spokesperson for China's foreign ministry. \n\n\"The US has been overstretching the concept of national security and abusing state power to suppress other countries\u2019 companies. We firmly oppose those wrong actions\". \n\nEuronews reached out to TikTok for a comment. Their spokesperson replied via email, calling the bans \"basic misinformation\". \n\n\u201cWe appreciate that some governments have wisely chosen not to implement such bans due to a lack of evidence that there is any such need, but it's disappointing to see that other government bodies and institutions are banning TikTok on employee devices with no deliberation or evidence,\" said the social media platform. \n\nFor more on this story, watch our report from The Cube in the media player above.","htmlText":"<p>The social media app TikTok has become a dominant force, especially when influencing teenagers. But over these past few weeks, there have been growing concerns for many Western governments over the platform\u2019s Chinese ownership.<\/p>\n<p>On Monday, Canada followed the European Union&#039;s three main institutions (the European Commission, Council, and Parliament) and the United States by banning TikTok from government devices. They\u00a0cited an \"unacceptable\" level of risk to privacy and security.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>So, why is TikTok being banned and how serious is the threat?<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7437744\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Which countries have banned TikTok and why?<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Why TikTok is under fire?<\/h2><p>TikTok is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance which has faced accusations that it collects users&#039; data and hands it over to the Chinese government.<\/p>\n<p>Some experts are worried that sensitive information could be exposed when the app is downloaded, especially on government devices.<\/p>\n<p>In June 2022, <a href="https:////">BuzzFeed revealed<\/strong><\/a> leaked audio from internal meetings that showed China-based employees of ByteDance had \"repeatedly\" accessed non-public data from American users, including journalists.<\/p>\n<p>In December, <a href="https:////\%22>Forbes reported<\/strong><\/a> that TikTok had spied on several of its journalists who were covering ByteDance by comparing their location information with that of workers suspected of acting as confidential sources. The hacking - which had targeted the author of the original BuzzFeed report who went on to work at Forbes - yielded no concrete results.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>The company condemned the transgression and admitted personal data and IP addresses had been accessed by four ByteDance employees - two based in the US and two based in China - who were later fired after an internal investigation was conducted.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7432782\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Denmark's parliament urges politicians to delete TikTok over cybersecurity<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Other experts raise the issue of reciprocity. China has banned the majority of US-owned social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>\"One thing that never comes up in this discussion is reciprocity. We get China&#039;s biggest social media into our country, but China doesn&#039;t get our biggest social media into their country. What are they so worried about?\" James Lewis, a\u00a0technology and public policy analyst at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), told Euronews.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Like other specialists who are pro-banning TikTok, he believes that TikTok poses a real national security threat to the US and other countries due to the risk of Chinese surveillance.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7422524\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">European Commission bans its staff from using TikTok over China cybersecurity concerns<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>What are the arguments against a TikTok ban on government devices?<\/h2><p>The UK announced it will not follow Brussels and the US in banning TikTok on government devices.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Michelle Donelan, the British Minister for Science, Innovation, and Technology,\u00a0<a href="https:////">told Politico<\/strong><\/a> that it should be \"a personal choice\".<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-quotation\n widget--size-medium\n widget--align-right\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__content\">\n <blockquote class=\"widget__quote\">\n <span class=\"widget__quoteText\">If the ban is about the concerns around data sharing, then I would say that government devices shouldn't either have WhatsApp or Facebook.<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n <cite class=\"widget__author\">\n <div class=\"widget__authorText\">\n Madeline Carr\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"widget__author_descriptionText\">\n Cybersecurity and politics professor, UCL\n <\/div>\n <\/cite>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>\u201cWe have no evidence to suggest that there is a necessity to ban people from using TikTok,\u201d she said.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>These statements are echoed by multiple cybersecurity and technology experts interviewed by Euronews.<\/p>\n<p>\"If the ban is about the concerns around data sharing, then I would say that government devices shouldn&#039;t either have WhatsApp or Facebook,\" explained Madeline Carr, a cybersecurity and politics professor at University College London (UCL).\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>\"We know very well that those platforms do collect and share our data. They&#039;re constantly being fined by their data protection agencies. So we know those are dangerous\".<\/p>\n<p>US-based companies such as Uber and Facebook <a href="https:////\%22>also reportedly tracked<\/strong><\/a> the location of journalists reporting on their apps. And there was no international ban on these platforms.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Other experts have argued the ban is a veiled attempt at undermining China. \u00a0<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7297602\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">TikTok battles privacy concerns and espionage fears in Europe<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>\"Politicians in the United States are eager to show that they&#039;re standing up to China, which has been configured as the main geopolitical enemy,\" said Anupam Chander, an expert on global regulation of technology at Georgetown University.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>\"It&#039;s rather haphazard and focused on one geopolitical rival, but not really a comprehensive national security strategy,\" he told Euronews.\u00a0<\/p>\n<h2>Can TikTok be banned for everyone, not just government officials?<\/h2><p>The US Congress is currently debating whether TikTok should be banned for everyone in the US, not just government officials.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-quotation\n widget--size-medium\n widget--align-right\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__content\">\n <blockquote class=\"widget__quote\">\n <span class=\"widget__quoteText\">As the world\u2019s top superpower, how unsure of itself can the US be to fear a young people's favorite app to such a degree.<\/span>\n <\/blockquote>\n <cite class=\"widget__author\">\n <div class=\"widget__authorText\">\n Mao Ning\n <\/div>\n <div class=\"widget__author_descriptionText\">\n Spokesperson, Chinese foreign ministry\n <\/div>\n <\/cite>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>This has caused quite a bit of backlash. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), for instance,\u00a0<a href="https:////">tweeted: \"A ban on TikTok would violate the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans\".<\/p>\n<p>But many experts following the case are skeptical that a widespread ban could actually be put in place, especially in the US.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>\"There are limits on the authorities the US has to actually ban an app. It would be unconstitutional given the right to free speech,\" said CSIS&#039; Lewis.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>Chander believes other measures can be taken to mitigate any surveillance risks. \"I think transparency, auditing, and privacy obligations, as well national security testing should be put in place. I think bans are a step beyond what US law would tolerate\".<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7437180\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">TikTok sets 60-minute screen time limit for users under 18 - and a 'sleep reminder' for all<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>How have TikTok and China responded?<\/h2><p>The Chinese Foreign Ministry slammed these decisions on Tuesday, insisting Western governments have nothing to fear.\u00a0<\/p>\n<p>\u201cAs the world\u2019s top superpower, how unsure of itself can the US be to fear a young people&#039;s favorite app to such a degree,\" said Mao Ning, the spokesperson for China&#039;s foreign ministry.<\/p>\n<p>\"The US has been overstretching the concept of national security and abusing state power to suppress other countries\u2019 companies. We firmly oppose those wrong actions\".<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7371928\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Gen Z is using TikTok as a search engine. Is this the end of Google?<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>Euronews reached out to TikTok for a comment. Their spokesperson replied via email, calling the bans \"basic misinformation\".<\/p>\n<p>\u201cWe appreciate that some governments have wisely chosen not to implement such bans due to a lack of evidence that there is any such need, but it&#039;s disappointing to see that other government bodies and institutions are banning TikTok on employee devices with no deliberation or evidence,\" said the social media platform.<\/p>\n<p><strong>For more on this story, watch our report from The Cube in the media player above.<\/strong><\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1677602068,"publishedAt":1677675584,"updatedAt":1677750068,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/next\/2023\/03\/01\/should-tiktok-be-banned-your-guide-to-understanding-why-the-platform-is-under-fire","programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/43\/38\/96\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_38329657-9b53-54f2-8ed4-7b14e8a3b0cb-7433896.jpg","altText":"TikTok is being banned by 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the Canadian family taking a world tour before their children lose their sight","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"This family turned a devastating diagnosis into a worldwide adventure","titleListing2":"Meet the Canadian family taking a world tour before the children lose their sight","leadin":"Parents Sebatien and Edith want to make memories that will last a lifetime.","summary":"Parents Sebatien and Edith want to make memories that will last a lifetime.","keySentence":null,"url":"meet-the-canadian-family-taking-a-world-tour-before-the-children-lose-their-sight","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"After a devastating diagnosis, this family is taking the trip of a lifetime. \n\nThree of Sebastien Pelletier and Edith Lemay\u2019s four children have a rare genetically inherited condition called retinitis pigmentosa. \n\nIt leads to a gradual degeneration of the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. People with the condition gradually lose their sight and the speed of their vision loss can vary dramatically. \n\nSo Sebastian and Edith have embarked on a family adventure to see and experience the wonders of the world before it's too late. \n\nWhy did the family decide to travel around the world? \n\nMia, now 13, was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at the age of three after her parents noticed how clumsy she was, especially at night. Seven-year-old Colin and five-year-old Laurent were also later diagnosed with the condition. Only Leo, their second eldest child, is unaffected. \n\n\u201cIt\u2019s kind of a blow, where you can\u2019t believe it. Then you try to say \u2018this can\u2019t be happening to us\u2019 then you get mad, etcetera,\u201d says Sebastien. \n\n\u201cSo, it\u2019s a whole process of trying to get over something that\u2019s bad and try to transform it into something that\u2019s not necessarily better but is normal and is part of life.\u201d \n\nAfter a specialist suggested they help prepare the children by showing them photos of places, animals and landscapes , the family decided to do one better. \n\n\u201cI decided that, OK, I\u2019m not going to show her elephants and giraffes in books , I\u2019m going to go show her in real life\u2026 and fill their memory with as much beautiful things as we could,\u201d Edith explains. \n\nAnd so began their round-the-world trip. \n\nBuilding memories that will last a lifetime \n\nSebastien and Edith chose the destinations but the children also got a say in the planning. \n\n\u201cWe did a bucket list of activities they wanted to do on the trip, so we had horseback riding; we had learning to surf ; sleeping on a train . Laurent actually wanted to drink juice on a camel for some odd reason. We thought it was really funny. He was four at the time but he was adamant - \u2018I want to drink juice on a camel,\u2019\u201d says Edith. \n\nThey set out a year ago and have so far been to 10 countries. Most recently they went to Bangkok , Thailand , where they visited ancient cultural sites and glittering riverside temples . Next on the list is Nepal . \n\nSoon the children will return to regular schooling in Canada after almost a year of travel. The sights and sounds of their trip will become memories but ones their parents hope will last a lifetime. \n\nWatch the video above to see the family travel around the world.","htmlText":"<p>After a devastating diagnosis, this family is taking the trip of a lifetime.<\/p>\n<p>Three of Sebastien Pelletier and Edith Lemay\u2019s four children have a rare genetically inherited condition called retinitis pigmentosa.<\/p>\n<p>It leads to a gradual degeneration of the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. People with the condition gradually lose their sight and the speed of their vision loss can vary dramatically.<\/p>\n<p>So Sebastian and Edith have embarked on a family adventure to see and experience the <a href="https:////">wonders of the world<\/strong><\/a> before it&#039;s too late.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7159064,7396934\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">How solo travel can help you find (platonic) love this Valentine\u2019s day<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">/u2018It/u2019s not rocket science\u2019: How a family of novice sailors started travelling the globe<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Why did the family decide to travel around the world?<\/h2><p>Mia, now 13, was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa at the age of three after her parents noticed how clumsy she was, especially at night. Seven-year-old Colin and five-year-old Laurent were also later diagnosed with the condition. Only Leo, their second eldest child, is unaffected.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIt\u2019s kind of a blow, where you can\u2019t believe it. Then you try to say \u2018this can\u2019t be happening to us\u2019 then you get mad, etcetera,\u201d says Sebastien.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cSo, it\u2019s a whole process of trying to get over something that\u2019s bad and try to transform it into something that\u2019s not necessarily better but is normal and is part of life.\u201d<\/p>\n<p>After a specialist suggested they help prepare the children by showing them photos of places, <a href="https:////">animals and <a href="https:////">landscapes, the family decided to do one better.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cI decided that, OK, I\u2019m not going to show her <a href="https:////">elephants and giraffes in <a href="https:////">books, I\u2019m going to go show her in real life\u2026 and fill their memory with as much beautiful things as we could,\u201d Edith explains.<\/p>\n<p>And so began their round-the-world trip.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7418474,7410068\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">I went stargazing in Europe\u2019s largest dark sky park. This is why it\u2019s worth a visit<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Where love is illegal: What it's really like travelling Sri Lanka as a gay couple <\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Building memories that will last a lifetime<\/h2><p>Sebastien and Edith chose the destinations but the children also got a say in the planning.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cWe did a <a href="https:////">bucket list<\/strong><\/a> of activities they wanted to do on the trip, so we had horseback riding; we had learning to <a href="https:////">surf; <a href="https:////">sleeping on a train<\/strong><\/a>. Laurent actually wanted to drink juice on a <a href="https:////">camel for some odd reason. We thought it was really funny. He was four at the time but he was adamant - \u2018I want to drink juice on a camel,\u2019\u201d says Edith.<\/p>\n<p>They set out a year ago and have so far been to 10 countries. Most recently they went to <a href="https:////">Bangkok, <a href="https:////">Thailand, where they visited ancient cultural sites and glittering riverside <a href="https:////">temples. Next on the list is <a href="https:////">Nepal./n

    Soon the children will return to regular schooling in <a href="https:////">Canada after almost a year of travel. The sights and sounds of their trip will become memories but ones their parents hope will last a lifetime.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Watch the video above to see the family travel around the world.<\/strong><\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1677251354,"publishedAt":1677496129,"updatedAt":1677592465,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/travel\/2023\/02\/27\/meet-the-canadian-family-taking-a-world-tour-before-the-children-lose-their-sight","programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/42\/58\/48\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_04c84721-69ae-5108-8d91-0c40c7b53711-7425848.jpg","altText":"The Family boarding a boat in Bangkok, Thailand.","caption":"The Family boarding a boat in Bangkok, Thailand.","captionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"EDITH LEMAY\/@PLEINLEURSYEUX via AP","sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[{"urlSafeValue":"caron","title":"Maxime Caron","twitter":""}]},"keywords":[{"id":22426,"slug":"camel","urlSafeValue":"camel","title":"Camel","titleRaw":"Camel"},{"id":14890,"slug":"family","urlSafeValue":"family","title":"family","titleRaw":"family"},{"id":503,"slug":"bangkok","urlSafeValue":"bangkok","title":"Bangkok","titleRaw":"Bangkok"},{"id":12073,"slug":"children","urlSafeValue":"children","title":"Children","titleRaw":"Children"},{"id":24730,"slug":"eye-diseases","urlSafeValue":"eye-diseases","title":"eye diseases","titleRaw":"eye 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iconic canal ice rink hasn't frozen this year: What's going on?","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"World\u2019s biggest ice rink threatened by climate change","titleListing2":"Canada's iconic canal ice rink hasn't frozen this year: What's going on?","leadin":"The ice isn\u2019t thick enough to support the weight of skaters or equipment.","summary":"The ice isn\u2019t thick enough to support the weight of skaters or equipment.","keySentence":null,"url":"canadas-iconic-canal-ice-rink-hasnt-frozen-this-year-whats-going-on","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"The largest outdoor skating rink in the world might not open this year due to a lack of ice. It would be the first time in five decades that it\u2019s closed. \n\nIt has been too warm in Ottawa, Canada for the iconic Rideau Canal Skateway to properly freeze. The city is in the grips of its third-warmest winter ever recorded, according to Environment Canada. \n\nTemperatures have been hovering just below freezing for much of December and January. They are usually much colder reach around -5\u00b0C to -10\u00b0C. \n\n\u201cMother nature has presented us with a big challenge this year,\u201d says Bruce Devine, a National Capital Commission senior manager who is responsible for the skateway. \n\n\u201cMild temperatures have made it difficult to make good, solid ice that can support the weight of our equipment and skaters.\u201d \n\nFor the canal to freeze, temperatures need to hold steady at -10 to -20\u00b0C for almost two weeks. Currently, Devine says, the ice is too porous and not of good enough quality for the rink to open. \n\nWith a cold snap forecast, he remains optimistic for what would be the skateway's latest opening on record. But others worry it might not open at all this year. \n\n\"The weather will be more conducive (for skating) next week,\" according to meteorologist Peter Kimbell. \n\n\"But will it be enough? I don't know.\" \n\nThe skateway is opening later and later every year \n\nRideau Canal Skateway winds 7.8 kilometres through the centre of Ottawa . It is the size of 90 Olympic skating rinks and is the biggest anywhere in the world, according to Guinness World Records. \n\nIt usually attracts 22,000 visitors a day who skate up and down taking in views of parliament and stopping at huts along the way for snacks and hot drinks. \n\nThe skateway normally opens at the end of December for 30 to 60 days of skating. But its opening has shifted later and later and stayed open for less time in recent years. \n\n\u201cEventually we\u2019ll get to a stage where it might not be possible to open the skateway,\u201d warns Shawn Kenny, a professor at Carleton University in Ottawa who studies climate impacts on ice . \n\nThis year the city was also forced to scale back outdoor activities for its annual Winterlude festival and hotel owners say booking numbers are down. \n\n\"It's really too bad for all the businesses and all the people who find joy (in skating),\u201d says 22-year-old student Clara Harman-Denhoed. \n\nBut, she adds, the situation highlights \"the impact that climate change has on us here.\" \n\nWatch the video above to learn more about how climate change has had an impact in Ottawa.\u00a0","htmlText":"<p>The largest outdoor skating rink in the world might not open this year due to a lack of ice. It would be the first time in five decades that it\u2019s closed.<\/p>\n<p>It has been too warm in Ottawa, <a href="https:////">Canada for the iconic Rideau Canal Skateway to properly freeze. The city is in the grips of its <a href="https:////">third-warmest winter<\/strong><\/a> ever recorded, according to Environment Canada.<\/p>\n<p>Temperatures have been hovering just below freezing for much of December and January. They are usually much colder reach around -5\u00b0C to -10\u00b0C.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cMother nature has presented us with a big challenge this year,\u201d says Bruce Devine, a National Capital Commission senior manager who is responsible for the skateway.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cMild temperatures have made it difficult to make good, solid ice that can support the weight of our equipment and skaters.\u201d<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7401196,7398024\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Flowering into frost: Climate change is \u2018destroying\u2019 Spain\u2019s treasured almonds<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Light pollution: City of London to ask high-rise buildings to switch off their lights at night<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>For the canal to freeze, temperatures need to hold steady at -10 to -20\u00b0C for almost two weeks. Currently, Devine says, the ice is too porous and not of good enough quality for the rink to open.<\/p>\n<p>With a cold snap forecast, he remains optimistic for what would be the skateway&#039;s latest opening on record. But others worry it might not open at all this year.<\/p>\n<p>\"The weather will be more conducive (for skating) next week,\" according to meteorologist Peter Kimbell.<\/p>\n<p>\"But will it be enough? I don&#039;t know.\"<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.5625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"AFP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/40\/46\/26\/384x216_cmsv2_c1e2b155-32e8-5ee2-b95b-238dc314c627-7404626.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/40\/46\/26\/640x360_cmsv2_c1e2b155-32e8-5ee2-b95b-238dc314c627-7404626.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/40\/46\/26\/750x422_cmsv2_c1e2b155-32e8-5ee2-b95b-238dc314c627-7404626.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/40\/46\/26\/828x466_cmsv2_c1e2b155-32e8-5ee2-b95b-238dc314c627-7404626.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/40\/46\/26\/1080x608_cmsv2_c1e2b155-32e8-5ee2-b95b-238dc314c627-7404626.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/40\/46\/26\/1200x675_cmsv2_c1e2b155-32e8-5ee2-b95b-238dc314c627-7404626.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/40\/46\/26\/1920x1080_cmsv2_c1e2b155-32e8-5ee2-b95b-238dc314c627-7404626.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Bruce Devine, senior manager facilities and programs at the National Capital Commission checks the ice condition on the Rideau Canal.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">AFP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>The skateway is opening later and later every year<\/h2><p>Rideau Canal Skateway winds 7.8 kilometres through the centre of <a href="https:////">Ottawa. It is the size of 90 Olympic skating rinks and is the biggest anywhere in the world, according to Guinness World Records.<\/p>\n<p>It usually attracts 22,000 visitors a day who skate up and down taking in views of parliament and stopping at huts along the way for snacks and hot drinks.<\/p>\n<p>The skateway normally opens at the end of December for 30 to 60 days of skating. But its opening has shifted later and later and stayed open for less time in recent years.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7285646,7384536\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">No snow: Europe\u2019s ski resorts forced to close amid record-breaking temperatures<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">More than 500 sea lions and 55,000 birds die from bird flu in Peru<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>\u201cEventually we\u2019ll get to a stage where it might not be possible to open the skateway,\u201d warns Shawn Kenny, a professor at Carleton University in Ottawa who studies climate impacts on <a href="https:////">ice./n

    This year the city was also forced to scale back <a href="https:////">outdoor activities<\/strong><\/a> for its annual Winterlude festival and hotel owners say booking numbers are down.<\/p>\n<p>\"It&#039;s really too bad for all the businesses and all the people who find joy (in skating),\u201d says 22-year-old student Clara Harman-Denhoed.<\/p>\n<p>But, she adds, the situation highlights \"the impact that climate change has on us here.\"<\/p>\n<p><strong>Watch the video above to learn more about how climate change has had an impact in Ottawa.<\/strong><\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1676474546,"publishedAt":1676548065,"updatedAt":1676548070,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/green\/2023\/02\/16\/canadas-iconic-canal-ice-rink-hasnt-frozen-this-year-whats-going-on","programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/40\/46\/26\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_dfac92a9-9c49-547f-9914-6175628fc52f-7404626.jpg","altText":"\u00a9","caption":"\u00a9","captionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"euronews","sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080},{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/40\/46\/26\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_c1e2b155-32e8-5ee2-b95b-238dc314c627-7404626.jpg","altText":"Bruce Devine, senior manager facilities and programs at the National Capital Commission checks the ice condition on the Rideau Canal.","caption":"Bruce Devine, senior manager facilities and programs at the National Capital Commission checks the ice condition on the Rideau Canal.","captionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"AFP","sourceUrl":null,"sourceCredit":null,"callToActionUrl":null,"callToActionText":null,"width":1920,"height":1080}],"authors":{"journalists":[{"urlSafeValue":"frost","title":"Rosie Frost","twitter":"@RosiecoFrost"}],"producers":[],"videoEditor":[{"urlSafeValue":"adhem","title":"Joanna Adhem","twitter":""}]},"keywords":[{"id":10003,"slug":"iceskating","urlSafeValue":"iceskating","title":"Iceskating","titleRaw":"Iceskating"},{"id":15386,"slug":"climate-change","urlSafeValue":"climate-change","title":"climate change","titleRaw":"climate 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athletes in Canada are braving -20\u00b0C and heavy snow to race canoes across the ice","titleSeo":null,"titleListing1":"Watch these ice canoe racers brave freezing temperatures in Canada","titleListing2":"These athletes in Canada are braving -20\u00b0C and heavy snow to race canoes across the ice","leadin":"This race is part of the Quebec Winter Carnival and is an annual tradition in the Canadian province.","summary":"This race is part of the Quebec Winter Carnival and is an annual tradition in the Canadian province.","keySentence":null,"url":"these-athletes-in-canada-are-braving-20c-and-heavy-snow-to-race-canoes-across-the-ice","masterCms":"v2","plainText":"Canoes line up at the foot of Old Quebec City in Canada . 50 teams are getting ready to brave dangerous ice slabs and swirling currents. \n\nA signal goes off and they launch onto the frozen surface of the river, using metal studded shoes to push the boats. \n\nThis isn\u2019t an expedition or rescue mission. These athletes are taking part in the extreme sport of ice canoe racing. \n\nThe 3.2-kilometre race is part of the Quebec Winter Carnival which is one of the biggest cold weather festivals in the world. Known locally as simply \u2018Carnaval\u2019 it brings thousands of people to the province every February. \n\nBut the 10-day-long festival is more than just a giant party. The first Carnival was held in 1894 and it became an annual tradition in 1955. \n\nThere are all kinds of activities and attractions, from local food ,\u00a0music and culture to events - like ice canoe racing. \n\nThe \u2018World Cup\u2019 of ice canoeing \n\nAfter a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, athletes returned to the St Lawrence River for the first time in three years \n\nThey paddled and pushed from the port of Quebec to the city of Levis on the opposite shore of the St Lawrence River and back. Part of the course involves pushing the boats across the ice, the other paddling them through the icy waters. \n\n\"It's a bit like the World Cup\" of ice canoeing, says an enthusiastic Vicki Clouet-C\u00f4t\u00e9, 30, who has been involved in this extreme sport for the past decade. \n\nIce canoeing dates back to the beginning of the European colonisation of North America. \n\n\u201cIt has become a sport and there is even a league,\u201d says Marie-\u00c8ve Jacob, executive director of the Qu\u00e9bec Winter Carnival. \n\n\u201cSo now there are canoe races all over the province of Quebec.\u201d \n\nQuebec\u2019s ice canoe race is a must-see event \n\nAs a team endeavour, success is above all about strategy, claims Yves Gilbert, a veteran of the sport. \n\n\u201cIt's generally not pure physical strength that counts, it's more the strategy, the way of approaching the ice.\u201d \n\nAnd this year, competitors faced particularly harsh conditions. There was heavy snowfall , reduced visibility and temperatures approaching -20\u00b0C. Still, some wore no hats or gloves in the extreme conditions. \n\n\u201cIt was absolutely crazy. If you've never seen it, you should come here and see it,\u201d says Bill Mcguinn, a spectator who travelled from New York to watch the race. \n\nWatch the video above to see Quebec Winter Carnival\u2019s ice canoe race.","htmlText":"<p>Canoes line up at the foot of Old Quebec City in <a href="https:////">Canada. 50 teams are getting ready to brave dangerous ice slabs and swirling currents.<\/p>\n<p>A signal goes off and they launch onto the frozen surface of the river, using metal studded shoes to push the boats.<\/p>\n<p>This isn\u2019t an expedition or rescue mission. These athletes are taking part in the <a href="https:////">extreme sport<\/strong><\/a> of ice canoe racing.<\/p>\n<p>The 3.2-kilometre race is part of the Quebec Winter <a href="https:////">Carnival which is one of the biggest cold weather festivals in the world. Known locally as simply \u2018Carnaval\u2019 it brings thousands of people to the province every February.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.666015625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"ALEXIS AUBIN&#47;AFP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/384x256_cmsv2_aa959d0d-b042-587c-ad96-5be0024971b9-7385540.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/640x426_cmsv2_aa959d0d-b042-587c-ad96-5be0024971b9-7385540.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/750x500_cmsv2_aa959d0d-b042-587c-ad96-5be0024971b9-7385540.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/828x551_cmsv2_aa959d0d-b042-587c-ad96-5be0024971b9-7385540.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/1080x719_cmsv2_aa959d0d-b042-587c-ad96-5be0024971b9-7385540.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/1200x799_cmsv2_aa959d0d-b042-587c-ad96-5be0024971b9-7385540.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/1920x1279_cmsv2_aa959d0d-b042-587c-ad96-5be0024971b9-7385540.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">Dozens of teams participate in this race in which they must cross the St Lawrence River.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">ALEXIS AUBIN&#47;AFP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>But the 10-day-long festival is more than just a giant party. The first Carnival was held in 1894 and it became an annual tradition in 1955.<\/p>\n<p>There are all kinds of activities and attractions, from <a href="https:////">local food<\/strong><\/a>,\u00a0music and culture to events - like ice canoe racing.<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"7381108,7333510\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">16 days from London to Morocco: All the places you can see on new rail adventure through Europe<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Confetti and deep-fried doughnuts: How to experience Venice Carnival like a local<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>The \u2018World Cup\u2019 of ice canoeing<\/h2><p>After a hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, athletes returned to the St Lawrence River for the first time in three years<\/p>\n<p>They paddled and pushed from the port of Quebec to the city of Levis on the opposite shore of the St Lawrence River and back. Part of the course involves pushing the boats across the ice, the other paddling them through the icy waters.<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.6666666666666666\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"Alexis Aubin &#47; AFP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/384x256_cmsv2_dd10a7d7-9a09-503f-b674-8d1ebd37f353-7385540.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/640x427_cmsv2_dd10a7d7-9a09-503f-b674-8d1ebd37f353-7385540.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/750x500_cmsv2_dd10a7d7-9a09-503f-b674-8d1ebd37f353-7385540.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/828x552_cmsv2_dd10a7d7-9a09-503f-b674-8d1ebd37f353-7385540.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/1080x720_cmsv2_dd10a7d7-9a09-503f-b674-8d1ebd37f353-7385540.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/1200x800_cmsv2_dd10a7d7-9a09-503f-b674-8d1ebd37f353-7385540.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/1920x1280_cmsv2_dd10a7d7-9a09-503f-b674-8d1ebd37f353-7385540.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">The ice canoe race is the main event of the Quebec City Carnival.<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">Alexis Aubin &#47; AFP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>\"It&#039;s a bit like the World Cup\" of ice canoeing, says an enthusiastic Vicki Clouet-C\u00f4t\u00e9, 30, who has been involved in this extreme sport for the past decade.<\/p>\n<p>Ice canoeing dates back to the beginning of the European colonisation of North America.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIt has become a sport and there is even a league,\u201d says Marie-\u00c8ve Jacob, executive director of the Qu\u00e9bec Winter Carnival.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cSo now there are canoe races all over the province of Quebec.\u201d<\/p>\n<div\n data-stories-id=\"6584774,5211254\"\n data-event=\"widget_related\"\n class=\"widget widget--type-related widget--size-fullwidth widget--align-center\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <ul class=\"widget__related_list\"><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">I visited the no.1 chalet in the French Alps and it changed my mind about ski holidays<\/a> <\/li><li class=\"widget__related_listItem\"> <a href="https:////">Snow castles and swimming with orcas: The best things to do in Lapland besides visiting Santa<\/a> <\/li><\/ul>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<h2>Quebec\u2019s ice canoe race is a must-see event<\/h2><p>As a team endeavour, success is above all about strategy, claims Yves Gilbert, a veteran of the sport.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIt&#039;s generally not pure physical strength that counts, it&#039;s more the strategy, the way of approaching the ice.\u201d<\/p>\n<div class=\"widget widget--type-image widget--size-fullwidth widget--animation-ease-in-up widget--align-center\" data-ratio=\"0.666015625\">\n <div class=\"widget__wrapper\">\n <div class=\"widget__ratio widget__ratio--auto\">\n <div class=\"widget__contents\">\n <figure class=\"widget__figure\">\n <img class=\"widgetImage__image\" loading=\"lazy\" src="https:////" alt=\"ALEXIS AUBIN&#47;AFP\" srcset=\"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/384x256_cmsv2_8c00913e-0226-5fa2-99ea-fbd727f6cb55-7385540.jpg 384w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/640x426_cmsv2_8c00913e-0226-5fa2-99ea-fbd727f6cb55-7385540.jpg 640w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/750x500_cmsv2_8c00913e-0226-5fa2-99ea-fbd727f6cb55-7385540.jpg 750w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/828x551_cmsv2_8c00913e-0226-5fa2-99ea-fbd727f6cb55-7385540.jpg 828w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/1080x719_cmsv2_8c00913e-0226-5fa2-99ea-fbd727f6cb55-7385540.jpg 1080w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/1200x799_cmsv2_8c00913e-0226-5fa2-99ea-fbd727f6cb55-7385540.jpg 1200w, https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/1920x1279_cmsv2_8c00913e-0226-5fa2-99ea-fbd727f6cb55-7385540.jpg 1920w\" sizes=\"(max-width: 768px) 95vw, (max-width: 1024px) 80vw, (max-width: 1280px) 55vw, 728px\"\/>\n <figcaption class=\"widget__caption\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionWrap\">\n <span class=\"widget__captionText\">A canoeist lies exhausted on the snow after crossing the finish line<\/span>\n <span class=\"widget__captionCredit\">ALEXIS AUBIN&#47;AFP<\/span>\n <\/span>\n <\/figcaption>\n <\/figure>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n\n<p>And this year, competitors faced particularly harsh conditions. There was heavy <a href="https:////">snowfall, reduced visibility and temperatures approaching -20\u00b0C. Still, some wore no hats or gloves in the extreme conditions.<\/p>\n<p>\u201cIt was absolutely crazy. If you&#039;ve never seen it, you should come here and see it,\u201d says Bill Mcguinn, a spectator who travelled from New York to watch the race.<\/p>\n<p><strong>Watch the video above to see Quebec Winter Carnival\u2019s ice canoe race.<\/strong><\/p>\n","hashtag":null,"createdAt":1675873879,"publishedAt":1675929653,"updatedAt":1675929703,"expiresAt":0,"canonical":"https:\/\/\/travel\/2023\/02\/09\/these-athletes-in-canada-are-braving-20c-and-heavy-snow-to-race-canoes-across-the-ice","programDeliverable":{"slug":"sujet","format":"default"},"images":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/articles\/stories\/07\/38\/55\/40\/{{w}}x{{h}}_cmsv2_9a212355-bc98-5ead-b8e2-1f6c9e2b19a5-7385540.jpg","altText":"A team pushes their canoe on the ice during the Quebec Winter Carnival Ice Canoe Race in Quebec City, Canada.","caption":"A team pushes their canoe on the ice during the Quebec Winter Carnival Ice Canoe Race in Quebec City, Canada.","captionUrl":null,"captionCredit":"Alexis Aubin \/ 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